Sentences with phrase «existence of alien»

Throughout this he, along with writers John Logan and Dante Harper, explore new territory with the creation and existence of the alien species as well as the possibility of androids outsmarting humans.
So one central argument against the existence of alien life — the «rare Earth» argument that environments to host it must be rare — has been more or less disproven.
MOFFET FIELD, CALIFORNIA — NASA's Kepler space telescope appears to have confirmed the existence of an alien world smaller than our own Earth — the first time such a planet has been discovered around a star like our sun.
As humans have learned about the size of the cosmos (and our not - so - central place in it), we have grappled with weighing our specialness against the possible existence of alien beings on other worlds.
«We're taking everything we can get from our Kepler colleagues to look for techno - signatures» that might betray the existence of an alien civilization, she says.
Once focused mainly on detecting radio signals from extraterrestrial civilizations, the institute now employs scientists studying many factors important for the existence of alien life — from Kepler team members who are detecting and characterizing exoplanetary systems, to astrobiologists searching for life in the most extreme environments on Earth and in the solar system's exotic nooks and crannies.
So people shouldn't believe we would ever jump to advocating the existence of aliens or an alien craft at AREA 51.
I mean, at least there are shreds of evidence to support the existence of aliens and bigfoot...
This is the same guy, incidentally, who is on record as saying he's convinced of the existence of aliens...
If it is so obvious, why did someone as leanred as Francis Crick feel compelled to posit the existence of aliens?
Just like how people saying «I've been abducted by a UFO» is insufficent to establish the existence of aliens.
I waffle around the idea that Scott could damper this by trying to explain the theories and existence of the aliens in his universe.
These 1 - 3 minute shorts profile Aaron Eckhart's character, lead military advisor Jim Dever, incorporating aliens into the camera movement, the fake Marines» camaraderie, Michelle Rodriguez's character, practical aliens used on set, a gas station explosion, alien visual effects, the existence of aliens, and alien ship design.
The Webb brothers showed up to talk to us about the NBA playoffs, some video game news, and the existence of aliens.

