Sentences with phrase «exhalation from»

Carbon dioxide is primarily generated by exhalation from people inside the building, according to the EPA.
Extend arms out to 60 degrees, cup hands, and take 100 swift exhalations from your belly out your nostrils like you're blowing out a candle with your nose; let this clear your sinuses and your respiratory system, and most importantly, your busy mind.
Make sure that when you do each posture, you're focusing on taking deep inhalations and exhalations from your lower belly.

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And the longer he fought, the more he felt an increase of strength going out from him to balance the strength of the tempest, and from the tempest there came forth in return a new exhalation which flowed like fire into his veins.
It streams up from it like an exhalation.
You can find anything from brief blasts or exhalations of adoration («love!»)
Goose bumps, shivering, extensor movements of the arms, rapid flexion of the elbows, elevation of the arms above the bed, crossing of the hands, reaching of the hands toward the neck, forced exhalation, and thoracic respiratory - like movements... These complex sequential movements are felt to be release phenomena from the spinal cord including the upper cervical cord and do not [emphasis author's] mean that the patient is no longer brain dead.»
The astronauts» recycled drinking water came from urine, sweat and exhalations.
From a comfortable seated position, I would breathe deeply and laterally, then start voicing «ha» on an exhalation for a count of five to ten breaths out or as many as I could do.
Every exhalation coming from acceptance blows attachments away.
Continue to pause briefly after the exhalations and sense a residual internal lift from Uddiyana Bandha.
To release from the pose, on exhalation bend your knees and come down to the floor into Childs Pose.
To release from this pose, on exhalation bring your gaze back to the floor (if its not already), lower the left leg back down to the floor and return to Warrior II.
On exhalation, lengthen the Tailbone, lifting your hips back and away from you, pressing the body back into an upside down v.
From Full Boat Pose, clasp your hands on the back of your head and, with an exhalation, lower the legs slightly.
N99CV Vogmasks are printed microfiber outer layer, N99 particle filtering media, carbon filter, and one exhalation valve for facilitating exit of moisture and CO2 from the interior of the mask.
N99 and N99C2V Organic Vogmasks are solid color dyed outer layer organic cotton, N99 particle filtering media, carbon filter, and (N99C2V) two exhalation valves for facilitating exit of moisture and CO2 from the interior of the mask.
Bringing your full attention to keeping your inhalations and exhalations the same length occupies your mind, giving it a much need break from its usual hum of activity.
But most of us walk around the world breathing unconsciously, unaware of the cyclical nature of the inhalations and exhalations that bring us from dawn'til dusk.
The spine, when extended in the second stage of the Namaskara - the Standing Forward Fold, connects with the pranic flow of energy in the inhale, and releases in the exhalation which follows from a correlating deepened fold in the posture.
Your exhalation expels those toxins from your lungs.
With each exhalation gently deepen your side stretch, allowing the right hand to move down the right leg toward the ankle and the left palm to stretch away from the left hip.
Roll up with an exhalation, rest your feet on the seat (and check to see that you are neither too close nor too far from the chair), then lift into Salamba Sarvangasana first before moving into Halasana.
Take a breath and, with an exhalation, press your palms and lift your left leg and both buttocks from the floor.
Pranayama (from prana and ayama, «life / breath extension»): breath control, the fourth limb (anga) of Patanjali's eigthfold path, consisting of conscious inhalation (puraka) retention (kumbhaka) and exhalation (recaka); at an advanced state, breath retention occurs spontaneously for longer periods of time
Start lifting your knees away from the floor with your hands spread in fan on the ground, keeping in synchrony with an exhalation.
Upon exhalation; uplift your torso, chest, and arms away from the floor.
When moving in - out of the pose: On the Exhalation progressively contract your abdomen from the pubic bone toward the navel; on the Inhale gradually release the contraction form the navel to the pubic bone.
When holding the pose: On the Exhalation progressively contract your abdomen from the pubic bone toward the navel and release it only partially on the Inhalation to maintain support.
Upon exhalation; compress your hands in the floor and use your abdominal muscles to lift your legs and posterior away from the ground.
