Sentences with phrase «exist as society»

It is a conclusion which is not intended to, and should not, be seen as meaning that the Larrakia people do not presently exist as a society in the Darwin area with a structure of rules and practices directing their affairs.
The applicants» case was that the Noongar people continued to exist as a society, although in a changed form, and to apply, as between themselves, the traditional landholding rules.
It is clear that segregation and pain still exist as society links physical features or cultural traditions with societal.
[44] The society still exists as the Society of Designer Craftsmen.
However, Justice Mansfield found that the Larrakia people «clearly» existed as a society in the Darwin area with a structure of rules and practices directing their affairs.

Not exact matches

And therefore, existing solely to please shareholders will not — as Friedman argued — benefit other stakeholders, such as employees, consumers, and society as a whole.
Addressing inequality is about society working together to preserve or create access to opportunities as a means of rectifying existing and inherent inequalities.
We need to make sure that as a society we're teaching young people the skills they need to exist in this new society: skills that help us become self - starting, entrepreneurial and literate in digital technology.
It is a fresh manifestation that, as the writer G.K. Chesterton warned, «A big society exists in order to form cliques.
Titov, who is reportedly a friend of Putin's as well as a «part of the Kremlin establishment,» seconded the president's fervor and opined that there exists «a need for change in [Russian] society» that may be addressed, at least in part, through the «development of the blockchain, cryptocurrencies, IT spheres.»
«He's an egomaniac devoid of all moral sense» ---- said the society woman dressing for a charity bazaar, who dared not contemplate what means of self - expression would be left to her and how she would impose her ostentation on her friends, if charity were not the all - excusing virtue ---- said the social worker who had found no aim in life and could generate no aim from within the sterility of his soul, but basked in virtue and held an unearned respect from all, by grace of his fingers on the wounds of others ---- said the novelist who had nothing to say if the subject of service and sacrifice were to be taken away from him, who sobbed in the hearing of attentive thousands that he loved them and loved them and would they please love him a little in return ---- said the lady columnist who had just bought a country mansion because she wrote so tenderly about the little people ---- said all the little people who wanted to hear of love, the great love, the unfastidious love, the love that embraced everything, forgave everything, and permitted everything ---- said every second - hander who could not exist except as a leech on the souls of others.»
If more people practiced homosexuality, we would cease to exist as certain levels of population need to happen in order for a society to survive.
It was the Burkean conservatives, such as Daniel Webster, who retorted that slavery was far too deeply embedded in society's fabric to uproot» hadn't it existed since the beginning of civilization?
We can live without your «holy books» but we can not exist as the USA without our Constltution and the protections and framework it gives us as a society.
This notion ignores overwhelming evidence that etiquette exists in primitive societies as much as — and often in more rigid forms than — in industrialized societies.
you guys have to understand, we as followers of christ (not christians) it is our job to tell you (society) that god exist and that he loves us and is willing to forgive us for the f @ # $ up things we do to each other daily, not prove he exist, b / c he sent prophets through out the ages to do that, some listen (hebrews, muslims) some didn't (pagans, atheis, new agers), then you have those who have had their souls violated (gays) who feel lost and confused.
In each case he was battling against the forces seeking to overturn the existing moral order so as to usher in a more perfect and more just society.
And as in all things there exist extremes, and in society like these they are called fundamentalists.
Just as no society exists in isolation from its environment, so also the Church always finds itself temporally and spatially in the wider context of the world and essentially inter-related with it.
As Scaperlanda notes, Chip appears to argue that the United States should curtail immigration because of the burdens that existing immigrant flows place on society.
First, they can exist as a nonviolent group only thanks to the order and productiveness (which is to say, the violence), of that society.
As E.E.Y. Hales has succinctly pointed out in his Pio Nono: First Modern Pope, Dupanloup posited the thesis and the antithesis of the propositions» the former referring to the ideal of the true society, the latter to what is possible and just in the existing state of society.
Equations from God: Pure Mathematics and Victorian Faith by Daniel J. Cohen Johns Hopkins University Press, 256 pages, $ 50 It is tempting to treat mathematics as though it existed in a socio - historical vacuum, unaffected by what happens to people and societies.
It is an exploration of the sexual mores of contemporary American society, either as they actually exist or as they are being....
Since matters of faith can not and should not be legislated, irreligion and idolatry as well as all forms of religion have a right to exist in democratic society.
But, for now, political society exists as «a moment in parentheses,» and its structure is trinitarian in character.
Again there is a wide range between the maximal identity of religion and other activities such as prevail in primitive societies and the tension we find existing on more advanced levels of cultural and religious development.
At face value, these items seem to punctuate the argument in favor of Christian Privilege existing as a visible, tangible construct in American society.
John Cobb tells us that if coercion is defined as the unilateral imposition of one's desires on another, then «no society can exist without some measure of coercion» (PTT 106).
Communities may exist as cooperative societies made up of essentially independent and self - reliant members who share common concerns.
«15 The result is a «conception of organism, of societies of entities feeling each other, compounded of each other's feelings, -LRB-(which)-RRB- is Whitehead's primary achievement... «1 6So «God is the compound individual who at all times has embraced or will embrace the fullness of all other individuals as existing at those times.