Not exact matches

Even if we were created by aliens it still doesn't explain the existence of the universe.
Unless you also question the existence of: alien abductors, ghosts, leprechauns, mermaids, purple spotted unicorns, and the flying spaghetti monster.
Would a race of humanoid aliens not be enough evidence though at the existence of God (that is, if they were preaching a similar gospel of course).
Unless these aliens brought some kind of evidence for their religion and the existence of their deity, such as a demonstration of the power of their form prayer, I really have to much to rethink.
Although the proper attribution of necessary existence to God does not show that God exists (unless we are prepared to allow that reality must have some significant correspondence to what is presupposed in our attempt to find ultimate meaning in reality — an assumption which, as I have suggested, may not be easy to justify but is probably impossible to avoid in such metaphysical thought), it does show that God is either the ground of and compatible with all that is and all that is actually possible or is totally alien to all reality.
So the «subjective turn» is a refusal of ecstatic existence, a stepping back from the world, in preparation for its domination by a now alien will and mind.
All of this may sound absurd to those for whom the theological singularity of Jewish existence and Torah is an intellectual formula rather than a vivid, pervasive experience; and this kind of modesty is alien to a compulsively talkative culture that sees reticence as an obstacle to be overcome.
Suffering and mystery, to which Feuerbach attributed the existence of religion, are now seen more precisely as the sorrows brought about by enforced, unreasonable, incomprehensible and alien conditions of life (social structure).
As the presence of Christ in this world, then, can the church — his body — strive for an existence alien to the way of its incarnate Lord?
If I were an alien who knew of earths existence I wouldnt contact them till they had stopped going to war over whos imaginary diety was the best, no need to infect any more planets with our selfish ignorance.
To get at them you must go behind the foreground of existence and reach down to that curious sense of the whole residual cosmos as an everlasting presence, intimate or alien, terrible or amusing, lovable or odious, which in some degree every one possesses.
By emphasizing the temporality implied in the concept of paroikia the New Testament conveyed the alien nature of parish in its larger setting and the sojourning of Christian groups in the world.13 By patristic times, however, the spatial aspect of paroikia also proved useful because it designated the prolonged physical existence of Christian community in the world.
It didn't, because there is no evidence for the existence of any supernatural claim: ghosts, demons, aliens, spirits, angels, or gods.
By assuming the inevitability of intelligent aliens, Gingerich explains, «they accept the existence of design principles that make life resembling our own a natural feature of the cosmos.»
The concept of the redeemed soul in the midst of an unredeemed world is alien to the Jew, profoundly alien, inaccessible from the primal ground of his existence.
The physician tends to react to death exclusively as the alien intruder, whereas the pastor looks upon it as a part of the bundle of human existence — an inevitable dimension of the life process which is to be faced with realism and faith.
Indeed (to turn to the second question) it has been proposed that the story of Ruth came into existence chiefly as a genealogical narrative — to preserve or comment upon the ancestry of King David: Ruth is David's great - grandmother (4:17; it is the fuller genealogical table of 4:18 - 22 that appears alien and secondary to the original story).
Some of you reading this might not have even imagined the existence of such fathers 30 years ago, and the concept might still be alien to some.
The existence of party «clubs» might sound a little alien to people who live upstate, where they are not the norm — though some do exist, mostly in urban centers like Albany and Buffalo.
At the moment the debate talks about immigrants as if they are a «faceless bunch of aliens» and people who question their existence are «racist».
A glut of alien sci - fi films comes at a time when scientific discoveries are making the existence of life beyond Earth seem more and more plausible
An alien Kepler mission could not confirm the gas giant's existence in that amount of time, even if it caught one transit.
Because ozone is largely dependent on the existence of organisms to form, Webb will look for it in alien atmospheres as a possible indicator of life.
Since then, he has dedicated his career to trying to find a sign — any sign — that can be explained only by the existence of technologically advanced alien life.
Incidentally, the alien illustration on the side of Bigelow Aerospace's Las Vegas headquarters is a result of the founder's fascination with aliens and their existence.
Four large, inflatable figures of green aliens, ranging from 4.5 m to 12m tall, represented the sacral objects for all the aliens and the Burners who believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life, and who worship alien civilizations.
When the existence of this newfound paradise is threatened, Picard faces a daunting decision - in order to protect the lives of the inhabitants of this alien world, he must commit treason and take up arms against the Federation itself.
It's beside the point to reveal whether or not we actually see any aliens in Signs because their alleged existence stands as a metaphor for a different kind of alienation, just as the title refers to a religious manifestation rather than the crop circles.
That unique mindset grounds everything: because we're focused on the basic challenges of day - to - day existence, our brains don't question that this is all taking place on an alien planet; the stunning scarlet landscapes (shot with unfussy style by Ridley Scott) are second to the mathematical athletics on display; the prospect of space travel is nothing compared to the mind - bending number of disco tunes in the possession of Chastain's guilt - ridden leader — if there's one thing Blade Runner's missing, it's Abba.
From there, there is plenty more: that aliens interact with earthlings on a regular basis but wipe the memory of anyone who may have seen them, that human beings didn't start their existence on Earth, that Earth is just a farm for a corporation, and that the heroine is the genetic reincarnation of the matriarch of a regal family, which, according to intergalactic law, makes her Queen of the Earth.
Given the widespread existence of choice and competition in K - 12 education, it is demonstrably wrong to suppose, as Forum contributor Frederick M. Hess does («The Work Ahead «-RRB-, that «Efforts to cultivate competition may thus foster a culture of schooling that is alien to our educational heritage and may create an incentive structure that distorts educational priorities.»
Suspends auxiliary or survivors benefits to aliens outside the U.S. for more than 6 consecutive calendar months unless the beneficiary had resided in the U.S. for at least 5 years and, during that period, the relationship of the beneficiary to the worker which is the basis for payment was in existence.
When it was initially announced as XCOM in 2010, The Bureau raised the ire of long time fans of the strategy series for daring to deviate from its tried and true formula and instead focusing, in its earliest forms at least, on researching and uncovering evidence of alien existence against a 1950's backdrop.
2B's constant struggle, the discovery of the true purposelessness of their own existence, the way the robots have now grown tired of fighting since the alien threat has been long dead and decide to seek various primitive attempts at finding a meaning in the world.
Combining key gameplay elements of tower - defense and first - person shooter genres, Sanctum 2 players take on the role of an elite soldier whose mission is to protect the oxygen - producing Cores from hordes of deadly aliens who are threatened by their very existence.
The game, which is Cross-Buy compatible with the PS4 version, attempts to recreate the lonely existence of exploring an alien world that Metroid mined back in the 80s.
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