Sentences with phrase «example after another of»

By piling on one example after another of problems that have resisted the onslaughts of our very best minds, Maddox gives us a bracing affirmation that future scientists will have a lot more to do than to add footnotes to the work their predecessors did in their first three hundred years.

Not exact matches

She tends to say little about her marriage beyond that (and after her interview with GQ, which she complained on her Facebook page was an example of the «dishonest media and their disingenuous reporting,» she is not likely to change that practice.)
If, for example, he wanted 10,000 shares of Apple, the HFTs would know about it after he bought the first 100.
Bharara told The New York Times shortly after he was fired that his ouster was a «direct example of the kind of uncertain Helter - skelter incompetence» that characterizes the Trump administration's personnel decisions.
For example, if you use a type of glue that will degenerate quickly you will not sell many products due to poor product reliability because your product will fail after several uses.
For example, the algorithm can hide or down - rank important content because of a built - in bias, as some accused the network of doing after a black man was shot in Ferguson, Mo. in 2014.
For example: if you have 100 traditional bulbs in your office, the monthly cost after an energy efficient upgrade would reduce from $ 100 to $ 20 --- providing a savings of $ 960 per year.
«I may tell them, for example, that if they adopt a certain trademark, there's a 15 percent chance that a larger company will come after them, but that they also have a 60 percent probability of success,» she says.
For example, after a cyberattack hobbled Estonia's communications network in 2007, the government and private sector joined forces to create a state - of - the - art security system known as keyless signature infrastructure.
For example, the Federal Open Market Committee explains the reasons for its policy decisions in a statement released after each regularly scheduled meeting, and three weeks later we publish minutes with a detailed summary of the meeting discussion.
Instead, it's an example of another very human tendency leaders need to guard against — we often forget to properly appreciate low - drama, super high achievers until after they've left us.
In another example, former deputy premier Nikola Sainovic was appointed to a top body of Serbia's Socialist Party, the junior partner in the ruling coalition, after serving two thirds of an 18 - year sentence for crimes against ethnic Albanians in the Kosovo war.
For example, you can use your mornings to reply all of the emails from the previous day and after finishing your emails, you can do your meetings or phone calls, then, you can work on your project and finally, you can check your emails again.
His persistence in continually searching for solutions after facing one failure after another is a prime example of the utter importance of focusing on ways to advance.
Whether it's a new product or something as benign as a store layout, you don't have to look hard to find examples of (largely white) men at tech companies siloing themselves off to develop The Next Big Thing, only to discover a major, avoidable flaw after the fact.
DHR International has put together an infographic that outlines four easy tactics you can implement to improve your company's information security, three critical steps to take after a data breach and examples of major companies that suffered at the hands of Internet hackers.
One of my favorite examples of this is Vital Vio, a company founded by biomedical engineer Colleen Costell after her grandmother fell sick while in the hospital — the one place Colleen's family thought she'd recover.
Hauppauge, for example, quickly put out a statement after the FCC news broke to say that it supports the FCC's proposal and that it will «encourage innovative developers to create products which will lower consumer costs, increase the selection of content available to consumers and allow new applications for TV.»
In the case of the «stop and frisk» program, for example, Trump said that it was not unconstitutional and that crime rose after it was stopped.
If, for example, you're a developer of antivirus software, you could go after the broadest possible group, folks interested in «computers and electronics.»
Fisman and Sullivan give us example after example of misaligned incentives that lead to troubling and sometimes disastrous effect.
He gave the example of California passing a law allowing one to make a right - turn at a red light after stopping first.
A few weeks after that, she was featured on the pages of Life magazine, «as a shining example of the Class of» 69.»
In an example of how paranoid the politics in China are becoming, the Hong Kong press reported last week that Tencent's portal is now being supervised by a regulator in Beijing instead of its hometown Shenzhen, after the site ran a typo in a story covering a speech by President Xi Jinping earlier this month.
For example, Bloomberg points out that only 2.2 percent of new grads surveyed started a business as their primary job after college.
For example, after he was widely condemned for retweeting a graphic of homicide data delineated by race, found that «almost every figure in the graphic is wrong.»
Take for example Linda Sobeh Ali, the former Palestinian envoy to Canada, who was relieved of her duties after retweeting a link to a YouTube video that was racially offensive.
Lighting candles on the Christmas tree, for example, recalled pagan desires for the «return of light» after the shortest day of the year.
After studying thousands of examples, Facebook says it has come up with a system that will identify headlines that either withhold information or mislead readers.
The Ontario Securities Commission, for example, has collected 3.1 % of the fines levied after contested hearings held between 2005 and June 2012 (the OSC seeks retribution through stocks and property, but has not yet garnisheed wages).
The poll — which was conducted about a month after deadly protests in Charlottesville, Virginia — found that almost one - quarter of US troops had seen examples of white nationalism within the service.
Probably the most famous example of a large, negative terms of trade shock is the United States after the oil price spike in 1973:
Meanwhile, immigration restrictions make it more difficult to import the cheap labor that would be competitive with overseas operations; for an example, see the debacle now taking place in Alabama after the enactment of a draconian immigration law.
Bill Gates, for example, dropped out of Harvard after two years to pursue his business idea (Microsoft) with his partner Paul Allen.
And that's just a single example of how this series made us over $ 5,000 from a single lead after we added in the recurring revenue from this sale.
Going after businesses might be a better use of your time than targeting individual consumers, for example.
After the travel ban was announced in January, Breslin says, TriNet fielded many calls from clients concerned, for example, about the fates of foreign - born employees temporarily outside the country.
But if you owned a partnership policy with a maximum benefit of $ 500,000, for example, you will be allowed to keep $ 500,000 of your assets after your long - term - care insurance runs out and still be eligible for Medicaid.
Shares of Sturm Ruger, for example, averaged a one - week decline of 2.9 percent after the five biggest shootings since 2007, according to Kensho data.
What leaders and managers need to after are the promoters of oxytocin — figuring out the job tasks, team atmosphere, and leadership behaviors (like empathy and compassion, for example) that will release the feel - good neurochemicals in the brain, like oxytocin.
«If you take time to recharge and pay attention to fitness and your diet, for example, after work or on weekends, you'll set the stage for great life habits that put you at the top of your game at the office,» says Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and author of «Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job.»
Valeant, for example, said it approached the patient in the ad after being made of her situation earlier this winter, and offered her payment assistance.
PBF is opting to import from Colombia, for example, even though it has to pay fees to rail companies after promising to take deliveries of 85,000 barrels per day.
Fast - forward seven years and SoFi is on fire, the rare example of a startup that hasn't seemed to flounder after advertising during the Super Bowl.
One such example is Oklahoma City, which staged an impressive economic comeback after suffering from the collapse of the energy boom of the 1980s.
During a key experiment in the 1990s, for example, researchers damaged the neocortex of female hamsters after birth but spared deeper brain structures.
Jean Oelwang, for example, moved into the position of CEO at Virgin Unite after working in another role at Virgin Mobile Australia.
After World War II, which is the only example I know of, it wasn't until like 1950 where they let 10 - year bond rates go.
One of his clients, for example, a construction company whose stock value was recently appraised at $ 15 million, kept $ 9 million in CDs at a local bank, earning just 3 % in annual interest after taxes.
For example, if you compared 2007 to 2011, when DuPont had cash flow of $ 5.8 billion, you would get a much higher return on investment, something like 13 % after taxes.
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