Sentences with phrase «exam periods when»

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He used his kitchen timer (which, as it happened, resembled a tomato, or pomodoro, in Italian) to time the periods when he would work on one paper or study for one exam.
Attempt to toilet - train only when it is appropriate for the whole family, i.e. periods of stress such as Christmas or exam time are not ideal.
The study, published as a QMUL School of Economics and Finance Working Paper, looked at the period from 1998 to 2007, when English schools used a process called «borderlining» to regrade exams from students who narrowly missed out on a higher Key Stage result.
It is the reason why you always get acne before an exam period or when you're busy at work; it's the reason why everyone knows that stress causes pimples to appear.
Some new items I bought or created During the exam period the only thing I did when I was too tired before going to bed was strolling the sales sites of online shops (so it happened that I bought two instead of one pair of shoes) and creating new flower crowns.
Many high school juniors were overwhelmed last spring when they found themselves taking the SBAC, SAT, and Advanced Placement exams all within a short time period.
That early period is when your pet's bloodwork results («wellness exams, geriatric profiles») give your vet very little evidence that something is brewing.
The biggest downside is if they want to renew and extend the plan for another time period, they will have to reapply, take a medical exam and pay a higher rate since they will be older than when they bought their previous policy.
It is also one of the very few companies which can provide up to $ 1 million for a No - Medical exam policy, and has very fast turnaround period when it comes to processing an application.
With their term insurance plans, they don't require a medical exam, and there is no waiting period when you buy through Globe Life, which means the plan is going to be active form the first month.
It's comfortable enough to use for an extended period of time, like when you're holed up in the library the day before a final exam.
This would be ideal to use during lectures, exams and study periods, when quiet time and focus is needed.
When the supervision period is completed, the therapist can take a state licensing exam, or the national examination for marriage and family therapists conducted by the AAMFT Regulatory Boards.
When the supervision period is completed, you can apply to the regulatory commission to take a state licensing exam or the national examination for marriage and family therapists.
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