Sentences with phrase «example of a species»

Islam - tyhe greatest example of a species that are sub — a wired up brain missing a chip.
Cattails and sugar maples are examples of those species, which Tilman called superspecies.
Chilesaurus is a rare example of a species from the generally predatory theropod group that evolved into a plant - eater.
But its discoverer, paleoanthropologist Lee Berger of the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, says that the known A. sediba skeletons might simply be late examples of the species.
«They're a good example of a species that will likely adapt to global climate change better than other less behaviorally flexible whales,» Pyenson says.
«An important implication from our work is that the more new viruses we discover, then the more examples of species jumping we are likely to see» said project leader Professor Edward Holmes from the University of Sydney.
They thought they had found a rare example of a species able to adapt to crude oil pollution.
Though not the finest example of the species, Tuber magnatum — which grows only in northern Italy, Serbia and Croatia — Clinto's find will fetch a nice price of about $ 50 at the Saturday market.
The Volcano Hummingbird (Selasphorus flammula), White - bellied Mountain - gem (Lampornis hemileucus) and Fiery - throated Hummingbird (Panterpe insignis) are all examples of species that were classified as smaller - ranged in the study.
Andrew Krockenberger explains the importance of this result to advancing scientific thought «The literature is full of examples of species that do and don't fit Rapoport's rule,» he said.
Sea lions are only one example of the species affected by a changing environment, but they also may be more vulnerable than more mobile whales, dolphins and porpoises, Barlow said.
So here's an example of a species that is actually better surveyed by the environmental DNA than the trawling.»
Previous studies on A. afarensis, including the famed Lucy, the most complete example of the species ever found, concluded that the male - to - female size ratio was about 15 percent — on a par with that of humans.
A fresh analysis of two previously found skulls determined they're 200,000 old, making them the oldest known examples of our species.
This holotype specimen — the single physical example of a species — is part of the Burke Museum's vertebrate paleontology collection.
And why was I summoned to keep an eye on this peculiar example of his species?
In fact one especially rare example of the species was sold in China in 2013 for almost $ 2 million!
All the common reef fishes are not only here, and in good numbers, they are each a splendid example of the species.
Empirical examples of species» range shifts resulting from climate change have been recorded for numerous taxa [4]--[5].
The mountain gorilla is an example of a species that we all know is limited to the tops of mountains in Uganda and the DRC.
Shepherd commented that he «can barely give one example of a species that is being sustainably traded in the region... there is no check and balance in place to make sure these species won't be wiped out.»

Not exact matches

The fossils could represent the earliest known examples of H. sapiens ever found (if confirmed by further research), and they serve as evidence that members of our species lived beyond sub-Saharan Africa.
For example, readers may recall that there was extensive disagreement before the panel on whether Enbridge conducted adequate research to fully assess the impact of the project on threatened caribou and marine species.
Can any liberal genius on this site please give me one example of how an evolution ADDED DNA to a species?
Francis points to the destruction of species and entire ecosystems as examples of a «cheerful recklessness» (59) that characterizes modern financial and industrial culture.
Two examples: In plants, new species can be created by the multiplication of chromosomes (quite literally where there were two chromosome # 7's, now there are three, more DNA).
For example, the analysis of sensa and pattern (11.4.3) may well have been excerpted from the discussion concerning the two species of eternal objects (IV.1.6).
Often they argue that some of these species may have great value for human beings, providing some now unknown medicine, for example.
That said, we can look to our own species and others for examples of altruism and its social benefits.
For example, living species were often similar to extinct ones of the same region.
Environmentalism, for example, no longer is content to conserve resources for posterity and protect pristine areas and endangered species, but seems increasingly dedicated to actively impeding human flourishing in the name of «saving the planet.»
And as for the origin of species and evolution in terms of the scientific method, that scientific method has given us the ability to decode the DNA genome of many animals, and to show where, back in time, the various relatives of man and modern apes, for example, branched off into separate species.
That's only proof of adaptation within an species, mr. aj, which is an example of natural selection, not of evolution.
Example, if we intervened in stopping lions kill zebra all the time out of our own moral judgement, that lion species would starve, would that be right.
Some examples: that «every single organic being around us may be said to be striving to the utmost to increase its numbers»; that «of the many individuals of any species which are periodically born, but a small number can survive»; that it is to a mother's «advantage» that her child should be adopted by another woman; that «no one is prepared to sacrifice his life for any single person, but... everyone will sacrifice it for more than two brothers, or four half - brothers or eight first cousins»; that «any variation in the least degree injurious [to a species] would be rigidly destroyed.»
A third example is that the notions of «species» in Aristotelian philosophy and modern biology are not compatible.
Also, throughout nature, fully 8 % of the animal kingdom is * exclusively * same - sex oriented, including examples among male bighorn sheep, black swans, lions, giraffes, and hundreds of species.
For example, if the average limb length of a species grew by 50 cm (~ 20 inches) over 50K yrs, and the average generation was 5 yrs (10K generations), the requisite increase per generation would only need to be 0.005 cm per year.
It might, for example, have more to tell us about the migratory history of our species than about our evolution.
It is believed that the female cowbird will try to find a nest of the same species that raised her, an example of the well - known biological principle that no good deed goes unpunished.
In one of the world's longest psychological carom shots, the authors offer as an example of such antagonism the Ayatollah Khomeini, whose violent reaction to Salman Rushdie masked his fear of adaptations that were moving Iran «mildly in the direction of species consciousness.»
In the example given of metaphysical diaresis, Being in its otherness is both motion and rest, its coordinate species, but in itself it is a third, different from both.
On the other hand the thirteenth rivet popped from a wing, or the extinction of a key species in the cycling of nitrogen, for example could lead to a serious malfunctioning of the nitrogen cycle.
For example, the preservation of the human beings and the biosphere (Objectives C and D) depends upon a mutual web of causal interconnections between different species on earth — e.g., the nature of the food chain, material resources, energy fluxes, ecosystem dynamics, etc..
Example: Cro - Magnons and Neanderthals were not 2 points in an evolutionary line, but rather two separate species of upright - walking hominids; they coexisted, but one was smarter and more dominant, and the other died off.
Maybe there was a deity that put a special ingredient that we don't know about yet into certain building blocks for certain species so that they might be destined to be intelligent, but one things for certain, child — no one knows the first thing about that and one thing we are certain of is that with this intelligence man has found a way to sell misinformation very easily to his fellow man — religion is an obvious example of that if you look at it carefully.
The religious conviction that the universe is at heart, in its transcendent depths, a graceful, caring, enlivening environment is in a different order of discourse from scientific hypotheses concerning, for example, how species evolved or how matter is converted into energy.
For example, 81 % of the coffee in Nicaragua and El Salvador grew under a shade canopy in 1996, and although recent surveys document declines in shade tree diversity since then, these declines mostly occurred on larger farms; in contrast, many smallholder cooperatives preserve high levels of biodiversity, including more than 100 species of shade trees on fewer than 30 farms (Méndez et al. 2010a).
Under European conditions, organic agriculture performs better than conventional agriculture with regard to certain parameters: for example, 30 to 100 percent higher microbial activity3 and a significantly higher biomass (+30 to 40 percent), density (+ 50 to 80 percent) and species diversity of earthworms, a key soil - macro faunal species4.
Take your baby with you, and you are a fine example of the male species.
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