Sentences with phrase «exercise dominion»

The wrongful act of conversion occurs when you exercise dominion over my good (domain name, in this case); but the wrong in detinue occurs when you refuse my request for the return of my good, typically at a later time.
No. 3rd party individual (s) are not allowed to touch the game controls or dip switches in any way and exercise dominion over the gameplay in progress.
3) To diminish the ability of humans to exercise dominion, is to diminish the image of God in them — and to diminish God's image on earth.
It seems that even if our ultimate goal is a world in which we will not have dominion, we must for the foreseeable future so exercise dominion as to preserve other species and some areas of wildness in which they can survive.
But the truth is that we do exercise dominion.
Pius XII, in a further clarification of the standard argument, holds that when the State, acting by its ministerial power, uses the death penalty, it does not exercise dominion over human life but only recognizes that the criminal, by a kind of moral suicide, has deprived himself of the right to life.
Nor were animals and the forces of nature to be bowed down to by man as in pagan religion; rather man, as a rational being made in the image of God, was to exercise dominion over them.
The ecosystem feels and looks decentralized, in that no single person or group has claimed or has appeared to exercise dominion over it.
(Matthew 20:25 - 27) From this, it is clear Jesus was strongly opposed to any «prince» or «princes» exercising dominion over His flock.
That law firm clearly had cult - like qualities, and she began getting clues that it was when she was told, «The Firm encourages children», even exercising dominion over her reproductive rights.
For a brief span of time, Jesus exercises his dominion by teaching in the Temple and proclaiming in the capital of the nation the edicts of the kingdom of heaven.
Moreover, as the legendary «Lord of the Jungle,» he not only exercised dominion over the animal kingdom but over cannibalistic tribes eager to rape white women and to boil missionaries in a big pot.

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God's dominion is exercised for the sake of creatures, and the dominion assigned to human beings has the same purpose.
It is God the Father holding «dominion over all things,» a dominion he «exercises through his Word.»
When, according to Genesis, God gave human beings dominion over the natural world, they were expected to exercise their rule in a way that reflects God's loving rule and care.
To cite again the Genesis story, God has given man the right to «have dominion,» that is, to exercise stewardship, over all that he has made (Genesis 1: 28 - 29).
Many of us have been appalled by the Biblical granting of dominion to human beings in light of how Christians have exercised this.
Cared for by the angelic servants of God, Jesus simultaneously exercises Adam's dominion over the animals.
The first divine words to human beings (Gen. 1:28, exercise «dominion,» radah), he has written, «constitute a sharing of the exercise of power (dominion).
They were to have perfect children, to extend the boundaries of their garden home earth wide, and to exercise loving dominion over the animals.
2) That means, all things being equal, every single person on earth was created with the command and the capacity to exercise Genesis 1:26 - 27 dominion, which means to steward or in modern terms, to exercise agency or lead.
Provided always and it is hereby enacted That all and every Person and Persons who shall or may take or inherit the said Crown by vertue of the Limitation of this present Act and is are or shall be reconciled to or shall hold Communion with the See or Church of Rome... should be excluded and are by that Act made for ever incapable to inherit possess or enjoy the Crown and Government of this Realm and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging or any part of the same or to have use or exercise any regall Power Authority or Jurisdiction within the same.
«And since the very first page of the good book asks us to exercise careful dominion over the earth, environmental stewardship is a key tenet of many synagogues, mosques, and churches.»
Sound environmental stewardship must attend both to the demands of human well being and to a divine call for human beings to exercise caring dominion over the earth.
Christians should think about resource conservation and pollution mitigation; it is, after all, Christian to exercise careful Biblical dominion over the entire Creation that God has bequeathed to -LSB-...]
It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship.
It will be a declaration, in my deliberate judgment, that the sovereign power of the people of the United States and Union must hereafter remain incapable of action over territory to which their rights in full dominion have been asserted with the most rigorous authority, and bow to a jurisdiction hitherto unknown, unacknowledged by any department of the government, denied by all through all time, unclaimed till now, and now declared to have been called into exercise not by any change in our Constitution, the laws of the Union or the States, but preexistent and paramount over the supreme law of the land.
Whatever control means in this context, it is clear that one could not perfect a security interest in chattel paper in electronic form (i.e. a digital image of a paper contract) by taking possession of a printout or exercising some form of dominion over an electronic version of the document.
It's interesting that the law saying that Catholics may not «have, use, or exercise any regal power, authority, or jurisdiction within» the dominions has not prevented Catholics from holding office as Governors General of Canada.
Instead, it is an accelerating force that will invade an ever - larger territory and exercise a more firm dominion over this larger area.
Titus, who rejected his Harvard Law School education after reading the work of R.J. Rushdoony, the late founder of Christian Reconstructionism, was moved to exercise what he believes is a «dominion mandate» to «restore the Bible to legal education.»
Reading in the word, «dominion» in addition to control, in order for a person to possess a dog, as did the motion judge, imports a requirement that the person who physically has the dog has the right to exercise sovereign authority or the highest measure of control over the dog and stands in the shoes of the owner.
«We think it's obvious that the correct policy should be that no tax is due unless and until a taxpayer exercises control and dominion over airdropped or forked new tokens.
Determining extinguishment did not require the breakdown of this community title into its constituent parts, but rather occurred where there was an assertion by the Crown, through legislation or executive act, to exercise permanent adverse dominion over the land.
So where a wife exercises exclusive dominion and control over property and excludes the husband from any role with it, and where the husband derived no benefit from the property by virtue of the marital relationship, the property is considered the wife's separate estate.
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