Sentences with phrase «exercise in futility»

We have also seen several other aspiring terror groups consigned into undertaking exercises in futility as they try to stake claims to being notorious terror groups.
Great if you like looking down at everyone else on the road, and probably good for off - roading, but as a day to day proposition, a fairly joyless exercise in futility for anyone that enjoys driving.
So the people laying claim to Olubadan is just exercise in futility», he said.
Hopefully, Connecticut will back away from this useless and expensive exercise in futility.
Debates centered around faith are generally exercises in futility as there can be no rational answer to an emotional argument.
Each of them, however, addresses the same problem: What should the individual do, and society permit, when the phenomenal advances in the medical profession's ability to sustain life reach the point where efforts to prolong it become, in Dr. Nuland's words, «well - meant exercises in futility» and cause continued suffering rather than relief and cure?
Trump proclaimed victory in no uncertain terms on Saturday following a one - off bombardment in Syria that experts cast as a saber - rattling exercise in futility.
They, too, have stopped putting goals in writing because such lists often end up as taunting exercises in futility.
Also, keep an eye out as I'll likely also be posting shortly what the nominees would be in an ideal world — a fun exercise in futility for us to contemplate!
Most exceedingly terrible arrive at more terrible, the readers can wound up sensation finish exercise in futility also after wrapped up the article.
Exercises in futility tend to be both time - consuming and costly.
With all of this in mind I'm not going to attempt to explain every little detail; it doesn't need it, and for the sake of a written review it would be a crazy exercise in futility.
The financial cost of industrialized nations trying to feed BILLIONS of starving third world citizens should be an interesting exercise in futility, but one that I think is inevitable given the inaction and conflict surrounding other options.
Intra-office meetings are notoriously considered tedious exercises in futility, drags on productivity, and generally annoying.
Sending out a resume without giving it direction or strategic design can be a similar exercise in futility.
Yet, the fact remains that every working day around the country, people are reluctantly crowding into too hot or too cold conference rooms, coffee mug in one hand and the ever - present pen and pad in the other, and preparing themselves for yet another time - wasting exercise in futility — a meeting.
Generating power which can not be effectively transported is an expensive exercise in futility.
Comparing traits of successful people is an exercise in futility.
That's why comparing traits and qualities of successful people is, in my view, an exercise in futility.
Trying to print out a paper before a class with a full computer lab is an exercise in futility.
Trying to find, access, and compile energy data on, say, Alberta wind generation statistics can feel like an exercise in futility.
«To try to appease the president would be an exercise in futility,» Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif told reporters.
«Conducting modern business without reliable technology is an exercise in futility.
The Herculean efforts and voices of the Parkland students, their devoted parents and teachers will be an exercise in futility unless they simultaneously address the malignant disease that has devoured our democracy.
If you don't have a rock - solid understanding of what your unique offerings are and (to put it bluntly) why anyone should care, then investing time and energy into spreading your message will be an exercise in futility.
But running a Lean Startup inside an organization designed for execution is an exercise in futility.
The attempts at pre-payment are an exercise in futility from frustrated homeowners, another unintended consequence of the Fed's monetary mayhem.
Shiller thinks trying to value Bitcoin is an exercise in futility, and he doesn't believe that it can supplant conventional money, either.
An exercise in futility?
Trying to penetrate their selfish fog with thoughts of selflessness and sacrifice is an exercise in futility.
Influence on the block heads that frequent these blogs is an exercise in futility.
When money is as unequally available as it is in our society and talks as loudly as it does in our electoral process, it is also small wonder that many see political engagement as an exercise in futility.
Trying to appear reasonable or nice at this late date is an exercise in futility.
It is an exercise in futility.
Of course, it is all an exercise in futility.
And, needless to say, what to some Christians appears as such a quest for justice will appear to other Christians as an exercise in futility or even moral delusion.
Not to mention it is an exercise in futility in the information age.
Finally, I am unhappy because I am practically certain that the entire process of trying to answer these questions is an exercise in futility; the questioner is not really that interested, and he or she is right, because there are now many more important questions.
@HawaiiGuest... maybe... I'm sure we could both go back and forth, but that's really an exercise in futility.
Much that is promulgated today as Christian liberation is playing chess without a king, an exercise in futility.
An exercise in futility as several whole books were written in opposition to Christianity.
For most everyone else, such an exercise would, most likely, be an exercise in futility
Media Statement 17 March, 2016 SOFT DRINK TAX: an exercise in futility Responding to the announcement from the UK government to introduce a soft drink tax, Australian Beverages Council CEO, Geoff Parker said; «This tax is yet another step in the wrong direction to end the global obesity epidemic.

Phrases with «exercise in futility»

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