Sentences with phrase «exciting space scientists»

The latter payload successfully separated, unfurled itself, and has been exciting space scientists since.

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While this is not as exciting a find as the planet covered with oceans of oil that everyone was hoping scientists would find, maybe the promise of untold riches is just the incentive NASA needs to get its space program in gear.
For now, Stone and other scientists are excited about the robotic explorer's accomplishment on August 25, 2012 — the same date, coincidentally, that the world lost its most famous human space explorer, Neil Armstrong.
But as she read excited messages from colleagues that a gamma ray burst had also been detected, «I realized this was a breakthrough event,» says Troja, an associate research scientist at the University of Maryland in College Park who works at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt in Maryland.
Everything flying around space is pretty weird, but this one is extra weird, which is why astronomers are so excited about it — in fact, although scientists first dubbed it a comet, they're now not even sure what it is.
This booklet provides information about a number of exciting space - related careers like astrochemist, project scientist, aerospace engineer, nutritionist, graphic designer, space lawyer, and of course astronaut!
Scientists were excited to discover clear skies on a relatively small planet, about the size of Neptune, using the combined power of NASA's Hubble, Spitzer and Kepler space telescopes.
It takes students behind the scenes of actual space missions and introduces them to engineers and scientists working on some of NASA's most exciting projects.
Since 2000, educators, scientists, and engineers work together to share the exciting science of the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) mission with the public!
We at the Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre are particularly excited to present the Star Field — a space jam - packed with scientists from the University of Manchester showcasing their research to the festival attendees.
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