Sentences with phrase «existing code»

"Existing code" refers to the programming code or software that has already been written or created and currently exists. It can be the code of a program, app, website, or any other software project that has already been developed. Full definition
They draw on existing codes of conduct for mediators and take into account issues and problems that have been identified in divorce and family mediation practice.
Adding multiplayer functionality is a challenge when there is an already existing code base, especially when that code base is someone else's.
Currently providing production support for live phases of the project, knowledge sharing and technical assistance to client staff, reviewing existing code for possible performance enhancement.
We worked within the games existing code base to implement our new designs, and added new features as the game continued to evolve.
If fur farming continues, Humane Canada insists that all fur farming must at least comply with existing codes of practice, and calls for the immediate upgrading of these codes.
Functions involved porting existing code base from an earlier product to the new hardware, add functionality, debug and test.
Windows Phones will include a Android subsystem that can run the majority of existing code from an Android app.
I like the reference to existing codes which allow manufactured housing — housing on wheels which is temporarily sited and movable!
The fact that an engineering team can easily tweak existing code to shrink a website down from a desktop format to the mobile web, means that «maintenance is naturally easier as well.»
The task of the UTZ Standards Committee task is to adopt, on the basis of information and data provided by the stakeholders, new Codes of Conduct as well as revise existing codes.
«That caused a few problems because changing existing code is obviously more difficult than developing something from scratch.»
Among its brief was the request to examine «the portrayal of violent behaviour in the mass media and entertainment industries, and to review existing codes of practice for the reporting of violent crime in the mass media.»
This technique rearranges memory when a program launches, making it harder for hackers to find and reuse existing code to take over the machine.
Officials with the mayor's office also would like to comb existing codes to find ways of «greening» them, but they caution that they will need the cooperation of the City Council to make it happen.
The project will involve performing hydrodynamical simulations to study tidal flows in spherical and ellipsoidal geometries using one or more existing codes (including Nek5000).
The 20 page document «takes the format of a European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, which can be used as a reference point for all aspects of research activities, complementing existing codes of ethics and complying with national and European legislative frameworks.»
You'll be able to experiment with new ideas, radically refactor existing code, and efficiently share changes with other developers — all without the slightest worry towards breaking your project.This comprehensive guide will walk you through the entire Git library, writing code and executing commands every step of the way.
B&N gets a CTO from another physical retailer with a shitty website and tries to patch existing code.
After a server failure in February 2009, the decision was made to quickly move the site onto the standard CBS Interactive server setup, re-using existing code and templates from other game sites.
This previous career informs his artistic practice, and much of his work has focused on the action of breaking free from disciplinary modes of being and subverting existing codes of conduct.
A seat at the table with local legislators is more likely collectively to amend existing codes (and surely a debate from well financed builder and real estate trade groups).
What we present in the appendix is based on existing code standards from other sources, such as ANSI, or it defers to the main body of the IRC.
As per existing code, it seems an escape ladder from this egress is required too?
You must be skilled in shell scripting, testing, and debugging existing code.
Enhanced existing features, maintained existing code, performed re-factoring, and conducted code review.
Together, along with other renewable - energy initiatives, they reduce overall energy costs at the school by more than 40 percent, or about $ 160,460, compared with a building that simply complies with existing codes.
BC has started to address the issue, and has published a guidance paper for how Composting toilets fit into existing code, and how it should be addressed where code doesn't sufficently cover it.
Unlike Project Islandwood, there is no need to port existing code into Visual Studio.
CIG is researching new technologies to increase their instance limits, beyond optimizing existing code.
This requires changing existing code to use the new Alexa.Discovery interface described above, updating directive processing to use the latest message formats, and implementing proactive state updates.
Provided maintenance on existing code to debug and troubleshoot faulty features, improve readability and scalability of code, and improve performance
Mr. Russell said the town's existing code from the 1970s and»80s is «very insufficient,» adding that it lacks definitions for tasting rooms and agricultural retail uses.
Realizing the risks of social media, major news organizations have created guidelines for employees regarding how to use these outlets, separate from the companies» existing codes of conduct.
IBM is contributing thousands of lines of existing code based on its research into the blockchain based on a years - long research effort.
Under bitcoin's existing code, there's a tight limit on the amount of data that can be included in a batch of transactions, and as the network has grown in popularity, that limit has slowed the processing of payments.
We were looking to be able to say, «Look, here's a specific code violation, as opposed to making the violation fit into an existing code.»»
Critics argue the plans would allow schools to bring back selection, although ministers have fiercely refuted this, insisting the existing code of practice on admissions would not change.
The prime minister was then forced to defend himself by outlining the differences between the two leaders, saying, «in this brand new consensus, we have to disagree», and insisting that the existing code of admissions would remain and there would be no return to selection.
A named official will be required to be available at all times to the police to oversee the picket including the numbers on the line, currently set at six, in an existing code of conduct.
Today, Mr. de Blasio seeks to pass a mandatory inclusionary zoning plan for the entire city, and has wedded it to a set of alterations to existing codes that would let developers build without concern for creating parking or keeping their construction in context with the area.
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