Sentences with phrase «examines more»

It also examines the more drastic and unusual procedures regarding DIY beauty enhancement therapies and internet» self - help» cosmetics, some of which become rather abstract images when isolated in this way.
«Jay Defeo: A Retrospective» at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York examines more than 150 of DeFeo's paintings, collages, photographs and jewelry, many of which are exhibited for the first time.
It then examines more closely what the industry uses when it makes comparisons with cash.
The report also examines more than 40 recently passed state laws that relate to school time.
An updated version of the Walk «bout, called Walk «bout II, examines more closely the cognitive depth of teachers» lessons through the lens of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.
«Dante» examines more research and the depiction of the movie's canine character.
Their book is the second of two volumes about the role for expert advice in the process of decision making by European governments, the first of which looked at the subject in general, while this examines the more specialised area of scientific advice and the way in which it is used to underpin large technological programmes.
From former beauty contestants to Terry Wogan's pants, TP examines the more unusual parties to have sought election
After examining more than 1,400 companies, Collins and his researchers settled on 11 companies that include Wells Fargo, Gillette, and Walgreens.
There's a compelling reason why: When its researchers examined more than 100 companies, they found that teaming up — even with rivals — boosted performance.
But he also examined the ideas themselves and found that people in groups examined a more limited range of suggestions.
First, let's examine some more benefits of working with LinkedIn groups as part of your content marketing strategy.
They examined more than 24,000 luxury hotels throughout the U.S.A, Europe, Canada, Mexico, and Bermuda.
Development of the Iron Dome began in 2005, at the order of the Ministry of Defense, after it examined more than 20 bids for a rocket interceptor system against the backdrop of kassam rocket barrages against communities in the south.
We are examining first - order scenarios in order to examine more complicated scenarios in a later article.
Anyone with a less juvenile mind and of serious contemplation would examine more substantial item of the Mormon faith.
When the mystery was examined more carefully, it was found to be entirely untrue.
In the following two chapters, I shall examine more precisely the various forms that parish stories assume and show how by observation and inquiry one can explore the setting of a congregation's narrative.
But the instrument is essentially a confirmatory device to give a quantitative indication of the belief patterns that participant observation and guided interviews examine more adequately and accurately.
I have voiced an objection to the abstractivist thesis, but there is no space to examine it more fully.
I guess my response to this letter would be to ask them to examine more closely how Jesus responded to those who claimed to be righteous yet boldly continued in their behavior contrary to God's word with arrogance and the pride of self - righteousness.
But let us examine it more closely.
The point of my response to Kinzer was to raise some theological issues that I think he needs to examine more fully.
We have already touched on these themes, but now we shall examine them more closely as Bonhoeffer develops them as guidelines for the life style of the «religionless Christian» who believes, in contrast to Marx, that his humanity becomes meaningful only in obedience to his Lord.
In the present statement, we examine more closely the nature of our life together.
Here let us examine more specifically how Marx found Christianity justifying the existing order.
In this final section, we examine more closely the Whiteheadian and Nietzschean solutions to the problem of ultimate evil: Whitehead's God and his essential relation to the temporal world, and Nietzsche's doctrine of the eternal recurrence.
al - Bukhari is said to have traveled widely and to have interviewed a thousand sheiks, or religious leaders, and to have examined more than 200,000 hadith, rejecting many of them.
Although the roles of a man «as a scientist» and «as a person» are never really separable, it is illuminating to examine more closely an individual's personal response to his professional life.
Here are the top 5 religion stories from 2010, according to the study, which examined more than 50,000 stories from newspapers, news websites, newscasts on network and cable TV and radio programming.
If we are to evaluate the adequacy of Cobb's concept of the differences accounting for God's varying and unique presence in individual persons generally and his unparalleled presence in Jesus more specifically, however, we must examine more carefully his understanding of the manner in which persons are able to minimize and / or maximize God's influence upon them and determine how this applies to Jesus as a special case.
This point is obviously of the greatest significance for this discussion and before going further it may be well to examine it more closely.
I propose to examine more closely the meaning of «acceptance as a term which both psychiatry and theology may use in describing the release of the self from its bondage.
We must now examine more closely the perspective in which Ricoeur carries on his project of opening the way for the text of Scripture to restore the «interval of interrogation» in which the question of faith can be heard.
Since so much in practice follows from this assumption, I propose that we examine it more closely.
In order to grasp more specifically how such causal influence might be possible let us examine more clearly the characteristics of the occasions that make up the world process.
Yet when their results are examined more carefully, they would seem, at the very least, to call for close monitoring of the economy with the distinction between improving economic welfare and growth of GNP in mind.
It was a question that required examining our more fundamental views of what human life is for, and what role society plays.
In order to approach this troubling question we should first examine more carefully what is meant by evil.
D.C.: Look, you're the one who helped us examine ourselves more critically.
DS100 + will be fully operational in July 2016, and Cork Supply expects to examine more than 20 million corks through the new process; by 2017, they expect to triple that capacity to 60 million corks.
It was interesting to find that large favorites have been incredibly profitable when they're trailing big at halftime, but we wanted to examine more general trends.
When we examine more and more lopsided bet games our overall units won drops, however, because the number of past system matches also drops we actually see our ROI rise at each data point.
The mortality rates would have to be examined more closely and control for differences such as these, in order to accurately compare the two.
We excluded a further 13 trials as the intervention was not designed to support continued breastfeeding; these studies examined more general interventions in the postnatal period (Ball 2011; Barlow 2006; Barnet 2002; Black 2001; Gagnon 1997; MacArthur 2002; Peterson 2002; Pollard 2011; Ratner 1999; Rush 1991; Serrano 2010; Thomson 2009; Wiggins 2005); a further trial by Baqui 2008 focused on breastfeeding initiation only, rather than on postnatal support to encourage continuation.
The Justice Department's investigation of Maziarz» campaign fund examined more than $ 137,000 in checks written to «cash,» including roughly $ 60,000 in expenditures not reported to the Board of Elections, according to a person briefed on the case.
Coleman at the onset had asked the trial court to examine more than 4,000 of these ballots.
The Buffalo Democrat said medical personnel then examined her more carefully and discovered a concussion.
That makes it important to examine more carefully the second chamber that we have actually got.
We need as a county to be examining a more sustainable approach in dealing with our waste stream, including greatly expanded efforts to reduce, recycle, reuse and compost.
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