Sentences with phrase «excessive work»

A bus operator has expressed its sorrow over a fatal crash after failing to prevent risks of «driver error» linked to fatigue and excessive working hours.
Once again, there is no reason to fear such terms and assume they require a great deal of excessive work.
Doing minimal work to stimulate optimal growth will let your body commit all of its resources to growing instead of repairing damages from excessive work.
They are often subject to unfair labor practices which include insufficient pay and excessive work schedules.
You can thrive without excessive work and overtime.
Sometimes excessive work in making blood components (hemopoiesis) or excessive breakdown of blood cells cause enlargement.
Those short - term items are exempt from the rules to avoid excessive work for restauranteurs, generating counts and updating menus all the time.
Domestic workers face a wide range of serious abuses and labor exploitation, including excessive working hours without rest, non-payment of wages, forced confinement, physical and sexual abuse, forced labor, and trafficking.
Refraining from work on a regular basis should also teach us not to demand excessive work from others.
Government attempts to curb excessive working hours are not being enforced, with too many employers flouting the law, the TUC has claimed.
«In addition to this ambitious project with the FLA, we've been making steady progress in reducing excessive work hours throughout our supply chain,» the company said in its statement.
As the NUT conference in Brighton voted to campaign over the «workload crisis», the Education Secretary Nicky Morgan announced proposals to tackle excessive working hours for teachers in England.
About 90 % of 16,379 NUT members who responded to a survey said they had considered quitting in the past two years over excessive work.
Of the 8,173 teachers asked by the NEU about what causes excessive work, 74 per cent said pressure to improve pupil test scores and exam results is a main factor, while 52 per cent blame changes to the curriculum and testing.
Supplemental fees for posttrial and appellate work are allowed under interpretative case law, with the trial judge exercising judgment in reducing for what he deemed to be excessive work when fashioning his $ 15,000 award.
It should be noted, that these shared parenting arrangements work best where both parties get along, the parties live in the same or in nearby towns, and where neither party has a career that requires excessive work hours or travel.
Pastors are particularly vulnerable to the temptations of excessive work and adultery.
The government is taking wide - ranging powers that will allow ministers to scrap or water down rights like protections from excessive working hours, equal treatment for agency workers, and redundancy protections.
What liability does an employer carry for accidents resulting from excessive working hours, asks Colm Nugent
Excessive working hours, improper pay for hours worked and a failure to provide mandated benefits have proven among the more difficult industry findings to eradicate.
Micromanaging, excessive work, and failure to recognize achievements were also cited as practices that can damage employee morale.
Conference notes that there is compelling national and international evidence that confirms the prevalence of serious health and safety risks in schools and colleges, including exposure to work - related stressors, excessive working hours, bullying and harassment, asbestos and excessive temperatures.
Pushing too hard, excessive work or exercise, and any sleep deprivation stresses the adrenals.
Excessive work of the thyroid gland could be causing insomnia and increases the pulse, which makes it sleeping hard.
My lack of self - confidence and self - love led me to extreme calorie counting and restriction and excessive working out.
Studio Ghibli hoped that director Kondô could become a successor to Miyazaki and Takahata, but this would be the only film he completed before his 1998 death at age 47 due to a ruptured aneurysm attributed to excessive work, an incident that led Miyazaki to announce retirement but settle on a more relaxed pace.
Kevin Courtney, leader of the National Union of Teachers, said Ms Greening would have to tackle problems with teacher recruitment, excessive working hours and lack of school funding.
Never a man skilled at self - preservation, Birkeland began to drink too much whiskey, take large doses of Veronal (a highly addictive and damaging barbiturate prescribed for insomnia) and slide into a twilight of excessive work, paranoia and illness — with no one to stop him.
The motions judge held the legal fees charged were «disproportionate» to the size of the receivership, that the usual or standard rates were too high, and that excessive work was done by senior counsel on routine matters.
The Coalition heard from 145 workers about wage theft, lack of breaks, employment contract violations, improper termination, excessive work hours, and unequal treatment as temporary workers.
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