Sentences with phrase «exiled prince»

Not only will «The Exiled Prince» DLC Pa...
Everything in The Exiled Prince has meaning.
With its unique take on the most unexpected of stories, innovations to the hidden object genre, and the sinister atmosphere it oozes, not owning is as terrible a curse as the one placed upon the exiled prince himself.
If you enjoy fairy tales, or more accurately enjoy watching them get twisted up, then Dark Parables: The Exiled Prince is the right game for you.
The Exiled Prince is the first downloadable content that players can expect right when they pick up the game.
Gain the prince's allegiance as part of The Exiled Prince downloadable pack included in the BioWare Signature Edition, or available separately for $ 7 or 560 Microsoft Points.
The story is the stuff of silly drawing room farce: A lovestruck princess infiltrates a secluded villa disguised as a man, for the purpose of gaining access to an exiled prince who is the rightful heir to her homeland's throne.
The only reason she is probably alive is because she is the daughter of a now - exiled prince.

Not exact matches

38 - 39.5 Many years after Israel has returned from exile, a great army from many nations will be assembled under the leadership of a prince named Gog.
When the political confrontation failed to generate a social revolution, Carmichael deserted his constituents and went into exile as a prince across the water in the Marxist totalitarian state of Guinea.
The emails would say that they were an exiled Nigerian prince that was forced to flee out of his home country.
OPENING THIS WEEK Kam's Kapsules: Weekly Previews That Make Choosing a Film Fun by Kam Williams For movies opening March 30, 2012 BIG BUDGET FILMS Mirror Mirror (PG for action and mild crude humor) Overhaul of beloved classic fairytale has exiled Snow White (Lily Collins) returning to the kingdom to wrest both the throne and a handsome prince (Armie Hammer) from the clutches of the evil queen (Julia Roberts) with the help of seven dwarfs.
Along the way, they ally with aeronaut Lee Scoresby (a perfectly cast Sam Elliott), with his hare daemon Hester (voice of Kathy Bates), witch Serafina Pekkala (Eva Green), and Iorek Byrnison (voice of Ian McKellen), a former prince of the ice bears now in exile and forced to work for whiskey after the townsfolk tricked him out of his armor.
Another actor to win Oscar in his one and only try, Charlton Heston delivered a performance for the ages in William Wyler's classic historical epic as the titular Judah Ben - Hur, a former prince exiled to slavery by a former childhood friend (Stephen Boyd) turned Roman tribune.
The Happy Prince Rupert Everett directs and stars in this biopic of Oscar Wilde near the end of his life, as controversy, exile, and excess drive him to the brink.
Ritchie also covers Arthur's (Charlie Hunnam) backstory mostly in dizzying montage, quickly establishing his uncle Vortigern's (Jude Law) betrayal of King Uther Pendragon (Eric Bana) before whipping through the orphaned prince's exiled upbringing in a brothel.
Zeus wisely declined to be judge of this beauty contest but recommended Paris, prince of Troy, who had been exiled as a shepherd to Mount Ida because his father, King Priam, had received an oracle that his son would one day be the ruin of Troy.
Patroclus, an awkward young prince, has been exiled to the kingdom of Phthia to be raised in the shadow of King Peleus and his golden son, Achilles.
Genre: Historical Romanc, An Exiled Princess, A Brazen Prince.
Sigwulf, a Saxon prince exiled to the court of Carolus, King of the Franks, is summoned by the royal advisor Alcuin of York.
The Kecak Fire Dance synopsis goes that Sri Rama, the prince of the Ayodya kingdom was sent into exile by his father King Dasaratha following an eviltrick by hisstepmother Kaikeyi.
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[3] In 1989 he left South Africa and lived for a brief period in exile in the United Kingdom and New York where he worked as an assistant to artist Richard Prince.
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