Sentences with phrase «excess drinking»

The consequences of excess drinking in youth are significant.
«This association persists regardless of beverage type and shows a dose - response relationship, which means excess drinking for weeks or months can increase blood pressure,» he said.
About 4,300 underage drinkers die each year from excess drinking, the report said.
Primary Care Doctors Miss Excess Drinking By Not Asking Right Questions, article published on the website of Ring of Fire Radio on 1/23/13.
UK: Alcohol debate becoming polarised - trade chief Campaign groups seeking ever greater extremes are distorting the debate over how to tackle excess drinking in the UK, the head of the Wine & Sp...
Wharton descended into homelessness and excess drinking last spring, after losing his wife, Catherine, to emphysema.
Symptoms vary, and usually include excess drinking and urinating.
A Facebook or Twitter page may reveal that a candidate has a problem the company does not want to deal with, such as excess drinking or anger toward co-workers.
The damage from excess drinking is not due to the alcohol, but rather, to the toxic effects from acetaldehyde.
Any symptom of excess drinking or urinating, weight loss, lethargy, or poor appetite is cause for an immediate exam and blood panel.
Excess drinking by teens and young adults was lowest in North Carolina (12 percent) and Tennessee and Utah, both at 11 percent, the report found.
Excess drinking and weight gain have been linked in the past.
if broccoli sprouts are such a great detoxifer, for the liver, then they should prevent hangovers from excess drinking?
Smoking, unhealthy eating, and excess drinking all represent risks to our long term health, yet they are commonplace in today's...
It stands to reason that excess drinking can not be a good thing for our brain cells, although Carper concedes the benefits of modest (a glass or two) of red wine on occasion.
Make sure there are no visible clinical signs of an underlying health problem (persistent diarrhoea, sickness, depression, temperature, excess drinking or urination).
These signs of excess drinking and urinating are subtle at the beginning stages of the disease and are easily missed.
A very small amount of dogs had diarrhea, vomiting, and excess drinking, which went away eventually.
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