Sentences with phrase «excellent description»

He provided excellent descriptions of the programs and warranties offered.
The facilitator (a professional) when asked by a newer member, why Realtors were not considered professionals provided a very excellent description in a nutshell of «What is a professional».
The activity will drive home that good writing — their own included — benefits from excellent descriptions.
Author Arden Moore's «Happy Cat Happy You» and «The Cat Behavior Answer Book» both provide excellent descriptions of how to interpret feline body language messages.
This candidate begins by offering excellent descriptions of their four key areas of strength: Business Generation, Operations Management, Entrepreneurship, and Security.
Really excellent description of a wonderful evening Thomas.
Writing Descriptions of «My Favorite Place» Michael Pratley, who teaches at Frankfort (Michigan) High School, submitted this lesson, in which a special exercise helps students focus on imagining and then write excellent descriptions.
Continuing our discussion about what makes a description excellent, today we will examine the first of the four elements posted in last weeks Writing Wednesday blog: Excellent descriptions involve action Typically, the type of description we think of is telling what something looks like.
Someone at IndieCade — I believe it was either Rusty Moyher or Doug Wilson, I don't remember which, but they were sitting next to each other at the time that it was said — described Kickstarter as «a means to turn social capital into financial capital», which I thought was a quite excellent description.
Excellent descriptions at IOP, including a beginners guide.
In the continuing quest to find excellent descriptions of the greenhouse effect, Eli has come across J.S. Sawyers Nature article from 1972, Man Made Carbon Dioxide and the Greenhouse Effect, which was commented on by Skeptical Science and warehoused (bunnies can read it there) by the Weasel.
See Leila Hendrix, Extended Family: Combining Ages in Church Experience (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1979) for an excellent description of the house - church as a model for spiritual formation.
For an excellent description of the great variety of love songs found in the Song, see Roland E. Murphy, Wisdom Literature: job, Proverbs, Ruth, Canticles, Ecclesiastes, Esther, The Forms of the Old Testament Literature, Vol.
Joseph Bottum's excellent description of Emil Cioran as «the greatest monster of despair» immediately reminded me of my favorite Psalm, the eighty - eighth, in which the ancient psalmist Heman presents a nearly continuous string of abandonment woes.
Their results demonstrate that the standard model of cosmology remains an excellent description of the universe.
For more information on the interplay between megapixels and sensors, check out the excellent description in CNET's digital camera buying guide.
That's an excellent description, Marcia.
The main factor that can trigger your chances of obtaining a loved one is excellent descriptions that do not create a hyperbole effect to the people viewing your profile.
«Indescribably» Excellent Descriptions Students train their eyes to look more closely at detail and imperfections as they write «indescribably» excellent descriptions of places, people, and things!
This is an excellent description of lesson study and of its benefits.
Students train their eyes to look more closely at detail and imperfections as they write «indescribably» excellent descriptions of places, people, and things!
Engage students with writing activities that involve them in writing round - robin stories, «indescribably» excellent descriptions, persuasive alien essays, tabloid news stories, and books about younger students they interview.
«Indescribably» Excellent Descriptions Engage students in a lesson that trains their eyes to look more closely at detail and imperfections as they write «indescribably» excellent descriptions of places, people, and things!
excellent description of the engulfing candle Chris.This can also work very well with a wavy trend as well from my experience.
I received this excellent description of the textbook bloat signs from Alan Cowen from the Irish Wolfhound list:
The web site has loads of great info, including an excellent description of the battle user interface here.
Famed scientist Richard Feynman offers an excellent description of «good science» vs. «cargo cult science» here.
If you can not see that the above graph is an EXCELLENT description of the climate of the 20th century, I can not help you.
Girma: What counts is the analysis gives you an EXCELLENT description of the observed data as shown
Excellent description of how it works Tim.
An excellent description of this technology (XBRL) is contained in «A radically transparent plan to remake the market,» an article by Daniel Roth in the March 2009 Wired.
The Verge has an excellent description of the vulnerability here and there have been no reported exploitations of the vulnerability so far.
Provide an excellent descriptions of their four key areas of strength including Business Generation, Operations Management, Entrepreneurship, and Security.
I would have no problem building this from your excellent description and photos.
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