Sentences with phrase «exhibition statement»

Includes: essays, images, artist statement, artworks in the exhibition
CROW VALLEY JFG EXHIBITION STATEMENT: Last summer, I was awarded a residency based in Briant, a small village located in the Brionnais region of France.
read the full exhibition statement here >> see photos from the open reception here >>
In a group show, the curator governs the philosophy of the exhibition statement, and then presents the work that ultimately guides his or her point of view.
The book, which places strong emphasis on the written word, contains newly commissioned texts by Robert Storr and Miwon Kwon, an introduction by Susan Cahill and an extended conversation with fellow artist Tim Rollins, as well as significant critical essays, exhibition statements, transcripts from lectures, personal correspondence, and writings that influenced Gonzalez - Torres and his work.
Group Material created 45 projects during its period of activities (1979 — 1996), each represented though installation photography and information from original proposals, exhibition statements, press releases, responses, etc..
The exhibition statement is prefaced by the following text by the artist, evocative of her poetic forms and recalling the centrality of ritual dance to her practice:
As the artist makes clear in her exhibition statement: «I work from the simple assumption that the collective story of my little piece of geography with its many inhabitants shares fundamental similarities to other closely observed locations.
The exhibition statement is -LSB-...]
attempts to recuperate a sense of the radicality of Duchamp's gesture and to update dialogues around the notion of the readymade, thinking of them less as static objects than as active processes of articulating thought,» according to the exhibition statement.
The aim of Against Nature,» Carroll writes, «is to pair historical works of geometric abstraction alongside new works by recent upstarts... The artwork, according to the exhibition statement,»em braces a formulaic approach to painting characterized by meticulously arranged, spatially compressed compositions meant to supplant the perceived spontaneity of gestural painting.»
These works were not necessarily selected to support an exhibition statement or thesis but rather were selected as works that celebrate photography in its various genres and approach to materiality and form.
In his exhibition statement, Johnson explained his interest in the cultural tensions surrounding that historic fight, «In the 1970s, a lot of contradictory symbols and signifiers were occupying the same space in national consciousness.»
For their exhibition statement, the students wrote:
«My painting begins with a hunch, no plan, no theory, just a feeling to make a shape,» Hammersley explained in a 2003 exhibition statement.
The exhibition statement is a quote from Picasso: «When you start with a portrait and search for a pure form, a clear volume, through successive eliminations, you arrive inevitably at the egg, Likewise, starting with the egg and following the same process in reverse, one finishes with the portrait.»
Accompanying this work is a survey, which acts as an exhibition statement and a means of researching the conceptual nature of the work.
That tension unfortunately gets overloaded with pressure from claims within the exhibition statement, which compare the sculptures to computer hard drives containing informational aspects of image in the digital age.
«When examining the group of sculpture assembled here, one is struck by their dissimilarity, but what does unite the group is the seemingly limitless exploration of ideas, materials, and methods of working,» Strassfield wrote in an exhibition statement.
The exhibition statement makes an oddly obvious observation, pointing out that «the snake lacks the cognitive capacity to make a good portrait.»
Hales London New York is pleased to announce the inclusion of Trenton Doyle Hancock's 2006 work Beacon in the Museum of Fine Art Houston's exhibition Statements: African American Art from the Museum's Collection, which runs until 25th September 2016.
Helmut Schweizer GALERIE RUPERT PFAB The exhibition statement for Helmut Schweizer's «Melancolia.
Says Templeton in her exhibition statement: «I see my own struggles, disappointments and bravery in these girls.»
«In philosophy, systems theory, science, and art, emergence is the way complex systems and patterns arise out of a multiplicity of relatively simple interactions,» they write in the exhibition statement.
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