Sentences with phrase «examples of your accomplishments with»

Give them a few precise examples of your accomplishments with figures to support your claims.

Not exact matches

Top interview tip: Take time to prepare by researching the organization, reviewing your resume, and thinking about examples of challenges and key accomplishments you had with previous employers.
«We are grateful to the Community Foundation for partnering with us in this project,» said Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente Jr. «In highlighting these individual's stories, we will be sharing a few examples of the accomplishments of our seniors, and how those accomplishments have deeply impacted our community, making it a better place to live.»
For example, Gerlich and Tscheuschner (on the greenhouse effect) and Schwartz (on climate sensitivity) are given space out of all proportion with their scientific accomplishments, while mainstream researchers are given comparatively short shrift or completely ignored (case in point: James Annan on climate sensitivity).
Another great example of effective character education is Community of Peace Academy (CPA), in St. Paul, Minnesota, a K - 12 school with a rich history of accomplishments.
As an example of our Laser's most recent accomplishments, we had a senior canine named Teddy with all four legs crippled and he was an intense amount of pain.
You will learn about a unique early life that taught him to lead and the passions, from painting to music, that push him to new heights of creativity in all he does, in a life filled with accomplishment and example.
For example, Gerlich and Tscheuschner (on the greenhouse effect) and Schwartz (on climate sensitivity) are given space out of all proportion with their scientific accomplishments, while mainstream researchers are given comparatively short shrift or completely ignored (case in point: James Annan on climate sensitivity).
For example, making the accomplishment of a task rewarded with a substantial monetary reward may actually not make it as desirable as rewarding the accomplishment with a smaller monetary award but a larger intrinsic award such as the player's desire for acknowledgement of his or her work in the firm.
Back this up with clear examples of how your education and accomplishments satisfy the requirements of the job description, emphasizing skills like analysis and reporting.
It's up to you to plug in your own numbers and come up with your own examples of work accomplishments to put on a resume.
What's more, he lists specific, measurable accomplishments in the account executive resume sample, providing a hiring manager with examples of how he may be able to contribute in the new position as well.
Because many of us don't give credit where it's due, coming up with examples of behavioral - based interviews can be a confidence booster when we acknowledge our strengths and accomplishments on paper.
After those five to six small paragraphs, there are usually a couple of accomplishments — little stories written with the personal pronoun «I.» (Example: I managed the generators for Naval Headquarters.)
In the above example, the verb demonstrating connects the accomplishment («Created new mid-market segment supporting an annual growth rate of 20 percent in a flat industry...») with competencies («high energy and business acumen»).
Here are interview questions related to your strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and accomplishments, along with examples of answers.
Results are demonstrated with the numerous examples of past proof of results, while highlighting leadership accomplishments.
You must show them with examples of past accomplishments.
Our Certified Master Senior Writers will help you identify relevant examples of leadership you have displayed within the past 10 - years and craft SES resumes that are brimming with your various leadership attributes and accomplishments.
Write down specific examples, with metrics, of contributions and accomplishments you made in the past in those areas, to demonstrate your ROI value.
Write about your interest in the company's vision or a specific aspect of the job announcement and connect your excitement with examples of your related experience and accomplishments.
Or is the experience section heavily focused on your responsibilities (what you did), but with minimal examples of your accomplishments (how well you did it) for each job?
More Strengths and Weaknesses Interview Questions Here are interview questions related to your strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and accomplishments, along with examples of answers.
These are just two examples of accomplishments you want to handle with kid gloves, if not omit from your resume entirely.
Present yourself with concrete examples of your role and accomplishments.
The best way of proving that you offer what the company needs is to come up with a list of your daily responsibilities, the major projects you've worked on, projects you've worked on that you weren't asked to do, recommendations or endorsements from others inside or outside the company, future responsibilities, examples of how you've made your boss's job easier, and, if possible, quantify your accomplishments, don't mention that you work hard (so does everyone else) or that you've been with the company for a long time.
For example, they might ask for proof of the candidate's leadership ability and business acumen, with supporting accomplishments.
Those examples and accomplishments demonstrate the skills from the core qualifications section, and they cover the full range of skills listed there with ease, providing examples of tangible, measurable statements about the candidate's effectiveness.
These examples given here will help you leverage not only your skills but help showcase your career achievements and accomplishments and will help you get noticed by employers, thus improving your chances of landing a great job with a reputed hotel.
Give concrete examples of your expertise, quantifying your accomplishments with dollar signs and percentages where you can.
When preparing for your panel interview, you'll want to cover all of the typical interview preparation steps for any interview — like researching the company, reviewing your resume, coming up with examples and stories you can share to highlight your past accomplishments, etc..
Award justifications often are filled with specific examples of accomplishments and how you attained the accomplishment; they are often detailed.
Describe two skills, personal attributes or accomplishments, with examples of how they benefited your previous employer (s).
Outline examples of past accomplishments that parallel with the day - to - day expectations of someone in the role you are applying for.
FEDERAL RESUME HELP for FBI Jobs — see samples of approved federal resume formats with accomplishment and competency examples!
Resume Pundits has a lot of experience with resume writing for lawyers and after an initial interview with you, we have all the information we need to provide concrete, relevant examples of your work experience and accomplishments.
This sample provides you with examples of relevant skills, career accomplishments, and experience related to sales, which may be useful for you.
Provide professional accomplishments along with data - driven examples of how you made a difference to the workplace or contributed to business successes.
The issue was that Kendell was not backing up his key words with examples of accomplishments.
In terms of preparing for behavioral interview questions, I'm a big believer in starting with your «greatest hits» stories — examples of your most impressive and relevant accomplishments.
His accomplishments that we've highlighted continue to be extremely strong achievement, with examples of what he has accomplished for his past school community that include: «Developed a solid cohesive educational team by setting high expectations and encouraging team approach; established committees to address school issues and goals, promoting creativity and career development to all staff, allowing ideas and opinions to be shared».
When you work with a resume company such as Robin's Resumes ®, they will help you uncover many examples of your accomplishments.
To continue with the engineer - to - project - manager example: you would select accomplishments demonstrating your leadership, planning and strategic skills regardless of when they occurred in your career.
For example, if research was a large part of your previous job, list that task and follow it with the type of accomplishment it produced.
An example accomplishment statement is, «Maintained 100 percent compliance with department of transportation regulations.»
For example, monthly dinner meetings to encourage and celebrate employment, educational, and career accomplishments; or special group sessions by therapists for young ladies wanting to explore relationship issues between women / men and women / women, coping with possible past trauma issues, formation of healthy relationships, and / or advancing social competence and confidence in building and understanding healthy reciprocal relationships
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