Sentences with phrase «excited about getting it»

I'm pretty excited about getting back into a workplace.
I am excited about getting into our newly built home in a few more months, but am NOT looking forward to another move so soon, but we planned and are organized so it should be fairly smooth.
Besides getting rid of the nasty carpet, I'm excited about getting new bedding.
I'm really excited about getting this room the way I want it since it is the first room you come to in our home and the gathering space for guests and family alike.
We are also excited about getting our Christmas tree this weekend.
I'm pretty excited about getting outside and working on my yard again!
I'm excited about getting started.
Dallas» real estate market is great and I'm very excited about getting started.
Here at North Berkeley Couples Therapy Center, we are especially excited about getting an early start with young people.
I want all my students to feel confident that they can use a sewing machine and excited about getting started on a project.
Mark's revelations about his history and feelings created a new source of sadness in Ellen: she was so excited about getting married, but Mark ¬ wasn't!
Several interviews were held, and shortly after the event, two graduates had been offered employment opportunities and were very excited about getting started with their new careers.
Coming across too strongly may seem a little excessive at first, but most potential employers will great enjoy an applicant who seems excited about getting a new job.
I want all my students to feel confident that they can use a sewing machine and excited about getting started on a project.
Use the first few sentences to get your prospects interested in your profile and excited about getting to know you.
«Businesses working in the traditional payments industry are usually excited about getting involved with Bitcoin once all of their skepticism has been addressed,» she said.
Marcus tells me he's excited about getting his 8 - year - old into the family chat alongside his 14 - and 17 - year - old children.
I never really owned my own computer, just had the family PC, so im pretty excited about getting one.
But James and I, on the other hand, were pretty excited about getting three - day weekends.
First, I'm excited about getting to know the team, and working together on a common goal.
I'm not suggesting that if you are excited about getting out there and meeting people and telling them you're a lawyer and charming the heck out of them, there's something wrong with you.
How many times have you been so excited about getting something — planning for it, saving up for it, finally deciding to buy it, waiting for it to arrive in the mail — only to be surprised at how fast the joy of actually having the new item wears off?
So although slightly disappointed, I am still super excited about getting this baby in front of the full voting ICC members in Kansas City.
I'm really quite humbled by these honors, but also so excited about getting the chance to show my work to a wider audience,» noted Rachel Kerwin.
If there's one indication that the Vita is a failure it is that Vita owners are actually excited about getting 2 - year old indie games that cost $ 2 on Steam.
«I'm extra excited about getting to talk to game devs from around the world, getting their insights and thoughts on production and the craft of game - making.
After playing both of these I am almost excited about getting LOCOCYCLE free next month.
Out of these I'm mostly excited about getting to play Antigraviator, an awesome looking futuristic racing game in which you can trigger traps to ambush your opponents (think F - Zero or WipEout meets Split / Second).
Definitely not excited about getting 8 year old games like Echochrome and terrible games like Little Deviants.
Even though Spidey has had a few good games in the past, Insomniac's latest attempt leaves me stupidly excited about getting my hands on this and swinging through New York fighting crime.
«I'm very excited about getting to meet people and attend talks and discussions and learn things from other developers in person.»
Very excited for the DLC and really excited about getting platinum # 2.
and after spending some time with the recent beta, it's fair to say I'm excited about getting the chance to put my own inventions to the test when the game releases later this year.
Robocraft Infinity looks to be the first Xbox One title to bring us that long - held dream and after spending some time with the recent beta, it's fair to say I'm excited about getting the chance to put my own inventions to the test when the game releases later this year.
I want all my students to feel confident that they can use a sewing machine and excited about getting started on a project.
With this in mind, Nicole was apprehensive but excited about getting to know Koda.
Bear in mind that most dogs are so darned excited about getting a treat, they don't care what it is, only that they're getting it!
Some cats get so excited about getting attention that they lash out inappropriately.
But before you get too excited about getting a rabbit, it should be noted that although rabbits make wonderful indoor companions (who can be easily litter trained), they are not low maintenance pets.
How Kids Benefit By Having Pets Children are always excited about getting a pet.
And I'm certainly excited about getting my hands on a piece of that.
Whenever the markets plummet, people get excited about getting in, but they want to do so only after securities have bottomed out - when price levels begin a steady rise after hitting bottom.
Sure, interested parties are still looking at $ 399 on a 3 - year contract, which is a bit insane given the relative cost of other competing handsets, but if you're as excited about getting your hands on the latest and greatest RIM handset as we are, price is secondary to actual availability.
We all should be excited about getting the Exynos quad core chip that many cried about when we didn't get it for the Galaxy S II or III.
Here in the US, we're all excited about getting more devices to carry around to read books on.
As an indie author, you're probably very excited about getting your eBook out there in front of readers, but if you want to see your sales improve, it's worth spending the extra time (and perhaps money) to do it right.
I completed my doctoral dissertation in 2000 and like many of my fellow students was excited about getting it published.
I had my wife all excited about getting one for Christmas, I would drop $ 123 in a heartbeat.
Weissman portrays Gabe as a sweet only child who's as excited about getting the sibling he has always wanted as he is about being admitted to a «Gifted Enrichment» camp.
What tablet are you most excited about getting in 2011?
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