Sentences with phrase «excellent agreement»

The experimental observations are in excellent agreement with in - depth theoretical calculations of transient x-ray absorption.
Their results are in excellent agreement with numerical solutions in 2 and 3 dimensions.
They found excellent agreement with the two methods for hydrogen.
Within the presented experiment coverages ranging from 7 % up to 97 % could be identified and are in excellent agreement with atomic force microscope results.
There were a huge number of reporting stations in each state that were generally in excellent agreement with one another.
«The results show excellent agreement between the scores obtained in the two situations,» says Jacob.
For the basic model parameters Teff, log g and [Fe / H], we interpolate in the grid of GAIA / PHOENIX stellar model atmospheres and compute the corresponding model for the G2 V star alpha Cen A. Comparison with photometric measurements shows excellent agreement between observed photospheric data in the optical and infrared.
The numerical solution of the time dependent Schrödinger equation for the investigated atoms in a strong laser field provided excellent agreement of the theory with the experimental data in both regimes.
«In this post I demonstrate perhaps a little vindication -LSB-...] There is excellent agreement over the past 1100 years -LSB-...] My peak temperature occurs about 100 years earlier, but I agree with the new reconstruction -LSB-...] The MWP looks real.»
New Basic One - Dimensional One - Layer Model Obtains Excellent Agreement with the Observed Earth Temperature, Link et al, 01/2011; read more here.
For example, the calculations of Haywood et al. (1999) showed that the clear - sky outgoing flux at the TOA over oceans yields excellent agreement with Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) observations when aerosol species are considered.
During his many years of providing business legal services Travis has mastered the art of contract negotiation and drafting, and has an intimate knowledge of the nuances of building excellent agreements that are in the best interests of his clients.
Deutsche WindGuard, which showed excellent agreement between the power curve measurements performed with the nacelle - Lidar and scanning Lidar for the same turbine and measurement period.
The TSI reconstruction with lower variation shows excellent agreement with reconstructed past temperatures while the model results from the more variable TSI give cooler results.
Indeed, Gore could have used the ice core data to make an additional and stronger point, which is that these data provide a nice independent test of climate sensitivity, which gives a result in excellent agreement with results from models.
He called the deal «an excellent agreement for both sides.»
COBE's discovery of tiny variations in the temperature of the cosmic microwave background and the subsequent confirmation by WMAP that these are in excellent agreement with the predictions of inflation.
There is excellent agreement between the simulated and experimentally observed microstructures.
They observed the accelerated emission of the first photon to be in excellent agreement with Dicke's prediction.
Due to the excellent agreement between experiment and theory, diffusion processes can now be understood beyond Brownian motion.
The excellent agreement between these and many other measurements indicates that «cosmologists seem to be on the right track on their quest to understand the properties and evolution of the Universe,» notes Schrabback.
Based on this scenario, Mancuso and colleagues formulated a prediction on GMS and demonstrated that their results are in excellent agreement with the observed mean relation, while providing a new interpretation for outliers.
«While previous theories were cumbersome and required a great deal of justification,» says Manica, «we have developed a simpler model that is easy to derive and gives values that are in excellent agreement with available experimental data.»
This is not only in excellent agreement with the observed temperature changes at the surface (blue stars), it also correctly reproduces the observed heat storage in the oceans — a strong indicator that the model's heat budget is correct.
Our latest report showed an excellent agreement for mutation detection between invasive biopsies and ctDNA (Lebofsky, Mol Oncol 2015).
Although scientists have yet to detect them directly, the influence of gravitational wave emissions on a binary pulsar system (two neutron stars orbiting each other) has been measured accurately and is in excellent agreement with predictions.
This is not only in excellent agreement with the observed temperature changes at the surface (blue stars), it also correctly reproduces the observed heat storage in the oceans — a strong indicator that the model's heat budget is correct.
The Ramanthan paper I found indicates that there may be some room for negative feedback in water vapor in temperate tropospheres, but that «The excellent agreement in Figure 10, however, suggest that it is highly unlikely models are missing some potentially important global scale water - vapor transport effects...».
Figure 3.2 b shows the excellent agreement among different high - resolution Antarctic ice cores covering the past 1,000 years.
The temporal overlap of over three years of the new NOAA - 17 and the previous NOAA - 16 record reveals an excellent agreement of the corresponding global monthly mean AOT values, thereby confirming the robustness of the vicarious radiance calibration used in the original GACP product.
Excellent agreement is found between the trends shown by the model and almost all sets of measurements.
We find an excellent agreement between the long - term cycles in proxies of solar activity and the periodicities in the planetary torque and also that some periodicities remain phase - locked over 9400 years.
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