Sentences with phrase «existing culture»

If not, what kinds of regulatory standards could also facilitate a «low» policy that respects existing cultures, encourages critical discourse, values history and empowers even religious institutions?
This global culture need not replace existing cultures but it should provide an umbrella to cover them.
Wherever a living faith exists culture will be profoundly modified by that faith, but culture from its very nature will always include some elements which are hostile to faith.
In Japan there exists a culture of much lower pay for executives.
We practice a kind of historical make - nice in which we politely disbelieve that violent myths of the founding of culture might do exactly what they say they do, an unwillingness to admit that there exist cultures which genuinely require for their continued existence the blood of sacrificial victims to be mixed with the mortar of their buildings.
When I ask Meyer how he'll try to protect Shake Shack's existing culture as the company grows, it's clear he's not looking to a single magic formula for the chain's expansion.
Modernity, conveyed by capitalism and ideologized by neo-liberalism, has destroyed or profoundly corrupted existing cultures.
These platforms are currently being evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a tool to more effectively study the effects of potential chemical and biological hazards found in foods, cosmetics or dietary supplements than existing culture systems or animal models.
Throughout Lerner and Rowe law group exists a culture of incredibly aggressive and extremely smart personal injury attorneys who get extraordinary results for their clients.
Throughout Lerner and Rowe's law offices exists a culture of incredibly aggressive and extremely smart personal injury attorneys who get extraordinary results for their clients.
Although I was hired to help her fit in with the existing culture, it was just a bad match.
And recognition that cultural, process and procedure changes are needed to embrace learning and experimentation alongside the existing culture of execution.
Human Resources, hiring managers, and interviewers should be able to identify critical attributes that mesh well with the existing culture.
Although Alison had a neutral impact on the existing culture... the horrible PC culture persists and is incapable of change.
Kneeling, he writes, «is an expression of Christian culture, which transforms the existing culture through a new and deeper knowledge and experience of God.»
No doubt there have been and are many people who have come to America simply to transplant their existing culture onto new soil — in fact, you can make the argument that that was how America was founded in the first place.
It will not be what is now common to all existing cultures, and it certainly will not be the imposition of one existing culture's values on all.
The formation of the Roman Empire was both preceded and accompanied by another factor which facilitated the spread of Christianity — the disintegration of existing cultures.
No blueprint for the desired result can be developed in advance, but it will be possible to judge as time goes on whether in fact the best in the existing culture is being effectively integrated with the best in Western culture.
Church leadership has been defined according to the mores of existing cultures.
Some of that existing culture is culinary, and while the Saturday market only contained six small stalls, the traditional food choices were many.
That's crucial because the firm will be looking to hire someone who will easily fit in with its existing culture.
Joseph sees even more educational applications beyond this experience, derived from the existing culture of users.
But, even in a school with an existing culture, «I believe that culture can also change.
«Some schools had an existing culture of high expectations for completion of homework and, in these cases, this was an enabling factor for successful implementation.
To develop this culture for the vision that has been created, this existing culture must be identified.
Often the existing culture of the school either enables or hinders a school improvement or change initiative.
He suggests thinking about the existing culture prior to starting any change process, and «addressing the first steps of change as a conversation about excellence.»
Out of GM's clutches, they - Chinese - owned by NEVS - are at least finding a new value proposition based, again, on the original principles Saab used to create many great products, leveraging the existing culture in Sweden.
However, the museum declined any possibility of removing the piece, stating that the image is «an opportunity for a conversation» about the «continuing evolution of existing culture».
Rather than expecting individuals to come in and adapt to an existing culture they should have a role in shaping it for the better.
To that end, we can help you identify your existing culture of business development by inviting your lawyers to participate in our complementary survey tool — the Culture Xray ® — which is designed to uncover your lawyers» perceptions of your firm's strengths and weaknesses.
What adverse effects will result from seeking modifications to the existing culture for economic reasons?
Organizations» communities are defined by many factors such as existing cultures, which are often the result of decades of operation, current hiring practices, the process of integrating new people, and incentives.
This is a critical part of the analysis beyond just the «fit» because too many lateral hiring mistakes may disrupt a law firm's existing culture.
The existing culture — or even absence of an appropriate culture — must be taken into consideration.
With my experiences in building communities within workplaces, I know I can strengthen Zendeck's existing culture and attract top talent.
Smart hiring managers aren't just looking for people who can perform rote tasks; they're looking for personalities who can fit within the company's existing culture.
Impress them: This question shows you know there is more to the hiring decision than just getting the job done; you must be a good fit withing the existing culture.
Keep whittling down the list until you have three categories, which might include technical skills, soft skills and professional skills directly related to the existing culture at that organization.
Second, matching your phrasing and terminology to that of your prospective employer shows that you're a good fit for the existing culture on that farm and may create a sense of familiarity in the mind of the hiring manager.
People stay when they like their work culture, so bringing on the right «culture carriers» reinforces the existing culture of an organization.
It's also an effective way to positively build up your existing culture, as people are more likely to refer people who share a similar work ethic and who they naturally get along with.
The article paints a picture of someone intent on changing the department store chain's existing culture and taking it into the future.
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