Sentences with phrase «exclude aviation activities»

Not exact matches

The office had therefore decided to move the aviation warning code from red to orange, it said, but since there was no sign the seismic activity was slowing down, an eruption could still not be excluded.
The accidental death benefit excludes accidental death due to self - inflicted injury, alcohol abuse, taking part in hazardous activities, war, aviation and criminal acts.
Accidental death caused by war, aviation except as a passenger on a regularly scheduled airline, and illegal activities is generally excluded.
For the rider, accidents or disability due to infection, drug abuse, self - inflicted injury, war or civil commotion, criminal acts, aviation, engaging in hazardous activities etc. are excluded
For the rider benefit, accidental deaths due to any self - inflicted injury, acts of criminal nature, war, aviation, participation in hazardous activities, alcohol abuse, etc. are excluded
Travel Guard has an Adventure Travel Protection plan designed for the adventure traveler which covers adventure sports activities typically excluded in most travel insurance plans such as mountaineering, aviation, hang gliding, skydiving, parachuting and bungee jumping.
For the accidental disability benefit, disabilities arising out of criminal acts, war, riots, rebellion, alcohol and drug abuse, participation in defense operations, participation in hazardous sports and activities, aviation, self - inflicted injury or as a result of inhalation of poison, gas or fume would be excluded from coverage.
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