Sentences with phrase «examples of paradox»

As it happens, the most famous example of the paradox concerned academic gender bias as well.
I certainly remember the anecdote and very typical of; as you say it's not a Martin story but it's the kind of story that Martin favored, and as you point out very well this is a perfect example of a paradox.
A good of example of the paradox of choice in action occurred in a landmark study involving something that, on the surface, is fairly straightforward: jam.
Text Box 2.4 gives one example of paradoxes of living between two worlds.

Not exact matches

Along the way, Desmond elucidates the Cynics» paradox that poverty is wealth, a seemingly clear example of Socrates gone mad.
Karl Barth, as another and very influential example, sees faith as sheer paradox, independent of and contrary to reason.
Just as the experience of dying is both universal and private, so each of these examples combines the universal paradox of faith in God's living power with the speaker's particular situation.
The reasons for the difficulty in answering what time is are several, including the paradoxes of being and non-being; the experiential and emotional weightiness of the subject (consider, for example, the temporal character of hope, despair, regret, satisfaction, and boredom); and the metaphysical centrality of time in understanding such things as substances, events, causation, and consciousness.
The reasons for the difficulty in answering what time is are several, including the paradoxes of being and non-being; the experiential and emotional weightiness of the subject (consider, for example, the temporal character of...
For example, Whitehead introduced the notion of event epochalism in order to avoid the skeptical implications in the presumed paradox (common to Bergson and James) that an undifferentiated continuity of becoming, since it neither begins nor ends, can not be conceived as determinate or concrete, nor can it be said to «constitute» a plurality of distinct existents.
There is a dramatic word in Colossians that Christ «disarmed the rulers and authorities and made a public example of them, triumphing over them in it [the cross]» (Col. 2:15).15 The astounding paradox, or we might even call it, reverently, God's practical joke, is that it is precisely in offering himself as Victim that Christ becomes Victor.
Practically, however, you all recognize the difference: you understand, for example, the disdain of the methodist convert for the mere sky - blue healthy - minded moralist; and you likewise enter into the aversion of the latter to what seems to him the diseased subjectivism of the Methodist, dying to live, as he calls it, and making of paradox and the inversion of natural appearances the essence of God's truth.
Isn't it a paradox that some of the most controversial words in Christian theology — «Trinity» and «atonement,» for example — are not to be found in the New Testament?
Since the instinct of ownership is fundamental in man's nature, this is one more example of the ascetic paradox.
Therefore testimony better than either an example or a symbol Places reflection before the paradox which the pretension of consciousness makes a scandal of, I mean that a moment of history is invested with an absolute character.
In this case, staying with the hypothesis of a temporal continuum of experience leads to paradoxes, those of Xeno, for example.
The balance of health and clean label also creates «the clean label paradox» which is a manifestation of the desire to make products healthier through removing sugar, for example, but replacing with chemical sounding non-nutritive sweeteners and additional bulking ingredients.
For example, a person swimming the Atlantic is unlikely, but it is «allowed» by the rules of language; a dark - haired blonde, however, is impossible and not allowed by the rules, so it is a logical paradox.
Beria, for example, tries to gain favor with Molotov by releasing his wife from prison on treason charges, leading to a paradox: She deserved to be in prison, because Stalin ordered it, but to call her a traitor is to go against the decision of the party, which Stalin claimed to hold higher than himself.
However, unlike Wakanda, the Congo is a perfect example of resource curse, a paradox in which a country with abundant natural resources are worse - off than countries without them.
That paradox refers to the fact that shoppers are less likely to make a purchase if they are presented with too many options; for example, when offered 24 kinds of jam, shoppers in one study only purchased jam 3 percent of the time.
Iconic, immediately affecting and universally recognizable, Magritte's pictorial conundrums, trademark double - takes, and visual - verbal paradoxes are as pervasive as ever, as indicated by the appropriation of his imagery by subsequent artists, film directors, advertising agencies, and musicians — key examples include the logos of The Beatles» record label and CBS.
In the example here, failure — via undiagnosed statistical paradox — to properly resolve the hierarchical scale of constraints led to protracted conflict about imagined «mysterious physics» where lack of basic attention to aggregation criteria fundamentals was at the root of the protracted conflict all along.
Whereas Lindzen is given no such benefit of the doubt (see the later thread on Lindzen's testimony) and taken out of context, for example on the faint sun paradox where Chris Colose and Jim D just misquote him.
As LEDs have gotten cheaper and better, pretty much following Moore's law, Lloyd's post discussed whether they were an example of Jevon's paradox: the theory that as energy efficiency increases and prices decrease, usage goes up.
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