Sentences with phrase «excessive hair»

Women with PCOS may experience excessive hair growth on the chest, face, back, lower abdomen, fingers, and toes.
However, it caused excessive hair growth as a side effect.
Any dog could potentially experience ear trouble, but long - haired breeds with excessive hair and upright outer ears are especially susceptible to canine ear infections.
Are you experiencing excessive hair growth on your face, abdomen or chest?
If you dog has excessive hair around or inside the ear canal, it should be removed.
Other symptoms of low thyroid include excessive hair loss, dry skin, increased sensitivity to cold, loss of appetite, extreme fatigue, depression, and a swelling in the neck area.
Human shampoo can cause some serious problems like excessive hair fall or allergic reaction.
Poor circulation leads to a ton of cardiac issues as well as excessive hair loss.
The extra testosterone causes male characteristics like excessive hair growth and acne.
Sometimes all you have to do is trim excessive hair from near the eye.
This aids in getting a cat's system moving, which helps in eliminating excessive hair build - up in the intestines.
Facing excessive hair loss can be the biggest issue for new moms.
The delicate touch of the product has a fast restoration effect after excessive hair loss.
As a western woman, I have never considered excessive hair on women attractive.
PCOS can cause women to develop excessive hair and acne.
A 23 - year - old woman with a condition causing excessive hair development has revealed that growing a beard makes her feel more feminine.
Hair growth on my body shows male hair growth patterns i.e. excessive hair on abdomen and back, inner thighs and face.
Or do you want something to stop excessive hair damage?
Failure to observe and address excessive hair mats will lead to prolonged animal suffering, diseases and distress.
Dogs that have excessive hair growth in the ear canal may also be more susceptible to ear infections.
This can cause excessive hair to collect in the stomach and when too much hair collects, it may not pass through the gut.
Similarly environmental debris, excessive hair around and in the ear can also cause discomfort to a dog.
Other symptoms of low thyroid include excessive hair loss, dry skin, increased sensitivity to cold, loss of appetite, extreme fatigue, depression, and a swelling in the neck area.
I have very thin hair and most oils lead to excessive hair fall because of the chemicals used for making them.
Cats that are under chemotherapy may also experience excessive hair loss.
Following childbirth and during menopause, it's not unusual for women to experience excessive hair loss.
On the positive side, many hairball formulas promise improved coat condition and a decrease in excessive hair shedding.
Breed - Related Health Concerns Respiratory problems (chronic wheezing and shortness of breath due to short snout); teeth and oral problems; excessive hair between toes which traps dirt.
Spironolactone reduces excessive hair growth, which can happen on the face or body in women with PCOS.
Currently being treated with Spironolactone 300 mg for excessive hair growth (especially at chin) acne, and hyperhidrosis.
The loss of a loved one, financial strain, relationship breakdowns and other stressful situations can also cause excessive hair thinning.
Remove excessive hair with clippers, at least half an inch around the wound.
Similarly, another group had reported excessive hair growth in mice with genetically augmented TERT activity under an unphysiologic promoter, (5) suggesting a possible role of TERT in follicular (and possibly stem) cell growth.
My Gyn tried to say I probably had pcos but I've never had any symptoms besides excessive hair growth.
Hirsutism is the medical term used to describe excessive hair growth.
Dehydration is another main reason behind excessive hair fall.
In one case, a 28 - year - old woman presented with acne, but not a single website asked about excessive hair growth or irregular menstrual periods, symptoms that would have led to the correct diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Ensure the areas are clean and free from excessive hair, avoid showering or swimming for at least 8 hours after application.
Kindly help me with something to treat the acne and excessive hair along with keeping in mind that i don't want to disturb the periods which are now normal.
Excessive shampooing and styling may result in weakening of hair and eventually excessive hair loss.
Cats will often try and fix the mat themselves, which can lead to excessive hair balls and as a result can cause blockages in the intestines.
Ear infections in dogs can be uncomfortable and painful for our four - legged friends, they are usually caused by bacteria or yeast, however excessive hair, moisture, wax, ear mites, foreign bodies like grass seeds, hypothyroidism and allergies can all contribute to ear infections developing.
However, you can bathe them to wash away excessive hair when they're shedding.
This pooch is a moderate - shedder and will need brushing 2 to 3 times a week to avoid excessive hair loss in the home and to prevent tangles and matting.
gene my wife and i noticed excessive hair floating around upstairs on the wood floors.
For example, in a recent study of 21 cats referred to the University of Guelph Veterinary Teaching Hospital Behavior Service because of excessive hair licking, only two cats were ultimately believed to have a psychological reason for hair licking, sixteen cats were found to have a true medical basis for itching, and three cats had both.
Big blunders are unshaven faces or a poorly groomed beard, moustache, or goatee (scratch that — no goatee — you're a member of the law society, not a biker gang), food in the teeth, badly smudged glasses, unpressed clothing, unbrushed hair, excessive hair gel, dirty fingernails, and untucked blouses.
Here's the deal: the American Academy of Dermatology refers to it as excessive hair shedding.
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