Sentences with phrase «excellent discussion»

I'm a fan of what I'm seeing here: excellent discussion of how the process has changed in the past few years!
I have collected together 30 high quality images which will make excellent discussion prompts for students.
I've found that this simple activity can generate excellent discussion.
No two free - form maps will be alike, which promotes excellent discussion amongst students.
While this case was dismissed, the details provided in the summary make excellent discussion points.
This broad level of participation resulted in excellent discussion on how data can be improved and better shared while also increasing the overall understanding of energy data processes and needs, also leading to deeper engagement across the organisations in attendance.
Thursday ended on excellent discussions with innovative companies, Where Writers Win and BiblioCrunch.
The questions below are excellent discussion starters for eliciting student perspectives, feelings, and thoughts that youths might never disclose otherwise:
You'll find excellent discussions of the program's practical pros and cons, but the real danger lies in allowing such -LSB-...]
There's some really excellent discussion on why and by how much BookScan numbers might be off right here.
There have been many excellent discussions at the Morningstar Income & Dividend Investing discussion board recently.
«We're having excellent discussions about parity, which is good for the state, MTA, roads and bridges, making sure that we have an equitable distribution just like education funding across the State of New York.»
Mr. president, Senior Government officials, I have just had excellent discussions with President Trump and I would like to reiterate my immense gratitude to you, Mr. President for your kind invitation and the very warm and generous hospitality extended to me and my delegation since our arrival in the United States; 2.
You'll find excellent discussions of the program's practical pros and cons, but the real danger lies in allowing such discussions to obscure the bigger picture.
You can find excellent discussions of this move and its implications at ZDnet and Microsoft Watch.
There was an excellent discussion on Delaware public television on the subject of Joe Biden, Catholic teaching on abortion, and Catholic voters.
Excellent discussion.
@A Theist, @geraldh, @Nominus: Thank you all for this excellent discussion.
A woman who is held back, minimized, or downplayed is not walking in the fullness God intended for her as an image bearer (for instance, take a look at Carolyn Custis James» excellent discussion about being an «ezer kenegdo» in her book, «Half the Church.»)
In particular, there is an excellent discussion about the merits of taking an emergent and top - down view of brain function as opposed to a reductionist approach.
In Zen, however, the true self is affirmed as the everyday mind that remains after the reality of no - self has been understood.9 Thomas Kasulis, whose Zen Action / Zen Person is an excellent discussion of Zen approaches to the self, explains that the true self is not something different from immediate experience; rather it is immediate experience itself.
Thanks to Samuel and others for an excellent discussion (just below).
For an excellent discussion of the topic, see Barbour, Ian G., «Teilhard Process Metaphysics,» in Cousins, Ewert H., ed., Process Theology: Basic Writings by the Key Thinkers of a Major Modern Movement (New York: Newman Press, 1971), pp. 323 - 350.
An excellent discussion of this problem is to be found in James E. Sellers, The Outsider and the Word of God.
See Darrell J. Doughty, «Homosexuality and Obedience to the Gospel,» Church and Society (May - June 1977) for an excellent discussion of what Paul does and does not say about homosexuality.
For an excellent discussion of the Dodd - Bultmann tension cf. William R. Baird, «what is the Kerygma?»
Used in a group the Androgyny Test makes an excellent discussion starter on the issues of equality, sex - role stereotyping, and individual wholeness.
For an excellent discussion of this issue, cf. Abraham H. Maslow, Religions, Values and Peak - Experiences (New York: Viking Press.
Excellent list and excellent discussion!
It was an excellent discussion, and included many voices: teachers, nutritionists and dietitians, folks from FRAC, NEAHIN, National Dairy Council, and many more.
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