Sentences with phrase «excess water by»

Remove excess water by spinning the handle between the palms of your hands and it's ready for use.
3 To dry, squeeze out any excess water by hand.
Chop the flesh, salt lightly and remove excess water by pressing into a clean cloth.
You should start by removing the excess water by rubbing your dog down with a towel — this will make the drying process much quicker.
It also has powerful diuretic properties and helps the kidneys flush out waste and excess water by stimulating urine production.
If you boil your cauliflower, you may find it helpful to remove part of the excess water by using a towel or cheesecloth but do not dry it out completely.
Squeeze out excess water by rolling the cover in a dry towel then lay flat to dry (no dryer!).
Drain off excess water by using a paper towel.
Grate the zucchini and squash and remove the excess water by pressing on the shreddings with a paper towel.
Drain off any excess water by passing through a very fine mesh sieve and then place in a large serving bowl.

Not exact matches

It wasn't enough to compensate for all the excess water brought in by storms, however, and heavy rainfall on Saturday caused the dam to overflow for the first time in its 49 - year history.
When you're ready to start building the lather, first remove the excess water from the brush by giving it a quick light, shake.
Note: The zucchini will likely be very watery after roasting, so when it's cool enough to touch gently but firmly squeeze slices, by the handful, to remove any excess water.
Our experiments with the average amount of liquid (about 2 cups) left us with about two inches of excess water that was goopy and viscous, in part due to starch being released by amaranth as it cooks.
Some of kuzu's complex starch molecules enter the intestines and relieve the discomfort caused by overacidity, bacterial infection, and, in the case of diarrhea, excess water.
If you find that they're too runny, you can do two things: 1) squeeze the zucchini shreds with some paper towels to remove any excess water or 2) what it says in the post: «Test the consistency by trying to form into a ball, about 1/2 the size of a baseball.
Bring the chutney to your desired consistency by boiling off excess water on high heat.
While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the bulgur wheat by soaking it in lukewarm water for 20 minutes, then drain it in a sieve and let all excess water drip away.
Warm tortillas by dipping in water and shaking off excess.
This not only removes the excess water, but also improves the flavor by allowing the flavors to marry.
Adjust the consistency of the gravy by adding little more water if needed or boiling off any excess.
Remove excess sand from clams by soaking them in a bowl of cold salted water.
Pure maple syrup lists only «pure maple syrup» under ingredients and is made by a natural process of extracting the sap from maple trees, evaporating off excess water and filtering to remove impurities.
The real deal only lists «pure maple syrup» under ingredients and is made by a natural process of extracting the sap from maple trees, evaporating off excess water then filtering to remove impurities.
Meanwhile prepare the kale by washing well and either use a salad spinner to remove excess water or pat dry with a tea towel.
Nanotech compounds released from the bag film into the atmosphere react with excess water molecules released by the product.
By sucking up any excess water in the nooks and crannies of the fruit pieces, flour helps to keep those pieces «sticky» and suspended within the batter.
Solutions suggested by FDA and other experts include sourcing rice from fields with lower arsenic levels in soil, growing it with natural soil additives that reduce arsenic uptake by the roots, growing rice strains less prone to arsenic uptake, rinsing rice or preparing it with excess water that is poured off, and blending it with lower arsenic grains in multi-grain products.
Gripe water is a natural combination of herbs like ginger, fennel, chamomile, or cinnamon which help ease stomach discomfort caused by excess gas or air in the stomach.
Nitrates used in farming, and the excess not taken in by the crop itself, easily run - off and may seep into water tables, contaminating water supplies.
The plan was dependent on a stopgap measure Mulroy had negotiated: Nevada's ability to take a share of excess river water left unclaimed by the other states.
At a global level, the excess of atmospheric CO2 is absorbed by ocean waters and it causes changes in water chemistry (pH decrease or ocean acidification).
When the mites cluster, these glands absorb and recycle excess water excreted by other mites.»
Regulations on the amount of nitrate that may be released vary by state, but excess nitrate contributes to algal blooms in natural bodies of water, depleting oxygen levels for aquatic organisms.
Water harvesting by collecting excess rain run - off for instance in cisterns — for supplementary irrigation during dry spells — is a common traditional approach in some regions such as the Sahel region in Africa, but is under - used in many other semi-arid regions such as Asia and North America.
Subsequently, the water is conducted to a clarifier tank, to sediment the excess charge of dissolved elements; then the liquid reaches a filter to remove turbidity and is finally passed by polishing tank that eliminates odors, colors and flavors.
The level of water vapour in the atmosphere is determined mainly by temperature, and any excess is rapidly lost.
Inhospitable waters are caused by excess nitrogen that originates from distant Mid - western agribusinesses.
«This oxygen excess can be carried by either water or carbon, and in this star there is virtually no carbon — indicating there must have been substantial water,» said co-author Boris Gänsicke, from the University of Warwick.
Because water follows salt, when levels of this hormone increase your body responds by getting rid of excess water and your blood pressure decreases.
Stanford scientists cooled water without electricity by sending excess heat where it won't be noticed — space.
Sweating helps soften the skin to open up pores, flushing out contaminants that prevent cell regeneration by releasing excess water and salts.
Sometimes the excess water can cause weight fluctuation by a couple of pounds and it will most likely dwell around the midsection area.
This condition is not caused by excess fat that covers the abdominal muscles, but water that your body holds.
A good percentage of the excess weight you are carrying is actually caused by excessive water retention.
Rinse the konjac sponge well with cool water and gently squeeze the excess water out by pressing the sponge between your palms.
Cranberry juice is another natural diuretic that will help clean out your entire organism by flushing out toxins, harmful bacteria and excess water without depleting potassium levels, which is a common side - effect of prescription diuretics.
You can solve the problem of removing the excess water and achieve shredded look by using fat burners that are available on the market.
Consisting of vessels, spleen, thymus, and fluid - filled lymph nodes, the lymphatic system plays an integral role in absorbing excess fats and fluids, fighting infection by addressing toxins that are introduced to the body from both external means (food, air, personal care products, environmental pollution, and water) as well as internal ones (damaged proteins and cellular / metabolic waste), making it a crucial detoxification pathway.
If you have been with on a diet and then suddenly the scale jumps a couple of pounds, chances are that the weight is caused by excess water in your body.
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