Sentences with phrase «exclusionary zoning»

Exclusionary zoning is when local government laws are used to restrict certain types of housing or limit access to specific neighborhoods. This practice aims to keep certain groups of people, often those with lower incomes or different racial backgrounds, from living in certain areas. It is a way to exclude or keep out certain individuals or groups from living in specific communities. Full definition
The author looks at how state - sponsored segregatio0n has played out in various cities across the United States, particularly in Louisville, Kentucky, and Seattle, Washington, and how it's now locked in place by exclusionary zoning laws.
«He had seven years to work with all communities to end the practices of exclusionary zoning in which he has not.»
Racism has recently become an issue in the gubernatorial race over the question of exclusionary zoning in Westchester County.
Large metro areas with the least restrictive zoning have housing cost gaps that are 40 to 63 percentage points lower than metro areas with the most exclusionary zoning.
«The monitor - approved consultant, VHB, has found no evidence of exclusionary zoning based on race,» he said.
Eliminating exclusionary zoning in a metro area would, by reducing its housing cost gap, lower its school test - score gap by an estimated 4 to 7 percentiles — a significant share of the observed gap between schools serving the average low - income versus middle / higher - income student.
First, I'd add neighborhood - based school attendance policies, which, coupled with exclusionary zoning, keep poor children from attending better - funded schools with higher - achieving peers.
Reeves's most significant contribution in this book is his condemnation of such policies and practices, including exclusionary zoning policies that drive up housing prices; advantages in college admissions for children of alumni («legacy» preferences); favored tax treatment for 529 college savings plans; unpaid internships; and the mortgage - interest tax deduction.
Narrowing the achievement gap will require housing desegregation: voiding exclusionary zoning, placing low - and moderate - income housing in predominantly white suburbs, and ending federal subsidies for communities that fail to reverse policies that led to racial exclusion.
While exclusionary zoning is commonly regarded as illegitimate and fiscal zoning sometimes considered benign, fiscal zoning can still operate in an exclusionary fashion.
Zoning regimes are a crucial factor in the cost gap within large metro areas between housing in neighborhoods with high - scoring and low - scoring schools: the Brookings Institution found that areas with the least restrictive zoning have housing cost gaps that are 40 to 63 percentage points lower than areas with the most exclusionary zoning (pg.
HUD finally accepted an analysis from Westchester County that found there weren't any exclusionary zoning laws in Westchester, county officials said, after previously rejected 10 earlier versions that reached similar conclusions.
Astorino has said he's in full compliance with the settlement, but that he will not comply with the federal government's demand to lift what they call «exclusionary zoning,» which Astorino said was not in the agreement.
We staunchly oppose the exclusionary zoning proposal that NIMBYs from an adjacent neighborhood clumsily tried to tack onto the project,» she said Thursday in a statement to Gotham Gazette.
According to state law, local zoning ordinances must protect the «health, safety, and welfare» of residents, but communities can't create «exclusionary zoning» ordinances that effectively ban an otherwise legal activity.
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