Sentences with phrase «examples set in»

why don't we just follow the simple example set in every muslim nation and allow them to build their mosques and «community centers» when they allow churches and synagogues to be built inn their countries.
you seem to be following the example set in your bible very well; cont rad ict yourself in the same paragraph.
Yes, one of the answers to teacher recruitment might be you — and the example you set in the classroom.
Follow the example set in the resume sample by concisely listing the name of your degree, the year you graduated, and the academic institution from where you received it.
If you follow the example set in our marketing project manager resume sample, your resume will likely be stronger than much of the competition.

Not exact matches

However, sustained engagement on issues of equity and inclusion, activities that place participants in the situations that oppressed people experience (what I call «addressing the empathy gap»), and setting goals — much like the one Starbucks envisioned a decade ago regarding pay equity — are some examples of evidence - based best practices.
For example, if you notice a worker struggling with one set of tasks but exceeding in another, let him or her know your observations, and make an effort to arrange the workload to a balance more favorable to the person's strengths.
There can be no faith in government if our highest offices are excused from scrutiny - they should be setting the example of transparency.»
Gillian Thomas, senior staff attorney at American Civil Liberties Union Women's Rights Project, says that in order to create safer spaces for women, individuals in leadership positions must do a better job of setting a good example.
I follow good cyber hygiene to set the example for healthy habits, for instance, by creating complex passwords, changing them frequently, and never sharing them; in locking up my laptops and devices; and being aware of what is going on around me.
It may set a precedent in other British lawsuits as well — for example four messenger companies are currently being sued by bicycle messengers who claim they should have employee status.
Glaser advises that in a negotiation type of setting, for example, to develop an agenda and send it around ahead of time.
«Brazil and other countries in Latin America are really good examples of what it looks like when you set up barriers to access for abortions,» said Mónica Arango, Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean at the Center for Reproductive Rights.
I sometimes took longer rest breaks than specified, and cut some sets in half (doing five reps, for example, resting for five seconds, then pushing through the next five).
For example, new markets can require entirely different sets of skills and expertise, and if you hire only in your headquarters, the limited geographic reach can strangle the size of your applicant pool.
Take, for example, hitchBOT: a hitchhiking robot that set out from Boston in July 2015 on a mission to see the entire country.
When talking about doing favors, Natalie Zfat set a great example for parameters in her article «How To Master Networking» by saying that if something takes less than five minutes and doesn't jeopardize any of your client relationships, do it.
«Now more than ever, we are excited to lead our company's global effort toward a renewable future and, partnering with Enel, set an industry example of how major companies can help to make a difference in climate change,» he added.
Inexperienced managers, for example, are going to make mistakes as a matter of course; those of us with more experience may become so set in our habits that we don't even recognize there are other ways of doing things.
For example, you don't want to hire a candidate who most enjoys working alone for your positions that require strong communication to problem - solve in a team setting.
Take digital marketing as an example: By 2017, CMOs will be directing more corporate technology spending than chief information officers will, and yet CIOs are more likely to have chairs in the C - suite, where the corporate agenda gets set.
This is more than the Cold War's simple fixation on Russian villains, however, with StudioCanal producing, for example, «The Tracking of a Russian Spy,» which sees Logan Lerman play a journalist who travels to Russia and becomes a tool of the Kremlin, in a film which sets out to tackle ideas of fake news and disinformation campaigns.
For example, the new capabilities will allow companies to set up and initiate all - hands meetings for up to 10,000 attendees — that can be attended via Web browser or mobile device — in a matter of minutes, Case told Fortune.
There's at least one relatively recent example the entrepreneurial set can cite: In the late 1980s the federal government said that mapping the first human genome was going to take 15 years and cost $ 3 billion.
Beyonce's self - titled album and complementary set of music videos is an example, and even the White House got in the game with its candid photo galleries.
Help to set the tone by figuring out creative ways to highlight team members who are leading by example in this ever - important category.
For example, if a creative CEO is fine with employees» working from home or wants everyone to be in the office by a certain time each day, the expectation must be set and the rule adhered to.
For example, one use of the technology could be fully automated checkout in retail settings.
Even if your eyes are set on something unprecedented, you are guaranteed to be able to find at least some analogous examples of similar successes in history.
Make sure to set the example, and you'll create a culture in which others are motivated to do the same.
If the night had a specific theme, it was that women in business don't just need mentors and coaches, they need sponsors to be their advocates behind the scenes and champions in their workplace that set an example of their company's attitudes toward the empowerment of women.
OFC's share of that total is modest, but the example Olayan sets as a rare female business leader in the region has had a profound influence.
For example, marketers in the study are now setting aside more than a quarter (28 percent) of their budget for video marketing.
House Speaker Paul Ryan is adamant that Congress should be held to «high standards» and set an example for the rest of the country in how women are treated in the workplace amid a flood of recent allegations of sexual harassment both on the Hill and across the country.
While some startups, such as Taskrabbit, have attempted to address some of the inequity invovled in being a contract worker, for example by setting a wage floor of $ 11.20 an hour — higher than the proposed national minimum wage of $ 10.10 — and providing some discounts for health care and transportation, contractors clearly need a lot more.
You may for example include additional training when negotiating the deal or even invest in additional systems making your business less dependent on these specific skill sets.
Another example is the Little Miss Matched apparel company, which decided to build a business around selling non-matching socks in sets of three.
When you need to take pictures in dim lighting, for example, increasing the camera's ISO setting can help you take better pictures.
By setting an example with a weekly fast, we created a weekly rhythm that our community can participate in and join in on.
Twins don't share the same fingerprints for example because even though they share a womb, they sit in different places in the womb, which gives them a different set of prints.
Gilman learns lessons in crisis management and acquires skills — in recruiting and retaining staff, managing disparate talent levels, setting an example for employees — on the fly.
The «Wrong» example forces the client to wade through a bunch of information and then decide to call, which means writing down or cut - and - pasting the phone number, leaving the email environment, making the call, playing phone tag maybe... all hassles can get in the way of actually setting up the meeting.
Under the CRTC's draft code, wireless companies would have to suspend some services when a customer reaches either $ 50 in additional charges over and above what they pay for their monthly plan — though roaming fees, for example — or an amount each consumer would set.
May replied in a letter saying she appreciated «the characteristically serious manner» in which Fallon had considered his position and «the particular example you wish to set to servicemen and women and others.»
Certain countries, for example, in the past have set quotas on the numbers of students who pursue higher education in certain disciplines based on workforce demands.
VC investors will never be interested in funding indie art films, a major set on Kickstarter, for example.
I would not use gratuitous sex and violence — as in Game of Thrones — but make sure the violence, for example, was appropriate to the story, its historical setting, and to my characters.
If you want U.S. investors, for example, it may be worthwhile to set up an office in New York City or Silicon Valley.
Importantly, leaders learn from their mistakes and know there is experience in failure, and set this example for those around them.
If your actions and words match, you'll be halfway along in setting a consistent example for the team.
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