Sentences with phrase «excellent blog post»

Do you find yourself wondering how some bloggers seem to come up with excellent blog post ideas on a regular basis?
Once you have created excellent blog posts for home buyers and sellers, it's important to promote it to others at different social media channels.
(courtesy Igor S's excellent Blog Posts on Reverse Engineering the Kindle — this is taken verbatim).
Thanks to Craic for the link, and for his most excellent blog post, «Crazy, Deranged Fools: Grand Rapids Hall of Fame».
Excellent blog post.
Last week Al Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, wrote an excellent blog post about intellectual discipleship and the importance of loving God with our minds.
Or read this excellent blog post from Whole Foods.
Jill, from the fabulous blog Baby Rabies, wrote an excellent blog post about giving herself more credit for surviving colic with her firstborn, who was a high needs fussy baby much like my beloved Benjamin.
Excellent blog post.
Here is an excellent blog post that offers some great strategies that I have found helpful in my own writing process.
Excellent blog post!
In an excellent blog post on the science of creativity, Diane Cadiergue shares surprising concepts about nurturing creativity, including that memorization is necessary to build a student's ability to generate original ideas.
Good Morning This morning we have an excellent blog post from LFC's Alkinee Jackson: If parents don't stand, who will?
This morning we have an excellent blog post from LFC's Alkinee Jackson: If parents don't stand, who will?
Broader BolderAs summarized in an excellent blog post at the Broader Bolder Approach web site and on the Shanker Institute's fantastic new web site, new research on the effects of early childhood education and on the effects of poverty is shedding light on why past ed reform strategies aimed at narrowing the achievement gap have failed.
Excellent blog post!
HOWEVER, this chart from Dr. Bauer points out the craziness of using this narrow metric to designate a slim band of students «college ready» — while overlooking very high - achieving students who don't fit the exact benchmark... Chris Profeta, in the excellent blog post The Myth of College Readiness, calls on Lansing to measure «College Readiness» using metrics that are honest and accurately interpreted:
An excellent blog post I found this morning: 7 Ways to step up your indie author career.
Excellent blog post, Maggie!
I also want to link to two excellent blog posts, by bestselling indie author Hugh Howey and self - publishing author and advocate David Gaughran, which offer reassuring perspective.
Kevin Charman - Anderson, in an excellent blog post on the impact of digital on news organisations, outlines the answer neatly:
In an excellent blog post, bestselling author and writing teacher David Farland takes on purveyors of plagiarism, fake reviews, purchased reviews, review - swapping schemes, attack reviews, etc..
-LSB-...] Belinda Pollard has an excellent blog post on choosing a pen name, if that's your decision.
That's an excellent blog post in itself, Lloyd!
-LSB-...] Jane Friedman writes in her excellent blog post about writing - the - synopsis: «The synopsis ensures character actions and motivations are realistic and make sense.
As Chuck Wendig says in his excellent blog post «25 Things You Should Know About Antagonists,» «The antagonist is there to push and pull the sequence of events into an arrangement that pleases him.
Reblogged this on Writer's Treasure Chest and commented: Chris McMullen provides us with an excellent blog post on how to add x-ray to our kindle e-book.
Excellent blog post and very informative.
I first thought of this when reading the excellent blog post by Hugh Howey on «The Liliana Nirvana Technique», which basically consists of «publishing 5 works at once» and the 6th one shortly after.
This is an excellent blog post!
You can try to chase the market and write what you think is popular, but that's not going to last for the long term (thank you Kristine Kathryn Rusch for an excellent blog post) or you can slog through and work hard.
They are also struggling to come anywhere close to cracking Amazon's top 100 (see Russell Blake's excellent blog post The Dark Side of Free for more on this — read the middle part especially for the effects of the freebie on sales).
[Dan Hallett of HighView Financial Group wrote an excellent blog post describing this idea in detail.
-LSB-...] I got inspiration this week from an excellent blog post I read by Mark McGuinness (of Lateral Action and Third Tribe fame).
As Backwoods Mama writes in an excellent blog post on this topic:
I was also remiss in not including a link to his excellent blog post explaining the significance of the Lima meeting and why recent steps are important.
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