Sentences with phrase «exercise of whim»

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Second, Congress has exercised lax oversight, bowing to the will of the executive, and framed such vague, inadequate laws that the intelligence agencies have filled in almost at whim the blank checks at their disposal.
Psychologist Elizabeth Lombardo sees a practical benefit to detoxing: «Changing a habit like your daily eating can give you a sense of control because you are exercising that muscle of not giving in to every whim.
although my list of «my favorites» contain watercolor exercises almost exclusively, i enjoy the ease with which i can access other forms of art at my whim, and i do access the drawing tutorials and the color pencil tutorials and find myself now doodling, somewhat amateurishly, and trying to be a better drawer of things.
Lawyers tend to exercise their individual whims and quirks in the wording of NDAs — both in drafting them to send out and in marking them up in response.
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