Sentences with phrase «excess fluid»

"Excess fluid" refers to the situation when there is too much liquid or water in a particular place or part of the body. Full definition
In some people, sodium increases blood pressure because it holds excess fluid in the body, creating an added burden to your heart.
This will help so its system doesn't have to work as hard as to get rid of excess fluid caused by high levels of sodium in the body.
Additionally, the original kidney tissue was not connected to any blood vessels, even though the primary function of the organ is to filter waste products and excess fluid from the blood.
For more serious conditions like heart disease, oral medications may be necessary to improve cardiac function and help the body remove excess fluids.
Your gut may be releasing excess fluid into the GI tract during digestion, or food may be moving too fast through your system.
In turn, this makes the body retain excess fluid.
But our favorite tip is to squeeze out as much excess fluid as possible when you're removing the mask from its packaging.
Babies are born with excess fluid, so most newborns lose 7 to 10 percent of their birth weight in the first few days of life.
In fact, increased intake is often a response to excess fluid loss in urine.
Too much sodium in the diet can cause hypertension (high blood pressure) and can also cause the body to hold onto excess fluid.
This commonly occurs around three days after the birth of your baby and is due to both an increased blood supply and resulting excess fluid in the breast tissue.
Never give your baby any liquids except formula or breast milk without checking with a doctor first — too much excess fluid can be dangerous for babies.
Eating a proper diet can give you the energy you need after pregnancy and help you shed excess fluids.
This condition involves swelling of the limbs as a result of excess fluid building up among the cells.
They may actually need excess fluid to kind of thin their blood a little bit if it's too thick.
Keep in mind that excess fluids before bed also wakes us up, so ultimately it is best to not have any food or drink at least 90 minutes before bed.
When you lose weight rapidly it is often excess fluid, particularly if you are very overweight or obese.
They may or may not show excess fluid in the lungs.
Healthy diets mean you are less likely to have a build - up of excess fluid and waste material.
These nutrients all aid body processes that are important for removing excess fluid.
Sometimes, dogs who have cardiac issues are also on medicine that helps them eliminate excess fluid.
When you increase the amount of potassium in your diet, you release excess fluid and sodium through urination.
One concern about sodium is that it causes your body to retain excess fluid.
Without urination, fluid will build up in the body and lead to excess fluid in the heart, lungs, and ankles.
The biggest issue I've seen with excess fluid is blowing out the seals.
Since dry air in winter and excess fluid loss due to inflammatory illness lead to increased fluid loss, make sure your pets always have fresh water readily available.
When your body holds onto excess fluid, things can get really uncomfortable.
After surgery your doctor will advise on an ongoing treatment plant which may include having a shunt fitted to drain excess fluid from the brain and physio.
Epsom salts are good because they are made of compounds that help pull excess fluids out of your tissues and thus, keep your muscles from swelling.
Calories: 27 per cup Asparagus is traditionally known as a detoxifying food, because it contains high levels of an amino acid that acts as a diuretic, flushing excess fluid out of your system.
Due to This Fact, Your Look Improves Every Day and Effectively Purges the Body From Toxins and Excess Fluid by Washing Them Out Naturally Through the Intestine.
The dog's abdomen may swell from excess fluid buildup.
These treatments offer an instant de-puff from manually draining the lymphatic system and reducing excess fluids around the eyes.
Burdock, in addition to its anti-inflammatory effect, it is a powerful diuretic so it can help reduce excess fluid and bloating associated with PM.S
Lightly kneading your dog's muscles can stimulate their blood flow, relieve muscle tension and allow excess fluid around their joints to drain.
(This is especially great if you suffer from excess fluid under you eyes.)
Capsaicin irritation also helps the body work more efficiently by causing a protective reaction, particularly in the digestive and respiratory tracts, in which excess fluids are produced to flush out an unwanted invader.
«But once you are adequately hydrated, the kidneys take over and excrete excess fluids
«Most current therapeutic approaches are limited in their ability to reduce injury - induced brain swelling, and no treatments are available to resolve excess fluid at a later stage.
Parents who have had any IV fluids are at special risk for excess fluid in the breast and areola.
Alfalfa is might be very beneficial for alleviating edema by ridding the body of excess fluid caused by the disease.
The years of abuse in the boxing ring had left him brain damaged, excess fluid oozing onto the surface of his brain.
If it won't cause you more pain or discomfort, massaging is great for increasing circulation and decreasing excess fluid buildup.
Home dialysis — when patients have the ability to clear excess fluid and waste from the kidneys by using a dialysis machine in the privacy of their own home — use is 52 percent higher than a decade ago.
The endothelium's primary task is to pump excess fluid out of the cornea to keep hydration levels optimal.
Three patients — all younger than 25 — died after excess fluids accumulated in their brains, Juno said.
When excess fluids in the nasal passageway, sinuses, head or throat block this delivery, it can result in mental or physical illness.
As it dries excess fluids, it is indicated for conditions like diarrhoea, night sweating, and excess urination.
Perhaps a better question is this: Can excess fluid intake be an aggravating factor rather than the cause of water and sodium imbalance?
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