Sentences with phrase «existing image of the world»

«Von Bismarck's work destabilizes our existing image of the world by making very minimal interventions,» said Ellen Blumenstein, chief curator of Berlin's KW Institute of Contemporary Art of the key driver behind the artist's rise.

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If a new meaning of nature has pervaded modern history, an autonomous world existing in - itself, then so likewise man himself no longer appears as the image of a transcendent Creator.
As created by God, human destiny is to exist in the image of God, a destiny visible in human «openness to the world
The philosopher - king exists totally outside of that world of images in the pure light of the sun, directly staring at unmediated truth.
Closely connected with the image of the church as the people of God is today's growing realization that the church exists not for itself but for the world.
We understand what all these images point to; if there exists the possibility of a «passage,» this can not be realized except «in spirit,» giving this term all the meanings that it has in archaic societies, i.e., referring to a disincarnated mode of being as well as the imaginary world and the world of ideas.
Austin and I created this coffee table book for the sole purpose of educating the world about the true image of dads as parents, which embodies the same kind of unconditional love, compassion and dedication that exists in moms as parents.
Having looked at thousands of images a night every night for the past twelve years (evidently facial recognition software does not exist for law enforcement in this world), Kasten, who now works as head of security for the New York Mets, believes he has found the young suspect who was never prosecuted for Carolyn's rape and homicide.
In the earlier films, particularly in Days of Heaven, the constant flow of images has very little spatial continuity, thereby making each image a discrete world existing on its own (or an emerging - abiding sway, one would say) rather than a small bit of perceptual information.
Best Friends magazine broke the mold of existing animal advocacy publications in the early 1990s with a principled policy of never using graphic images of suffering animals to make our readers feel pity and guilt, and now we've created the following TV spot with the hope that we can disrupt the sad - sack world of animal video appeals with something new, something positive and something entirely Best Friends.
This vision of isolation receives its apotheosis in A Bar at the Folies - Bergère [6], perhaps the most poignant image of alienation ever painted, a deadly serious spoof of Watteau's Gilles in completely modern «naturalist» terms, the anonymous yet concrete figure trapped between the world of tangible things and that of impalpable reflections, existing only as a way station between life and art.
Some of the work in dis / exists posit a distant scientific approach but simultaneously undermine their objectivity; others are in full pursuit of pure beauty but in such analytical fashion that they seem almost otherwordly; a few series of images do not seem to believe in the existence of the image without an intervention from the outside; and others only see the world through the image which reveals it.
In the art world, this technique is called «appropriation» and is the one of the most popular forms of image critique existing today.
By depicting this emptiness, the sculpture shows an exploration that does not turn its back to an understanding of our world, nor to an acknowledgement of the generally accepted image thereof, that exists in the labels we provide.
For many of these images, it will be the first and only time, excepting their origins in the real world, that they will exist outside the digital realm, lending the quality of uniqueness to that which is actually replicated.
In an essay on Heinecken written in 1976, abstract photographer and colleague Carl Chiarenza wrote: «He uses existing photographs... and their reproductions because they have littered the world and our minds with unlimited examples of every conceivable image of truth, beauty, banality, eroticism, brutality, pornography, consumerism, political idea, personality, idol, and ideal.
His aim in using digital technology is to heighten the image of something that already exists in the world, rather than to create fictions.
Existing somewhere between the studio and the digital, the physicality of the work is disrupted, which begs the question: where do these images exist in the world?
Long before Joseph Niepce fixed a photographic image onto a tin plate in the 1820s, there already existed devices to show an accentuated sliver of the visible world.
, «What if, instead of the Ordered World, we imaged each (human and more - than human) existent consisted not as separate forms relating through the mediation of forces but rather, as singular expressions of each and every other existent as well as of the entangled whole in / as which they exist
From early works such as Dziga Vertov's silent documentary Man with a Movie Camera (1929) through to later practitioners including Chris Marker, Harun Farocki and Chantal Akerman, there exists in the form of the essay film a continuum of attempts to understand the self - consciousness of images, and their relationship to the world in which they are made.
The image of the world can be different, the upcoming group exhibition hosted by Kettle's Yard in Cambridge will feature new and existing work by no less than 38 different artists.
The ideologies of artistic practice may motivate painters and fix their positions in the discourse of art history, but for viewers of the work itself, the painting exists as image and / or object - an image or object whose relationship to the quotidian world of perception is ambiguous and multivalent.
I throw humor in this part by establishing that the scientific agreement on climate change is as solid as these scientific agreements: Earth is round, Earth revolves around the sun, dinosaurs once existed, smoking causes cancer (I have a comical image of a 4 year old child trying to smoke a cigarette), Neil Armstrong once walked on the moon, and the Cubs never winning the World Series (I admit then that image is a mistake.
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