Sentences with phrase «excess phlegm»

Over the centuries sages have attributed its seizures to everything from the presence of excess phlegm in the brain (per the ancient Greeks) to possession by evil spirits (during the Middle Ages).

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A body not in balance is the result of all of the humours not being in balance, and thus, the recommendation for Diaby is that he be purged of all excess Blood, Phlegm, Bile and other Expulsions from the Body until his body is back in balance, with express interest shown on the Fluids produced by the Liver, which is the Source of Life, and, if not in balance, the Cause of Bodily Disturbance.
These medicines are not recommended for a phlegm - producing cough because coughing is the body's way of expelling excess mucus.
The most common symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are persistent cough, shortness of breath, feeling like you can't breathe, and excess mucus or phlegm.
But dairy has the same properties as excess kapha and phlegm; it's cold, heavy and dense.
These qualities in excess result in congestion, mucus, phlegm, sneezing and post-nasal drip.
Excess kapha creates weight gain, mucous, phlegm, sinus congestion, clammy skin, heaviness, lethargy, water retention, swollen joints, a cold body and weak digestion.
I don't have any experience with food sensitivities but I'd guess it is a perhaps a dosha or ama aggravation, meaning there is an excess of dryness, heat, water, or phlegm.
My tissue was super sensitive and provided excesses of phlegm.
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