Sentences with phrase «excellent fruit»

I hope that, in this way, the exchange will eventually bear excellent fruit.
Howard Park Wines has a very simple mantra when it comes to the production of its wines - premium wine can only come from excellent fruit.
From around the world we've selected grape varieties that produce excellent fruit in the South Australian climate.
Such work would permit excellent fruit flavour and colour development, combined with enhanced shelf life.»
The plant has a single, strong main stem and sturdy branches that provide foliage cover for sunscald protection and support for an excellent fruit set.
Yao Family Wines sources the grapes for its Yao Ming Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon from prestigious Napa Valley vineyards with a reputation for excellent fruit and selects individual blocks to blend for flavor and texture in its world - class wines.
Cucumbers also help fight bloating, constipation, and are excellent fruits to aid the relaxation of the body due to the way their nutrients can help lower blood pressure levels.
Plums are an excellent fruit for everyone because they are low in cholesterol, high in fiber, sodium free as well as rich in vitamin A and C. Besides, the powerful anti-oxidants found in them help protect your body against serious diseases such as cancer.
Research has found that the metabolism in our fat cells can be increased by the phytonutrients found in raspberries (this does not mean eat them by the bucketful lol just that they are an excellent fruit to include)
Papaya is an excellent fruit to add to a weight loss plan as its low in calories, full of nutrients, and has a good amount of dietary fibre.
There are studies that show papaya to be an excellent fruit for optimizing digestion, and it is actually frequently used as a natural remedy in tropical countries for the purposes of treating abnormal digestion.
They are also an excellent fruit to eat and a healthy choice as far as your digestive system is concerned.
Cucumbers also help fight bloating, constipation, and are excellent fruits to aid the relaxation of the body due to the way their nutrients can help lower blood pressure levels.
Strawberry is also an excellent fruit to lose weight.
They're thus an excellent fruit if you have symptoms like digestive discomfort, slowly healing acne scars, high stress levels, or oily skin.
Grapefruit is an excellent fruit to lose weight.
Some candida patients can tolerate pineapple juice and find it an excellent fruit juice to combine with vegetables, others I know simply can not tolerate pineapple.
Hence, watermelon is an excellent fruit that directs in weight reduction.
Pomegranates are an excellent fruit for anyone looking to improve the healthy of their heart.
This is why berries are an excellent fruit choice for diabetics.
Papaya is an excellent fruit that not only takes care of your health; it is excellent for your skin also.
Pomegranates are an excellent fruit, as we discussed in this article.
Originally intended to be an XBLA release, the decision was made to bump the game up to a full retail release, although it should be noted when the game does drop on September 16th, it will be at a reduced price of # 29.99, which will include a free code for the excellent Fruit Ninja Kinect as well.
To mitigate these factors, included with the game are free codes for the first Gunstringer DLC («The Wavy Tube Man Chronicles», out now) as well as the excellent Fruit Ninja Kinect and a whopping two - day Xbox Live Gold membership.
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