Sentences with phrase «exercise pen if»

So I recommend using an exercise pen if you're going to leave your puppy alone often and there's any chance of a room being damaged.
Bought a tarpaulin sheet to protect the floor under the crate or exercise pen if it isn't tiled or linoleum?

Not exact matches

Morning pages is a powerful stream of consciousness writing exercise that is not intended to yield publishable material, but which can help you get your pen moving and your thoughts flowing — even if you never intend to share them with the rest of the world.
One tip I can give you is you can save time by filling in your exercise journal during the rest periods you take between sets when training or if you prefer treat yourself to a lovely expensive journal and nice pen and spend some time relaxing with a healthy drink while you fill it in each night.
If you fashion a small yard (maybe an exercise pen) just outside of the doggie door, the dog can't go through the doggie door and get to the remotest point in the yard!
If you are worried about your flooring, purchase a piece of linoleum flooring and put that loose on top of your flooring and then the exercise pen on top of that.
If your rabbit is really having a difficult time getting around, keep him in a confined area, such as an exercise pen.
Rabbits Living In A Cage If you absolutely can't have your rabbit in a room or an exercise pen, perhaps because of space or the presence of young children or other animals the rabbit would not be safe with, then set up a large cage.
If you want to take your guinea pigs outside to play, keep them in a secure cage or exercise pen that is covered, and supervise at all times.
If you absolutely can't have your rabbit in a room or an exercise pen, perhaps because of space or the presence of young children or other animals the rabbit would not be safe with, then set up a large cage.
If you can not be with your puppy, crate them in an appropriately sized crate or exercise pen.
If your adult dog is still terrified about being closed in a crate despite your effort in making it a great place, skip this option and confine your dog in a dog exercise pen or an area closed off by baby gates.
The collapsible exercise pen is essential if you don't have a fenced yard and even if you do, it will be handy when you travel.
A puppy pen with a floor or exercise pen is useful for this purpose, especially if you must evacuate to a shelter.
A crate or an exercise pen are recommended if you object to giving your Shiba your food, at least until he learns some manners.
If you are planning on letting your pet explore the great outdoors for some sunshine and fresh air, it is best to supervise him while using an exercise pen, lawn enclosure, or extension hutch.
If you notice her behavior getting worse it could mean your kitten has pent - up energy she needs to expend in playful exercise.
If you want to let your rabbit spend some time outside, you can place your rabbit in an exercise pen, lawn enclosure, or extension hut for safety.
A dog treadmill is a great tool to supplement outside exercise if the weather is bad, a dog is becoming overweight, recovering from an injury, or is misbehaving because of too much pent - up energy.
If your dog is not potty trained, you can use an exercise pen and puppy pads (indoors or out).
If your dog has a lack of exercise, the pent up energy trapped within will cause him to feel restless and bark continuously.
If your dog's exercise and mental stimulation needs are not met, your dog will decide on its own how to release pent up energy.
If the dog is small and not over hyper or athletic, then you can opt for an exercise pen or baby gate.
This breed is very intelligent and can find mischief or wreak havoc in creative ways if it goes not get enough exercise to work off pent - up energy.
If you're training your dog using another confinement method, such as a small room or an exercise pen, you can still use the methods outlined in this article to work on his barking problem (with the exception of the earthquake correction, which can only be done if your dog is in a crateIf you're training your dog using another confinement method, such as a small room or an exercise pen, you can still use the methods outlined in this article to work on his barking problem (with the exception of the earthquake correction, which can only be done if your dog is in a crateif your dog is in a crate).
If your rabbits spend most of their time in a cage, then the cage should be large — 6ft x 2ft x 2ft minimum, preferably with an attached pen or safe room for exercise.
If you are using a pen or cage, the best solution is to put the pen in the room used for exercise.
If a dog is not mentally and physically challenged through exercise or mental training throughout the day, then he will feel the need to get rid of that pent - up energy somehow, Horan said.
If that's not an option, consider putting an exercise pen around the crate and leaving the door open.
If you can't supervise your dog, leave her confined in a crate, x-pen (a metal exercise pen for dogs that comes in a variety of sizes), bathroom or other secure space small enough that she won't want to eliminate.
But if you're against a crate for whatever reason and have chosen to exclusively use constant supervision or umbilical cord training, you will have to invest in an exercise pen or confine your puppy to a single room and use paper training.
If they soil their crate more than once in any given week, you may have to progress slower (add 15 minutes every 2 or 3 days), or perhaps sleep them in a papered exercise pen or their confinement room.
So if the dog exhibits no signs of exertion and / or shows signs of pent - up energy when it returns from its walks, it is not getting enough exercise.
If you can't devote an entire room to your rabbit, set up a pet exercise pen enclosing as large an area as you have available.
If using an exercise pen, make it small enough as to leave room for only the pup's bed and a pee pee pad, nothing else.
If you're using an exercise pen, enlarge it by using additional panels or even getting a second exercise pen to attach to the first, creating an extra-large pen.
If he still has a bit too much space, even in this small room, you can use a puppy gate or exercise pen to block his access to part of the room.
Many exercise pens have a panel with a walk - through gate that you can open and close, which is a convenient feature to have if you can get it.
If your doggie door is in a larger room, you'll need to use an exercise pen — a multi-panel gate that can be assembled to create enclosed areas of different shapes and sizes — to make an enclosure of the proper size just inside the dog door.
If you have carpet, put down a piece of linoleum floor loose on top of the carpet and the exercise pen on top of that.
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