Sentences with phrase «examples found in»

Along with the examples found in the professional laborer cover letter sample, use some of the following active words to refine and fortify your language: fabricate, utilize, standardize, repair, convert, engineer, construct, assemble, and regulate.
This lesson guides students through two examples found in the bible that could help Christians understand the freedom of speech and censorship debate.
Examples found in its policies on civil and human rights, national health care, church - state issues and judicial appointments lead me to conclude that the administration uses any means necessary to gain the desired ends.
«There are examples found in Kings when Elijah flees to the mountain and says «take my life I've had enough» and also Paul's encounter with the jailer.
A «type» is not easy to define, but I hope that an example found in Arrested will make it clear.
Here's one example I found in my photo library — I think this was some sort of Indian - themed dinner with whole wheat naan, raita and chutney.
Originally written to show the impact of substitute male role models that pale in comparison to the perfect example found in religion, we think there's a hidden message here about the role of Dads vs Fathers too.
One of the most egregious examples finds itself in a character named Roger who the mother and daughter meet when they escape.
The depiction and creation of games and sports in the arts has a long history, with example found in many Ancient cultures around the world including Greek and Mayan.

Not exact matches

Birds, for example, can regenerate hair cells — and lately researchers have found a few similar effects in mammals that used gene and drug therapy.
The manager, who's based in Provo, Utah, explained that companies can use meeting - room management systems, for example, to find out how long employees spend in meetings, and that that information can be an indicator of productivity.
Another lesser known example is found in the field of hair replacement.
For example, if you look online at the Portland, Oregon, auditor's office, you'll find a list of 74 regulations for vehicle - for - hire business in Portland.
But she's keen to emphasize that innovation is about more than just technology, citing the example of a local female entrepreneur in the construction industry who couldn't find workboots for women and started a company to manufacture them.
For example, engineer Julia Wagner returned from Boston to find her desk covered in a brick pattern and a stuffed lobster sitting on her monitor.
For example, you might need to get more creative in finding customer prospects, or you made the wrong hire in marketing.
A McKinsey Quarterly (2009) survey found that assuming employees are paid satisfactory base salaries, non-financial rewards can be very effective in motivating employees, for example manager recognition, leadership development or exciting new projects can also provide increased job satisfaction.
For example, the bank found a 1 % increase in «comfortable banking» metrics — a.k.a. the percentage of customers who said the teller made them feel appreciated — led to a 1.7 % increase in overall customer satisfaction, which increased branch profitability by 0.4 %.
For example, buy a Keurig coffee machine and a variety of single - serve coffee pods so everyone in the office can find one they love.
In fact, it's even portrayed as on demand — just try x or y, for example, and you might find what you really love.
For example, many investors encourage aspiring entrepreneurs with know - how in a particular industry (e.g. real estate) to find a technical co-founder to help them build their digital product.
For example, if you work in marketing and you visit the accounting department, you might find a better way to communicate or you might find a data entry task you can help out with.
For example, you'll find such leaders measuring the demographics in their talent pipeline of incoming talent as well as existing talent for promoting people equitably.
A great example of this is the Mexico - based Solben, founded by Daniel Gomez in 2009 while studying chemical engineering at the University Technologico de Monterrey.
You don't have to look far to find examples of successful people who are resilient in their pursuits.
The report found there to be significant differences in the performance of various sectors in the U.K. economy, noting that retail and consumer - facing sectors — restaurants and bars, for example — faced continuing challenges.
By Jason's example, there is no need to label something as «bad» when significant good can be found in even the most difficult situation.
One standard test of this asks the patient to look at a picture and find as many examples of, say, a circle or an X or other simple symbol as possible in two minutes.
One of my favorite examples of this is Vital Vio, a company founded by biomedical engineer Colleen Costell after her grandmother fell sick while in the hospital — the one place Colleen's family thought she'd recover.
There are some predictors of growth that are outside human control — Glaeser finds that a city's average temperature in January is a pretty reliable indicator of its prospects, for example.
