Sentences with phrase «existing constitution»

Students acting as U.N advisors to an emerging democracy analyze existing constitutions, write formal reports, and present recommendations to a panel.
It called on all the country's government, to guarantee full respect for human rights and basic freedoms, as well as for the existing Constitution.
Under our existing constitution, the final decision about Scottish independence rests with the UK Parliament, which will confer sovereignty on Scotland through a statute.
... I have asked the Cabinet Secretary to lead work to consolidate the existing unwritten, piecemeal conventions that government much of the way central government operates under our existing constitution into a single written document... And if we are to decide to have a written constitution, the time for its completion should be the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta in Runnymede in 1215.
Elsewhere on the ballot, voters did approve an amendment to the existing constitution that allows for the stripping of pensions for elected and appointed officials convicted of a felony, a move aimed at stoping corruption.
There are no circumstances under which any national law or policy could be passed in that manner under the existing constitution of the United States.
Mr Brown restated his commitment to a written constitution for the UK and said he had asked the Cabinet Secretary «to lead work to consolidate the existing unwritten, piecemeal conventions that govern much of the way central government operates under our existing constitution into a single written document».
And the lopsided change comes after several weeks of spending by labor unions and others in a coalition opposing the convention, who worry that holding one would put hard - won benefits in the existing constitution at risk.
The report, released by the Hedge Clippers group, raises concerns that in the era of unlimited super PAC spending by figures like Robert Mercer, Dan Loeb and others, a constitutional convention would be a vehicle to usher in policies that damage hard - won benefits in the existing constitution.
At their meeting on 20th April 2008, the Health Group reviewed the constitution and agreed certain amendments that, in accordance with the existing constitution, would be submitted for ratification at the AGMs of the 3 breed clubs.
Certainly I've noticed a big change in the compliance aspects of registration... the CATSI rule book is very complex particularly in the context of native title... you have to try and combine the two, and then you have to — other than explain it to people who speak English as a second language — you then have to have it all amended in accordance with your existing constitution and so on, it's actually very resource intense.
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