Today they are certainly much greater than in former times, when a pluralistic society such as we have now did not and could not exist.
That is why I call for a thoroughgoing transformation of society as a whole, and not for the mere reform of existing institutions.
O but no there wouldnt be, most of you hide from society, not for fear that you will be judged, but just that simple fact, that you got about as much proof nothing exist beyond this place, as I do that there is!
No such society as the second could ever exist.
As a totality existing in its own right, of course, the society in question may be part of a still greater society or more complex field of activity.
The state is the climactic moment in Hegel's philosophy of objective Spirit and his Philosophy of Right.14 Rationality and freedom both achieve their peak within the concrete structures of human society in the state, which exists as a result of the actions of individual finite spirits and is in virtue of this the result of the movement of the Spirit in history.
The poor do not exist as a problem to be solved, or to provoke the guilt of the rich, or to provide a rationale for Great Society, welfare - state legislation.
Jefferson in his many words is todays paul by basically testifying to a lost society by preaching «The heart «that is what God wants not the shell which will rott away.I can stand with this truth until the day I die because I also have had disagreements in my church about this same topic.I dispise religion and encourage salvation which come from having a relationship with Jesus.Many may ask how do i have a relationship with him?by simply asking God through prayer, not what we know as pray but simply given up and telling God he win.That is what being righteous means saying «lord your're right and i will believe and obey that.Last i will like to thank jefferson for this clip, becuase for so long I have been feeling like todays churches in not like the first churches.They are stuck into their four cornered walls preaching to those who already obtain the word and people who already think they are perfect, but what about the weak and the sinners who we are suppose to love, go after, preach to, help and deliver the same way as Christ camed for the sinners so do we also be like him.Jefferson basically telling all us young people and old no matter who have suffered in the world, the church, or no matter what party or the past that there is hope and «God wants that person» not the sin but the person.Jefferson wants us to know that God can become personal with us and we do exist or can exist in the christian world not because we are perfect but because «he is perfect and he saw our broken spirits and rescued us!
The Kingdom of God is a reality here and now, but can be perfect only in the eternal order... The primary principle of Christian Ethics and Christian Politics must be respect for every person simply as a person... The person is primary, not the society; the State exists for the citizen, not the citizen for the State... freedom is the goal of politics... Freedom, Fellowship, Service — these are the three principles of a Christian social order, derived from the more fundamental Christian postulates that Man is a child of God and is destined for a life of eternal fellowship with Him... Love... finds its primary expression through Justice — which in the field of industrial disputes means in practice that each side should state its own case as strongly as possibly it can before the most impartial tribunal available...
As a child of the American dream, I have often felt society's pressure to «climb the ladder,» nab my dream job (if such a thing even exists) and buy into the white - picket fence dream.
I am glad and sympathized to see the relatives of jailed prisoners but I am not happy to see our Muslims old and young men or women with the signs of «V» for victory which is not our Muslim character and to my mind we Muslims have to create or already exist in Muslim society what we are not realizing to replace the «V «sign as RED CROSS into CRESCENT MOON for Muslims character.
The difficulty is that moral education, as it is presently configured and institutionalized, is utterly captive to the society in which it exists.
«Religion,» as W. Robertson Smith puts it, «did not exist for the saving of souls but for the preservation and welfare of society, and in all that was necessary to this end every man had to take his part, or break with the domestic and political community to which he belonged.»
Accepting with Schleiermacher that a professional school exists to prepare an «indispensable leadership,» Niebuhr assumes with Kelly and Brown that this is a leadership indispensable to the church but not, as Schleiermacher had it, to society as a whole.
What The New York Times calls the «blame Woodstock» explanation for the rise of clerical sex abuse cases in the Seventies, despite the paper's evident scepticism, can not be entirely discounted, since as the researchers of the John Jay College (hereafter JJC) pointed out in their latest report, «the sexual abuse of minors is a pervasive problem in society and in organisations that involve close relationships between youth and adults... No exact measure exists for the number of youths who have contact with priests in the Catholic Church in a year... [but] despite the media focus on child sexual abuse by Catholic priests, it is clear that these abuse acts are a small percentage of all child sexual abuse incidents in the United States.»
the Jewish / Roman historian Josephus (who is the basis for MUCH of the knowlege we have of society at that time) DOES refer to Jesus as a person who existed in his time.
I am a passionate Darwinian in explaining why we exist,... but if we lived our lives in a Darwinian way, that would be a very unpleasant society in which to live... One of the reasons for learning about Darwinian evolution is as an object lesson in how not to set up our values and our social lives».
Not one word in it begins tosuggest that this is a problem which exists in society at large: on the contrary, child abuse appears to be considered as a specifically Catholic problem.
The only thing that can explain how the church clung to this strange alliance for so long is the history of bitterness of the first seventy years of the Kingdom of Italy and the fact that the church was at last coming into its own, legally recognized as a central institution of society instead of existing in some limbo of marginal toleration and occasional minor persecution, that and the fact that the church was, for many people and in many areas, embedded in and serving the interests of the particularistic groups and their essentially pre-Christian group loyalties that regarded Mussolini as their savior.
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