Sentences with phrase «excellent score mix»

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Excellent credit scores have a mix of installment credit, such as a mortgage, and revolving credit, such as credit cards.
Part sports game and part old - school RPG, Golf Story is an excellent independent game that mixes an RPG - like story mode that replaces combat encounters with settling the score via a round of golf.
Though a straightforward mono mix, «Thirst» has some marvelous sound design that particularly pays off during a hallucinatory «conversion» sequence of sorts, with wild sound effects by mixer Peter Fenton that beautifully intermesh with Brian May's excellent orchestral score.
The Dolby 2.0 mono audio mix is excellent as well, as there are no hisses or sparks in the dubbing and Fabi Frizzi's classic porn score comes through righteous and funkadelic.
Her credit score will go up over time naturally if she makes payments, but it will difficult to have an excellent score without a credit card, simply because credit mix is a big portion of how the score is determined.
From what I've see, the more errors that I've corrected the and along with three years of excellent payment history, the more diverse my credit mix the more my score has decreased.
I could tell the CR was concerned by the large quantity of credit inquiries (the last 12 months show a mix of inquiries from home refi, to an auto loan, to credit cards), but they also acknowledged the fact that I have an excellent credit score (Experian was mentioned) and zero issues with paying Chase credit lines on time.
There are several tracks that mix classical score with electronic and dubstep to excellent effect, and the menu has a great djenty prog metal track that I got excited to hear every time it came on!
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