Sentences with phrase «excited by a magnetic field»

These skyrmions were then excited by a magnetic field pulse to trace their motion.

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The magnetic nanoparticles are excited by the applied field and begin to get hot, heating and potentially destroying the surrounding cancer tissue.
Previous cancer studies had shown that by injecting tumors with magnetic nanoparticles made of iron oxide — «essentially rust, with well - tuned magnetic properties,» Anikeeva says — then exposing them to rapidly alternating magnetic fields, excited nanoparticles can be used to heat and destroy cancer tumors while leaving surrounding, healthy tissue intact.
Cryptochrome 1a is located in the blue - to UV - sensitive cone photoreceptors and only reacts to the magnetic field if it is simultaneously excited by light.
Balents adds that further work is needed to confirm this result, but says «this is clearly an exciting and important measurement, which I hope will be pursued further by extending the frequency and magnetic field range in the future.»
This sensitivity enables the NV - magnetoscope to detect very small magnetic fields — such as that produced by nano - and mesoscale magnetic materials, for example — by reading optical fluorescence emitted by the excited NV centers.
The stator is the stationary coil of wire that is excited by the spinning magnetic field of the rotor.
The wireless charging system works by a primary coil imbedded in the ground (or in your garage floor) that creates a magnetic field that excites the secondary coil onboard the LE Concept, thus creates the electrical current to charge the batteries.
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