Sentences with phrase «exhalation in»

Excess fat in the abdominal area can impede inhalation and exhalation in extreme cases, Castriotta says, so maintaining a healthy weight is important, too.
They developed a device that sits on or over a dolphin's blowhole and collects and condenses exhalations in a chilled chamber.

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And the longer he fought, the more he felt an increase of strength going out from him to balance the strength of the tempest, and from the tempest there came forth in return a new exhalation which flowed like fire into his veins.
Pull in your abdomen as far as possible to help the exhalation.
Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanza are next, culminating in New Years and a major exhalation onto a sofa with a good book.
Take three breaths in and three out, extending longer on the exhalation.
Although at this time, lung surfactants, which aid in lung expansion after the birth of the baby, is already present, the lungs are still very immature to function properly like sending out oxygen to the bloodstream during inhalation and releasing carbon dioxide during exhalation.
Herr has tested the leg at the state - of - the - art Gait Laboratory in MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence building, donning a mask that measures his oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide exhalation to calculate how many calories he is burning.
The investigators designed and built two prototype systems: in one the NO generator is a separate «offline» system continually generating gas that is delivered into a ventilation system via tubing; the second «inline» system is incorporated into the ventilation system in a way that synchronizes the generation of NO during inhalation with the pulsed delivery of oxygen and other gases to be inhaled, reducing the NO that would be lost during exhalation.
One such insect, the sap - sucking aphid (a common pest in gardens), has an effective escape plan, though: the bugs detect an approaching herbivore's breath and simply drop off the plant before it's eaten.Researchers at the University of Haifa at Oranim, Israel first noticed this phenomenon when they allowed a goat to feed on aphid - infested alfalfa plants — 65 percent of the plant pests simultaneously dropped to the ground just before the vegetation was devoured.The team suspected that several cues might have motivated the mass dropping, including the sudden shadow cast by the goat, plant - shaking triggered by the munching marauder and / or the herbivore's exhalations.
Wheezes occur during exhalation and imply obstruction of the smaller airways that are in the lungs themselves.
Using genetic tools to activate these two neuron types with light, the scientists found that stimulating one neuron type caused mice to stop breathing completely, trapping them in a state of exhalation.
Moreover, when the specialist listens to lung and heart sounds for signs of decreased function and observes the motions of the chest, throat and other relevant body parts, the inhalations and exhalations resemble frequent deep sighing breaths rather than the wheezes common in asthmatics.
While the small conducting airways less than 2 mm in diameter are the major site of resistance to airflow in COPD, collapse greater than 50 percent of the larger central airway during exhalation has been hypothesized to cause additional airflow obstruction and respiratory morbidity.
A group of neuronal cells in the brain stem, which coordinate exhalation and tension of muscles in the larynx is essential for this process.
Using a simple, homemade respirometer, Devon was able to evaluate the amount of CO2 in a person's exhalations by seeing how long it took an indicator to change colors (in response to the presence of CO2).
In fact, Tamir notes that the exhalation will often be deeper than the inhalation.
Put your child and yourself in a time out, and focus on lengthening your inhalations and exhalations.
Five even inhalations and exhalations for every pose keep me in close touch with my breath.
With each exhalation, you should be able to feel a marked difference in your stress levels.
On your fifth exhalation remain in the forward bend, breathing as fully as you can.
Then, on your fifth exhalation remain in the pose, breathing as deeply as you can.
Mercury levels in the blood, urine, and breath at exhalation increased in proportion to the number of silver fillings each study participant had.
On your exhalations hollow the belly back and draw the tailbone in.
Breathe in as you stand up, then root your legs into the earth with a solid exhalation.
On exhalations stretch the left leg out in front as much as you can and keep the hips forward and square.
On exhalation bend your knees in to a squatting position, (make sure your knees are above the ankles and pressing back).
On your inhalations, find length in the spine; on your exhalations, turn deeper.
She then began training Canadian clients and physiotherapists in hypopressive technique — a series of flexed postures and movements, breaths, held exhalations and rib cage expansions.
Exercises in breath control, such as breath retention and deliberate methods inhalation and exhalation for specific mental and physical benefits are at the core of pranayama practice.
With your next inhalation extend your left leg out in front of you, opening it to the left on an exhalation.
So, continue to curl the upper back into a spinal wheel with each inhalation and draw the belly in and up with each exhalation.
Breathe with your mouth closed, keeping a 1:1 ratio between your inhalations and exhalations with a steady whisper in the base of the throat.
• Take 3 deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth, feeling stress exit your body with each exhalation.
Inhale and create space in your torso, and on an exhalation bend your left knee to a 90 - degree angle, left thigh parallel to the floor, with the knee over the ankle and in line with the second toe.
With each exhalation, we get rid of carbon dioxide and other toxins in the human body.
The spine, when extended in the second stage of the Namaskara - the Standing Forward Fold, connects with the pranic flow of energy in the inhale, and releases in the exhalation which follows from a correlating deepened fold in the posture.
After the next deep breath intakes, exhale forcefully through the nose for 15 - 30 times and, actively draw your belly in with each energetic exhalation.
To help myself relax deeper into the pose while maintaining a clear focus, I elongate my exhalations, breathing in on a count of four and exhaling on a count of eight.
The second practice in the Ashtanga sequence combines the retentions learned in the first sequence into each breath cycle, so that the breath is held after both the inhalation and the exhalation.
With a full exhalation, sweep the arm behind your torso and tuck the forearm in the hollow of your lower back, parallel to your waist, with the left elbow against the left side of your torso.
Once students get a feel for this fast - paced breath, with the belly swelling on the inhalation and pressing back in toward the spine on the exhalation, Khalsa instructs them to close the mouth and continue this breath through the nose.
Take several breaths here, feeling the release of any tension in the throat, shoulders, and chest with each exhalation.
At the end of the exhalation, step the right leg forward and plant it 4 feet directly in front of the left foot, with the heels aligned.
In focused breathing exercises, the emphasis is on the exhalation.
And there's a whole sustainable process there, where when protein is digested, acids are buffered by these bicarbonate ions that are made by the kidneys, and that reaction produces carbon dioxide, which is an acid, and the carbon dioxide is exhaled by the lungs, which is, by the way, the biggest source of acid elimination in the body by far, that exhalation of carbon dioxide, and it happens very quickly.
In normal breathing, the rib cage expands and the sternum elevates during inhalation; the ribs and sternum descend and settle during exhalation.
Including a sound with the exhalation can help to slow down the exhalation, creating the desired ratio of in and out breath.
Start lifting your knees away from the floor with your hands spread in fan on the ground, keeping in synchrony with an exhalation.
Maybe that's why the most effective practice for constipation in viniyoga therapy is twisting and bending forward on hold after the exhalation.
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