Sentences with word «exceedance»

Percentile threshold indices measure the frequency of exceedance with respect to a percentile - based threshold.
Still this unfounded probabilistic interpretation is at the heart of making threshold exceedance budgets.
Calculated load exceedance and reserve factors (LEFs and RFs) on various wingbox rib components
Map shows the levels of human - caused noise (noise exceedance) across parks, wilderness, and other natural spaces.
The range of post-2014 allowable emissions for a 66 % chance of not passing 1.5 ºC in Millar et al of 200 - 240GtC implies that the planet would exceed the threshold after 2030 at current emissions levels, compared with the AR5 analysis which would imply most likely exceedance before 2020.
Dr. Kuylenstierna developed methods to map sensitivity, critical load / level and exceedance maps for sulphur, nitrogen and ozone pollution in Europe, Asia, Africa and South and Central America, and also assessments at global scale.
These standards provide the drivers for provinces and territories to take action to reduce ambient air pollutant concentrations and prevent exceedance of the standards within their jurisdiction.
It has the worst air quality in the country, and companies regularly run afoul of exceedance limits, but in 2006 all of the oil companies were fined only $ 249,000.
Climate - driven exceedance of total (wet + dry) nitrogen (N) + sulfur (S) deposition to forest soil over the conterminous US Authors
Just days after the Mauna Loa observatory recorded the first exceedance of 400 ppm carbon dioxide in earth's atmosphere, a report in the journal Nature Climate Change describes what we can expect if climate change continues unmitigated.
«They said our testing was inaccurate and didn't take into consideration a variety of circumstances that occur on the open road, in traffic, load, incline, exceedances with engineering limits.»
CEO Elon Musk took to Twitter to address the delay, «High altitude wind shear data shows a probable 2 % load exceedance.
ESMs and combined observation / ESMs use what are called «threshold exceedance budgets».
In this section, we consider the population within a 5 km radius around a TOAR ozone monitoring station; hereafter referred to as the «monitored population», and estimate their exposure in terms of exceedances of one metric: NDGT60.
«The EPA must provide clearer guidance about when a water system should be taken offline — or when bottled water should be provided — in the case of an exceedance of a maximum contaminant level or a non-binding health advisory level,» they wrote.
«The probability of exceeding the thresholds and timing of exceedance is highly dependent on the pre-industrial baseline,» the authors wrote.
Alternatively, we trust the cumulative emissions number and treat the models as full proxies for reality, as was done in AR5, which would tell us that the emissions to date have already brought us to the brink of exceedance of the 1.5 degree threshold.
If we assume a net flux of 5 Gt / year into the atmosphere, then we will observe the exceedance of this target in 33 - 84 years.
Among the allegations cited in the notice letter are exceedances and misreporting of discharges of manganese, iron, total suspended solids and pH. The groups and local residents bringing these claims cite a total of over 20,000 incidences of these three companies either exceeding permit pollution limits, failing to submit reports, or falsifying the required monitoring data.
Integrated assessment models limit warming to well below 1.5 C warming in the year 2100, while other approaches avoid any exceedance within the next century.
If Nic had not retained strict monotonicity, then his exceedance test results would have had poor tail characteristics when the flat spot was occurring at the beginning or end of his selected calendar date segments.
The exceedance tests carried out by Nic suggest that Jeffrey's prior yields a CDF which captures likelihood of occurrence of these tails more accurately in a frequentist sense than does a uniform prior.
More specifically, consideration is given to two intensity - based indices and one frequency - based index, namely (a) all - day percentiles, (b) wet - day percentiles, and (c) frequency indices based on the exceedance of a percentile threshold.
The benefits of methods relying on reducing the exceedance of flood thresholds (i.e., rising flood protections, reducing peak flow) heavily depend on the future climate scenario.
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