Sentences with phrase «example in»

We see how we have failed when there is a better example in front of us; and this is part of the role of Jesus for Christians.
This process of development is seen in all parts of the world, as for example in India and in China, so very different one from the other yet moving toward compassion as the key to life (in India) or family affection and mutual concern in an ordered society as that key (as in China).
By the way, there is one other example in Scripture of a portion of plunder being given to priests after a war.
For example in the bible the name of Jehu, means» Yahweh is him» does that mean Jehu is God?.
There's not a single example in the Bible of anyone wanting to repent but not being able to.
In my view there are certainly processes of globalization for example in the cultural area, but there is not yet a global culture.
Feigning a discussion about objective vs. subjective morality without qualifying values in the example in an attempt to get the casual reader to focus on the value the crafty writer wants you to adopt a an absolute truth — in this case how bad it would be to BBQ your grandmother, so that he can claim the the reader believes in objective «truths».
Churches offer pastoral sympathy and support to the bereaved, but there seem now in the West to be no agreed rituals of mourning, as for example in most Orthodox Jewish families.
In their way, for example in the logos theology of John, early Christians also attempted to relate Jesus to the cosmos, but the sheer scope of this undertaking is now vastly enlarged.
Example in point: Opposition to embryonic stem cell / human cloning research: It isn't anti science to oppose treating nascent human life like a corn crop or manufacturing embryos, anymore than it is anti science than the Animal Welfare Act the proscribes what can and can't be done in scientific research with some mammals.
For centuries the church discriminated against those who were illegitimate, for example in not allowing them to be ordained, thus punishing children for the sins of their parents.
For example in the case of the bacterial flagellum, removal of a part may prevent it from acting as a rotary motor.
but again the most reasonable thing is he sald all of those things... I will give you example in next post...
1 CORINTHIANS Chapter 9 * [9:1 — 27] This chapter is an emotionally charged expansion of Paul's appeal to his own example in 1 Cor 8:13; its purpose is to reinforce the exhortation of 1 Cor 8:9.
Look at the 30 Years War as just one horrific example in internal Christian slaughter of one another.
Even Jesus himself showed us by example in His baptism by John what we must do.
My second point is that I have been in many church services where it seems that the worship leader or the pastor are just trying to hype people up (as your example in the blog).
This is just another example in a long line of christian hypocrisy.
Jude 7: «just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after [a] strange flesh, are exhibited as an [b] example in undergoing the punishment of ETERNAL fire.»
If Jesus was truly talking about water baptism in Matthew 28:19 - 20, then why is it that there is not a single example in all of Scripture where someone was water baptized according to the «formula» of Matthew 28:19?
In this struggle it was the Turks who led the fight against colonialism and first threw off the yoke of the invaders, thus setting an example in the Muslim world.
Then why should we not expect to follow his example in doing marvelous works of healing?
This is the main point of the great array of parallels to Jesus» teaching adduced from the ancient Jewish tradition and literature, for example in Strack and Billerbeck's Commentary on the New Testament from Talmud and Midrash.
Whereas the Latin speaks of «goods» (bona)- for example in the encyclicals Veritatis Splendor and Evangelium Vitae - the English translation yields «values.»
We can see this all the clearer if we contrast with it the tradition found for example in Q and M, the purely Palestinian and Syrian tradition underlying the Sermon on the Mount.
It finds crucial meaning in this world, for example in how one treats other people.
They see in the perfection of his humanity, for example in his total self - giving, a window on to God.
We find the first example in the book of the prophet Hosea.
This argument could easily allay the uneasy conscience of the church — unless Jesus explicitly taught his followers that they should follow his example in conflict situations.
David Bohm is an example in physics; Ilya Prigogine, in chemistry; C. H. Waddington, in biology; Roger Sperry, in physiological psychology; Donald Griffin, in zoology.
He obviously regards men as superior to women as for example in Sura 4:
But it is hardly possible to point to any example in the history of dogma where a thesis that at first was generally rejected by theology was later expressly and officially permitted and then was once again rejected.
We can not discuss in this connection why and how some such recourse is permissible within human experience of a total and not methodically restricted kind, such as is involved in the history of redemption, for example in recognizing a miracle.
One scholar believes that the reading of 1 Thessalonians was an «event which contributed to the formation of the Christian church at Thessalonica.118 First Thessalonians is an example in early church history where an act of public reading «allowed the believers at Thessalonica to come into existence as the church of God.
Share an example in the comments below of how you showed lavish love on someone whose path you crossed.
«Let no one despise you for your youth,» Paul wrote to him in 1 Timothy 4:12, «but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.»
Or maybe we could set up a little experiment — you pray for the children starving, for example in Africa where 1000s die daily from starvation.
In humans, the stress may be more persistent, as for example in a long traffic jam, being troubled by financial difficulties or a disruptive one - way relationship.
Further, some Christians in India retain some caste attitudes, for example in the choice of a husband or wife.
Though full of titillating tales and occasional bits of edifying wisdom, the gnostic gospels lacked the balance of sacramentalism, mysticism, silence, and praxis that we find for example in the kerygmatic presentations of the Christ of Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John.
We witness the marvels of technology which have been made possible through the advances of science, and we wait hopefully for the results of continuing research, for example in the cancer field.
So the point of Whitehead's example in the above passage would be that in talking about the membership of the complex structured society which is a total man, in the ordinary sense of the term, one is referring not to a subordinate society, such as the enduring object which is the life, or soul, of the man, but to all the individual actual occasions in all the subordinate societies and subordinate nexus which make up the man.
If the latter, the recipient of Revelation developed and expressed it under divine guarantee, perhaps, as for example in scriptural inspiration, which however is formally distinct from Revelation.
Unless you can give credible evidence for your God (hint: the Bible is not a good example in case you didn't understand what I meant by self / circular reference), then you will continue to be ridiculed for being gullible.
We all want to change the world, we all long for significance, and we have the chance to be a witness, an example in our own marriages.
Tragically too, evil behavior can inflict lasting damage on other people's personalities — as for example in the loss of self - respect in those who are the victims of violence and sexual abuse.
NAZI's weren't Christian, so why is this unenlightened blogger using them as an example in his poorly researched blog?
For example in gay marriage, allowing gay marriage to happen does not force Christians to become gay.
Can faith, for example in the virgin birth, lead to faith in other untested facts like, 2 + 2 = 5, or to following our leaders into a pointless war that permits torture of other humans?
I think God speaks clearly in these times because of his silence it means he has had enough of our ways we havent listened we have gone our own way we havent acted on what his prophets have spoken so he distances himself until such time that we will take him seriously.Thats how it was in the old testament he allowed his people to go into captivity or bondage when they refused to obey his word.We see this pattern repeated over and over for example In Egypt when they were in slavery it wasnt until the people acknowledged there sin and cried out to God to save them and he did by sending a savior moses.Because we have Christ we have grace he wont spurn us like he used to because Christ took away our reproach and he is free to love us despite our sinfulness.brentnz
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