«The organs and systems involved in the elimination of toxins from the body include the kidneys via urine, the intestines via feces, the skin via sweat and the lungs via exhalation and expectoration.
On the inhalation, feel the shoulder blades slightly lift away from the body, and on an exhalation, feel the shoulder blades drop back in to the body.
On an exhalation, slowly release from the pose and relax for a few breaths by bringing the forehead down to the floor.
From Plank Pose, begin by lowering your knees to the floor and then, with an exhalation, lower your sternum to within an inch or two above the floor.
If working With, not against gravity through the spinal roll — meaning an extra deep bend to the knee and deep push into the feet while simultaneously engaging from the lower pelvic abdominal muscles through an exhalation — then it does become possible to easily and correctly set the natural curvature of the spine, without risk of anterior disk compression through a spinal roll.
On an exhalation press your feet into the floor and your thighs against the wall more firmly, tilt the top rim of your pelvis away from the wall, press your hands down, lift your chest as high as you can, and let your head hang completely back.
If what you're getting is a stitch in your right side, it comes from compression of the liver and results from the timing of your footfalls — the right foot hitting the ground during an exhalation.
To unite prana and apana, we would focus on the SYMBOLIC downward movement of the breath on the inhalation (nose — throat — chest — belly), facilitated by intentional muscular contraction, and SYMBOLIC upward movement of the breath on the exhalation (using progressive abdominal contraction from the pubic bone toward the navel and then compressing the rib cage).
With another exhalation, lean the torso forward from the groins over the right leg.
From early scenes of a guard, outside in winter, smoking a cigarette, and hearing exhalation, to the rancor in multiple scenes of violence, McQueen uses synaesthesia better than just about any other film director around.
I was also captivated by the narrative of a single performer / character in the opera, Die Frau, and her subconscious states she experiences from love, hate, exhalation, fear, horror, anguish, lamentation.
This show may not offer any big new revelations about the nature of the circle, but it brings together a magnificent, occasionally mad cornucopia of rounded works, from the London Underground sign from Oval station to magical pieces of Zen Buddhist calligraphy, created during a single exhalation of breath; from Marcel Duchamp's Anaemic Cinema, a whirling «psychedelic» animated film from 1925, to Chicago artist Theaster Gates's A Complicated Relationship between Heaven and Earth, in which a stuffed goat on a tricycle, originally used in Masonic ceremonies, runs noisily round a circular railway track.
Ayoung Kim, Zepheth, Whale Oil from the Hanging Gardens to You, Shell 3, 2015 Richard Ibghy & Marilou Lemmens, Each Number Equals One Inhalation and One Exhalation, 2016 - ongoing
Each orb was formed from a single exhalation of the glass - blower, making each a fragile representation of the act of breathing, drawing a strong relationship to the body and via this, generating a performative self - awareness in relation to the work physically in the visitor as they tread delicately through the gallery.
exhalation of CH4 via crustal fractures emission of CH4 from Archaean cratonic areas, 5.
As soon as its length is assessed (from the beginning) the exhalation which accompanies the mental reading of it is roughly matched to its expected duration.
-- it's not a pollutant, it's a product of every living creature's breathing, it's the product of all plant respiration, it is essential for plant life and photosynthesis, it's a product of all industrial burning, it's a product of driving — I mean, if you ever wanted a leverage point to control everything from exhalation to driving, this would be a dream.
Finally, and most importantly, the exhalations of humans and animals are biogenic, meaning that they are essentially «carbon neutral» (unlike the emissions from burning gasoline).
Tabulate the CO2 exhalation rates over the last 15,000 years from (i) terrestrial and submarine volcanism (including maars, gas vents, geysers and springs) and calc - silicate mineral formation, and (ii) CH4 oxidation to CO2 derived from CH4 exhalation by terrestrial and submarine volcanism, natural hydrocarbon leakage from sediments and sedimentary rocks, methane hydrates, soils, microbiological decay of plant material, arthropods, ruminants and terrestrial methanogenic bacteria to a depth of 4 km.
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