Sentences with phrase «example of evolution»

This book is a captivating composition of examples of the evolution of drawing in the twenty - first century.
The most obvious example of evolution in single - player games is the speed - running community.
For instance, selective dog breeding may be brought up as a good example of evolution.
There are many, many others examples of evolution all around us by the way.
Of course «we are there»... there are current examples of evolution happening right now.
He gives a very succinct list of proven examples of evolution.
In a stunning example of evolution at work, scientists have now found that changes in a single gene can produce major changes in the skeletal armor of fish living in the wild.
A good example of the evolution can be seen in approaches to cigarette smoking.
Müllerian mimicry is a classic example of evolution by natural selection: When two or more foul - tasting species share the same habitat, they tend to warn potential predators using the same colors.
The story of the peppered moth is a classic example of evolution in action: As coal soot and smoke blackened the trees of industrial England in the late 1800s, a rare, dark variant of the peppered moth flourished, quickly supplanting its white peers by blending in with the newly darkened tree bark.
And, again, this is the core example of the evolution of environmental bullshit: a long history of industry creation of lies; conservative funding of think - tanks, front groups and the echo chamber; the development of an ideological imperative of denialism; and then the necessity of completely groundless bullshit to shore up the lies.
One of the best examples of evolution nonsense is the thought that a wingless bird began to evolve a wing.
John: your favorite example of evolution is a Masters thesis from some guy arguing about genus classification of 3 differently shaped (er, pardon me, I meant to say «morphologically divergent») conchs?
New viruses, such as the AIDS - causing HIV - 1, may be the only biological entities that researchers can actually witness come into being, providing a real - time example of evolution in action.
David Shuker at the University of St Andrews, UK, is unconvinced by this or any of the other proposed examples of evolution via epigenetic mechanisms.
This would give us a precise molecular profile of this remarkable example of evolution in the lab,» says Fuse.
The peppered moth is one of the most famous examples of evolution by natural selection.
Biologists may have misinterpreted the significance of blind cave fish, much - studied examples of evolution, says University of Maryland molecular biologist William Jefferey.
«It's a schoolbook example of evolution,» says Eske Willerslev, an evolutionary geneticist at the University of Copenhagen who helped the lead the research.
A petition to remove references to evolution from high - school textbooks claimed victory last month after the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) revealed that many of the publishers would produce revised editions that exclude examples of the evolution of the horse or of avian ancestor Archaeopteryx.
You always have to remember your roots, and Koudelka is a great example of evolution making progress.
Kelly has gone on to explore the expressive possibilities of the monochrome shaped canvas throughout his career, and the exhibition includes examples of this evolution from each of the last four decades.
A new series, four works on paper based on recent trips to Costa Rica (seen here), are perfect examples of his evolution and continued exploration into perfecting the use of color and shape.
What I especially like about PrivacyTool is that it's an excellent example of the evolution of legal services in the internet age.
Birds» beaks evolving characteristic shapes to eat different food is a classic example of evolution by natural selection.
There are over 250 species of cichlid in the lake: their presence seems to have blinded biologists to other examples of evolution in action occurring there.
Distinct features, traits, or men being different colors is a good example of evolution — but they are still ALL men.
He gives only one example of evolution of any kind, a change in gene frequencies in a locus controlling melanism in the peppered - moth Biston betularia, and argues that this is «the most famous piece of evidence for Darwinism» and that «examples of this kind allow Darwinists to assert as beyond question that «evolution is a fact.
AIDS being so virulent and difficult to treat is another example of evolution.
You can continue to give me all the examples of evolution... really... but I don't agree... believing in evolution is as convient for you as you say believing in God is for me..
There's an example of evolution right there in the lab.
In order to be an example of evolution, the virus have to mutate into something that is not a virus.
I personally can't think on at least 1000 examples of evolution.
I remember asking one of my professors if any one had ever witnessed an example of evolution.
... your example of evolution is poor, I'm sorry to say it like that, but you sound just like those that preached that fairytail stuff.
You don't have a good understanding of science... There are literally millions of examples of evolution.
It is an example of evolution.
And I noticed you didn't adress my example of evolution.
Perhaps the best thing for you to do John, is provide an example of evolution in the fossil record.
I can give you an example of evolution that has happened in your lifetime: Antibiotic - resistant tuberculosis.
The team's findings «are another good example of evolution being a predictive science,» says Thomas Holtz, Jr., a vertebrate paleontologist at the University of Maryland in College Park.
You may be familiar with the examples of the evolution of drug - resistant bacteria or agricultural pests.
If closed timelike curves exist, ensuring that all events are consistent is just as strange and unnatural to us as a movie played backward, or any other example of evolution that decreases entropy.
It's actually an example of evolution bumping up against the limits of physics: Ideally, the cones would evolve into a perfect pattern, but without enough room in the eye, they have to do the best they can.
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