Sentences with phrase «excellent stress reliever»

You're never too old or too young for playdough — countless ideas, constant creativity and an excellent stress reliever (hey parents, you should play too!).
Mind and Soul: Aside from the obvious physical benefits to a magnesium soak, it's an excellent stress reliever and bringsinstant calm and relaxation to your mind.
Lavender oil will also help to reduce muscle spasm and inflammation, and also makes an excellent stress reliever.
Exercise — if you have the chance to fit in a work — out before a first date or an all important phone call, moderate exercise is an excellent stress reliever.
But its also an excellent stress reliever; lowers anxiety levels; improves respiration, energy and vitality; and helps with weight reduction and cardio and circulatory health.
The holidays can be a bit stressful, but luckily, laughter is an excellent stress reliever!
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