Sentences with phrase «examination period»

Researchers found that subjects who had the most stress during examination periods also had the worst acne outbreaks, suggesting emotional stress from external sources is a significant factor.
Free look period is also called free examination period.
This will be sent no more than twenty days before the beginning of your 90 - days examination period.
For example, during examination periods, I am not always granted the extended leave I ask for to prepare for and complete my papers peacefully.
By front loading the calendar this avoids key coursework deadlines / examination periods in the Spring Term and also allows time to embed the work undertaken before we evaluate late in the Summer term.
Free Look Period / Free Examination Period If you are not satisfied with the terms and conditions of the policy, you can return the policy within a specified period after receiving it and your premiums will be fully refunded.
The students visit their Partnership School every Friday afternoon during term time, excluding study leave during examination periods.
Interestingly, when I compared the two donation pages by examining the performance of each from the beginning of the analysis period to the end of the examination period, the new donation page outperformed the old donation page in both total donations and number of donors.
About 200 BECE candidates who were unable to write the English and Religious and Moral Education papers during this year's examination period will be placed in various Senior High Schools to further their education.
She said the council would continue to depend on the honesty of the invigilators stressing that the Council is relying on them to do a good job throughout the examination period.
JCQ and the qualifications regulator Ofqual have previously met with Muslim groups to discuss the timetabling of examinations in light of Ramadan moving into the examination period.
Lianne Laing and Brenda Hollingsworth answer a caller's question about his notice of examination and what he can expect during the examination period on CTV Morning Live.
Blockstream developers are testing the liquid network with Xapo, Kraken, Bitfinex and more during its examination period.
and more during its examination period.
The scheme enables Indigenous Australian students to access up to a maximum of 2 hours per week per subject additional tutorial assistance during the teaching period and up to a maximum of 5 hours in total during the examination period.
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