Sentences with phrase «example of this type»

4 high - resolution images of examples of types of artwork that will be displayed 4.
This is a really good example of this type of game, as i'm sure many of you have seen, and still can probably see on a few old arcade machines today.
Here are a few examples of the types of things that you can put into your classroom policies and procedures handbook.
Look at these stocks as examples of types of trades we can take.
Stocks are a great example of this type of investment because they come with a great deal of risk.
This is a prime example of the type of condition where having as many details as possible upfront will certainly impact how quickly you are approved for life insurance.
The article provides examples of the types of conversations preschool educators can model and facilitate in order to further develop a child's oral language and subsequent literacy skills during the school day.
One of the most common examples of this type of discount is the «good student» discount for young drivers with good grades.
Here's information on both, with examples of each type of skill.
I have seen many other examples of this type of cooperation in my role as county legislator.
Ask your career office to share a source for examples of these types of queries.
Want some more examples of the types of skills you can include in your secretary resume?
Better yet, provide specific examples of the types of things you did on those committees in both the cover letter and resume.
In the book, I show examples of this type of investment.
These are just examples of the types of publishing plans our authors have built, but we encourage you to build your own plan with the services that best fit your project!
This exhibition includes an early example of this type of sculpture.
You can find many examples of this type of eye brow pencil on this website and some are even cheaper than the one I ordered.
Each of our members could cite numerous examples of the types of research and evaluation questions we receive from state leaders, but let me review some from my own organization's recent experience.
This discussion includes several examples of the types of expense allocation decisions that must be made.
However, although she found a few examples of under - represented minority postdoc groups, she did not find examples of the type of community organization she wanted to create.
He's the strongest role model they could have, providing a constant example of the type of person we should all strive to be.
There is a good picture example of this type of bee hotel here.
Another idea is comb the Internet for great examples of Type 3s and show them to your students.
Start by viewing, analyzing, and discussing examples of the type of media that you are asking your students to create.
By knowing where to locate examples of type of book you want to write, you can accelerate your brand building and writing & publishing success.
Before starting to write a brand - building book, authors should search for inspiring examples of the type of book they want to write.
The most obvious Canadian examples of this type are blue - chip companies concentrated in banking, insurance, telecommunications and utilities.
The highlights of the collection are definitive examples of their type, but there is also much variety and originality in works by less well - known figures.
All are superb examples of their type: one or another formal variations on images of the body.
Below you can see our social worker resume sample, which includes detailed examples of the types of skills and work experience this position requires.
They requested that the campaign used true to life examples of the types of violence children experience and highlight that violence can happen anywhere.
What is one company you've invested in that you think is a good example of the type of innovation we're seeing between the coasts?
These are just a few examples of the types of injuries that can be suffered during an accident.
Credit cards are one of the most common examples of these types of loans, and they carry very high interest rates even for people who are able to repay them.
Here we provide you with examples of the types of injuries our clients experience.
Many of the interior design resume samples act as a great example of this type of document.
Do you have any other examples of this type of feedback system in nature?
The purpose of this section is to provide examples of the types questions that create space for new stories in narrative therapy.
The regulator gave specific examples of the types of bonuses banned from being offered.
This is just a small example of the type of abuse Muslim women face on a regular basis.
But obviously these are insufficient, for when we come to the modern period and begin to look for examples of these types we make a discovery.
These are just a few examples of the types of issues an editor looks at regarding clarity.
For DWI defense trials, this video gives excellent examples of the types of questions witnesses in DWI trials can expect to be asked.
A classic example of the type of case in which res ipsa loquitur arises is one in which a medical instrument is left inside a person following surgery.
The GPL is the most popular and well known example of the type of strong copyleft license that requires derived works to be available under the same copyleft.
Our malpractice insurance colleagues from across Canada and the U.S. tell us they are also seeing examples of this type of fraud.
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