Sentences with phrase «exchange for official acts»

Only concrete quid pro quos — where a pol pockets gifts in exchange for official acts like signing a law — qualify as a bribe, the Supreme Court ruled.
Howe, a former lobbyist, has pleaded guilty to multiple counts of fraud in exchange for testifying that Percoco allegedly received kickbacks in exchange for official acts as a close advisor and aide to Cuomo.
Molo opened his summation with the legal instructions Caproni gave jurors when the trial began Nov. 3: that actions could be taken to «cultivate goodwill, or to cultiave a relationship with the entity that provided the benefit, and not in exchange for any official act» without constituting honest services fraud.
Bribery and extortion are two sides of the same coin — bribery is usually charged when the public official accepts a «thing of value» in exchange for an official act.
Federal prosecutors successfully sought a second trial for Bruno on charges that he received bribes from a businessman in exchange for official acts, such as providing access to key state officials and providing lucrative state contracts.
NEW YORK, NY — Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today that former New York State Assembly Speaker SHELDON SILVER was sentenced this afternoon to 12 years in prison after having been found guilty by a federal jury of using his official position to obtain nearly $ 4 million in bribes and kickbacks in exchange for his official acts and obtaining another $ 1 million through laundering the proceeds of his crimes.
Minutes earlier, Michael S. Feldberg, Silver's lead attorney, had said the prosecution presented «no evidence of a quid pro quo in exchange for official acts» by Silver, who led the Assembly for nearly 21 years.
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