Sentences with phrase «excessive salaries»

«I find it unacceptable that hospital executives are crying to the legislature about how much budget cuts would hurt their hospitals and they are being paid excessive salaries in the millions of dollars,» the assemblywoman said.
Teachers at the annual NASUWT conference have stated that some academy school leaders are receiving excessive salaries and that there needs to be «greater transparency» on the finances of academy schools and MATs.
ALBANY — Looking to rein in the use of public money to pay what he called excessive salaries, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo signed an executive order on Wednesday placing a $ 199,000 limit on the amount of state funds that contractors can use to pay executives.
Strikes have not decreased in number because the unions are now docile, but because, apart from excessive salary demands, they have grown accustomed to getting nearly everything they want at the bargaining table.
Reacting to the PAC report, joint NEU general secretary Dr Mary Bousted said: «While most schools face brutal budget cuts, and teachers are experiencing real - term pay cuts, this report confirms what we have long known - that some academy trusts appear to be using public money to pay excessive salaries
Head teachers in some academies and free schools are receiving excessive salaries, with some earning more than the prime minister, a teachers» conference has heard.
Steward - ownership is a proven concept of making companies «self - owned»: guaranteeing that control of the company (majority of the voting shares) is held in the hands of stewards who can not sell them freely, extract dividends, pay themselves excessive salaries or pass them on to their children.
Burke's work with public employee unions coincides with his work for Donnelly's campaign for governor, which has repeatedly attacked the unions for excessive salaries and benefits.
He continued: «At a time when classroom teachers across the country have been denied even a one per cent pay uplift and parents are increasingly being asked by schools to make financial contributions for basic services, the excessive salaries of some academy chiefs can not be justified.
«However, the language of «excessive salaries» related to CEO pay is not helpful as it creates the impression that executive pay in the academies sector is out of control.
And just to make sure her effort to revise history and bury the truth goes over successfully, the woman whose company relies on public funds to pay her excessive salary is making sure that there is no opportunity for those impacted by her policies to be able to raise questions at the event.
Or my co-director is receiving an excessive salary.
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