Sentences with phrase «excessive stress»

The accumulation of all of these contaminants puts excessive stress on the liver, compromising its ability to function.
When practiced regularly, it may reduce suffering from excessive stress, shame, guilt, and traumatic life experiences.
Clearly I wasn't willing to listen to my body's other signals of excessive stress.
Thus, they explain the syndrome not by excessive stress hormones during trauma but by excessive sensitivity to these hormones after the trauma.
If you grip too wide, you'll have to pull the bar farther than necessary, and you can put excessive stress in places you don't want it.
Some babies, who experience excessive stress in the womb, wind up being born prematurely.
If you need to use one, then make sure that it is not too firm to place excessive stress on the back.
We begin by lowering excessive stress hormones, allowing your gut to feel relaxed for the reset that is to come.
Your dog should be at an optimum weight to avoid excessive stress on the hip joint.
I suggest you learn some relaxation technique to deal with excessive stress levels.
Never ever use pillows in your crib, as they may cause poor posture, add excessive stress to the neck or spine.
Children can observe excessive stress and notice when they feel you are not paying them attention.
In addition, in people who are undergoing excessive stress, excessive exercise can cause more stress on the adrenal glands.
When trying to alleviate excessive stress from the knees, stretching is always a good idea, but using a dense foam roller is far superior.
High levels of potassium can help mitigate stress, while excessive stress can lower potassium levels.
Whenever excessive stress hormones are produced, we want to figure out what exactly might be triggering it.
It is necessary to improve joint range of motion so that certain parts of the joint capsule do not endure excessive stress.
If every client expects to manage the lawyer's time by getting an instant response 24/7, that lawyer will be facing excessive stress and some disappointed clients.
Do you suffer from anxiety, panic attacks or feel excessive stress?
However, with some advance planning and resourceful thinking, it doesn't need to be a point of excessive stress.
An imbalance of these hormones caused by excessive stress can cause you to accumulate belly fat.
This places excessive stress on your joints, especially if it's high impact.
You do not need to put excessive stress or strain on joints, muscles, and bones for performing various swimming strokes.
Our society is plagued by constant stressors and distractions, so this task may seem daunting, but if done effectively you can avoid excessive stress and unnecessary health concerns.
Recommended with excessive stress, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders and allergies; indicator of immune function.
We'd rather blame it on things like mercury even though the diet has not been optimal, or the person lacks good quality sleep, and putting the body under excessive stress without adequate nutrition.
When we are alert for signs of excessive stress like headaches and stomachaches.
Sufficient mobility of the thoracic spine is extremely important in helping the upper body decelerate forces (i.e., gravity and impact) to the lower body and prevent the structures of the lower back from experiencing excessive stress.
In addition, the chronic elevation of cortisol levels caused by excessive stress negatively affects the receptors for both insulin and leptin, which makes it harder for the body to read the signals of those hormones, thus keeping fat trapped in the cells and making you hungry all the time.
Another benefit of the new CU Boulder e-skin is that it can be easily conformed to curved surfaces like human arms and robotic hands by applying moderate heat and pressure to it without introducing excessive stresses.
As we mentioned above, you need to learn some «soft running» techniques and use a forefoot or mid-foot strike instead of landing on your heels to eliminate excessive stress on your joints and tendons.
Exposure to environmental toxins, chronic overuse of prescription or over-the-counter medications, chronic excessive stress, chronic lack of exercise, chronic lack of sleep, and a low quality diet can all contribute to our risk of unwanted inflammation.
Then the blood sugar is too high (because of the unnatural surge) and excessive insulin release then comes along again and the sugar levels go too low; then excessive stress hormones get released; and sugar goes back up and too high; and so on with this vicious cycle of highs and lows in blood sugar.
There is excessive stress coming from somewhere (i.e. - lack of quality sleep, job satisfaction levels, etc.), and this needs to be addressed before you can be successful.
-- Excessive stress leading to destructive habits (food, alcohol, etc..)
-- Bad lifestyle, unhealthy diet high in sugar, processed refined foods, nutritional deficiencies, artificial sweeteners, lack of exercise, stimulants, drugs, medication, and in particular excessive stress, depression and pessimism may lead to the oversensitivity of the immune system which changes its nature and starts attacking own body.
Unhealthy activities, like eating the wrong foods or not getting enough rest, or excessive stress create a toxic environment in the body.
So overall excessive stress in someone's life will actually have a reflection on the lower leg muscles, your calf muscles, and your foot muscles, and you cause the connective tissue at the bottom of your foot to tighten up and your plantar fascia will start to hurt and pull on where it attaches to your heel.
Walking on sand or another soft surface or even swimming will help circulate needed nutrients and reduce excessive stress to the cartilage.
In addition pets with histories of excessive stress when kenneled, chewing at stitches or bandages, and difficulty restricting activity should be assessed.
To me, one of the most redeeming aspects of time in an animal control or shelter environment is observing dogs who cope quite well, who seemingly have no «chips on their shoulders» or excessive stress due to lack of comfort or control over events.
Sarah Buckley has asked and answered this question, and reveals the unintended consequences of numerous widespread practices, including scheduled birth — induced labor or planned cesarean; disturbance and excessive stress during labor; synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin); opioids and epidural analgesia for labor pain; early separation of mother from infant or wrapping the infant in a blanket to be held (i.e., no skin - to - skin contact); breastmilk substitutes, and many more.
This article highlights key messages from the Council's 2005 report, Excessive Stress Disrupts the Architecture of the Developing Brain.
Being stuck in gridlock with your partner adds excessive stress to a relationship and can lead to its demise.
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