In many countries where you'd think the opportunity would be good (in Europe, for instance), entrepreneurs have found that the infrastructure wasn't as well developed and clear as it is in the U.S.. For example, angel networks aren't as well organized or even that easy to find, and venture capital firms are almost nonexistenIn many countries where you'd think the opportunity would be good (in Europe, for instance), entrepreneurs have found that the infrastructure wasn't as well developed and clear as it is in the U.S.. For example, angel networks aren't as well organized or even that easy to find, and venture capital firms are almost nonexistenin Europe, for instance), entrepreneurs have found that the infrastructure wasn't as well developed and clear as it is in the U.S.. For example, angel networks aren't as well organized or even that easy to find, and venture capital firms are almost nonexistenin the U.S.. For example, angel networks aren't as well organized or even that easy to find, and venture capital firms are almost nonexistent.
If Bitcoin, in its evolution, acquires more compelling utility — making cross-border payments cheap and fast, for example, or enabling «smart» contracts that encode business relationships and automatically disburse payments — those who own stakes in the finite currency could find other would - be users, possibly even deep - pocketed corporations, clamoring to buy from them.
Even if your eyes are set on something unprecedented, you are guaranteed to be able to find at least some analogous examples of similar successes in history.
In Vancouver, for example, a recent survey found that half of new condo buyers expected to live in their units less than six yearIn Vancouver, for example, a recent survey found that half of new condo buyers expected to live in their units less than six yearin their units less than six years.
For example, Acumen Labs, founded in 2009, became one of the first companies to run on Kiva Systems, a robotic fulfillment system that has dramatically increased its efficiency.
For example, giant tech firms often struggle to keep up with the ingenious pace of new tech startups — some find a solution in acquiring the agile business, rather than trying to compete directly.
As explained, «In a prime example of low - end market disruption, Amazon found consumers who didn't want all the great features of the iPad, but wanted the basic features at a baseline price.»
We couldn't find, for example, federal regulations for the amount of lead allowed in the glazing of a ceramic bowl.
For example, they're used to finding logos and taglines in the top left of a page, and menus in the top right.
One example of this difference in outlook might be found at a tech company whose profits are lagging: A manager at such a company will likely be concerned with increasing marketing efforts for an existing product.
For example, Reich - Rohrwig has made it very clear to the manager in charge of generating quotes on jobs that if a client calls to find out where the bid is, «that's a fail.»
Even if you don't find yourself in one of these positions, when you focus on doing things right and pursuing excellence — people will naturally be drawn to you and your example.
For example, the iconic 20th Century brand Sears was all about having a trusted single place, be it the catalog or the store, in which to find everything you could possibly need, at a competitive price.
For example, most companies have an informal dress code... at Nielsen you will find the CEO in jeans and a client service rep in more traditional jacket and pants — it really doesn't matter, and people are respected for the work they do.»
A little less than one in three small businesses were found to offer health insurance benefits to employees, for example, as compared to the national average of 96 percent of larger firms.
In a recent TED talk, for example, American health guru Ron Gutman, founder of the Wellsphere blog network and the HealthTap site, pointed to studies of old pictures — ranging from yearbook headshots to mugs on baseball cards — that found people who smiled in youthful photos turned out to live better and longer lives than folks who didn'In a recent TED talk, for example, American health guru Ron Gutman, founder of the Wellsphere blog network and the HealthTap site, pointed to studies of old pictures — ranging from yearbook headshots to mugs on baseball cards — that found people who smiled in youthful photos turned out to live better and longer lives than folks who didn'in youthful photos turned out to live better and longer lives than folks who didn't.
For example, after he was widely condemned for retweeting a graphic of homicide data delineated by race, found that «almost every figure in the graphic is wrong.»
The authors of the study wrote of their findings that they had «obvious industrial applications where an objective assessment of audiovisual material is sought from groups of people, for example, in advertising, video game design or in filmmaking.»
For example, a report from Pacific Institute found that the Kwinana desalination plant in Perth, Australia operates at about $ 17 million per year, and the Gold Coast desalination plant in Tugun, Australia requires $ 30 million per year.
Cramer found more than a few examples of this in Tuesday's market layout.
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