Sentences with phrase «example below captures»

Not exact matches

The chart below illustrates this asymmetrical behaviour: for example, over the last five years, the MSCI US Minimum Volatility Index has experienced only 47 % of the downside return of the standard MSCI USA Index, but captured 77 % of the upside.
The chart below illustrates this asymmetrical behavior: for example, over the last five years, the MSCI US Minimum Volatility Index has experienced only 47 % of the downside return of the standard MSCI USA Index, but captured 77 % of the upside.
There has been much ado about flashier carbon - capture systems, like geologic sequestration, which involves collecting carbon dioxide and injecting it deep below the Earth's surface — into depleted oil or gas wells, for example.
I have included a screen capture below showing an example of this new approach using the search term «business» (at present the service only seems to be displaying results for very generic terms although I anticipate it will get much more nuanced very quickly).
For example, below is a screen capture of part of my LinkedIn Profile which includes some presentations and some images.
As a professional resume writer, I take pride in my work and the examples below reflect my commitment to capturing clients» goals and vision.
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