Sentences with phrase «execute this move properly»

To execute this move properly, only your forearms should move.
«Hold off until you can execute the moves properly, then begin adding weight in 5 - pound increments,» says Curtis Williams, director of the Under Armour Performance Center in New York City.
When I'm trying to do a rolling jump in DKC, my primary concern should be «am I timing this right and am I executing the move properly» NOT «will the motion controls work this time, or am I about to die due to a mechanical problem beyond my control?»

Not exact matches

If the move is executed properly, the only distractions for the team involve setting up the new work area and adjusting to the new environment.
Standing upright, move your feet so that you are in the classic «plie» position — toes pointing out, core tight and stance as wide as you are able to properly and comfortably execute the move (aim for shoulder width).
Learn how to properly execute this move (without falling flat on your face) with the help of Health's contributing fitness editor Kristin McGee.
The game doesn't explain how to properly execute some combat moves letting you learn them on your own.
As you progress through the game, you'll have the option to take down enemies with gut - wrenching finishing moves that require well - timed button presses to execute properly.
Actions have to be specific and precise to register correctly, but without a physical or visual marker to judge your own movements against, moves fail to execute properly often enough to be a problem.
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